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Feb 9, 2024
I'm debating getting BritBox which if you don't know is a British TV service that pulls in content from all over the UK.

What are you guys watching? That might help me decide whether or not to sign up.
Just had a quick look at Britbox and would recommend

Line of duty
Playing Devil's advocate here, but isn't a great deal of the content on Britbox available for free on various catch up's that can be seen free on a smart tv or a Firestick/Roku device? For me I guess it depends upon what original content they have to offer and whether it's stuff that's likely to interest me and of course the cost of the subscription per month. I pay £4.99 per month for the basic Netflix subscription and it's excellent, similarly oh subscribes to Amazon prime so i have access to that too and it's pretty good especially for films, not all are free of course but I refuse to pay any extra, but I've seen some great stuff. I also have Apple tv, tbh I probably wouldn't bother with it alone, but I've subscribed to Apple music for years and I was offered a package including Apple Tv and Apple games for just not much more than what I was paying for the music alone. Apple tv does some brilliant music documentaries but it is the one I tune into the least.
Haven't watched the TV in years, there's plenty ond more on youtube. I do use my TV screen for watching it though.
Playing Devil's advocate here, but isn't a great deal of the content on Britbox available for free on various catch up's that can be seen free on a smart tv or a Firestick/Roku device? For me I guess it depends upon what original content they have to offer and whether it's stuff that's likely to interest me and of course the cost of the subscription per month. I pay £4.99 per month for the basic Netflix subscription and it's excellent, similarly oh subscribes to Amazon prime so i have access to that too and it's pretty good especially for films, not all are free of course but I refuse to pay any extra, but I've seen some great stuff. I also have Apple tv, tbh I probably wouldn't bother with it alone, but I've subscribed to Apple music for years and I was offered a package including Apple Tv and Apple games for just not much more than what I was paying for the music alone. Apple tv does some brilliant music documentaries but it is the one I tune into the least.
Now we've got Netflix free for 18 months with our Sky puck and tbh not seen a single thing I'd watch.
The sky puck is rubbish,anything you stream freezes,screen goes black or it jumps to another programme among other problems.
We've got to keep it for another 15 months or be charged a huge exit fee. They tried telling us it was our Internet but we've got nearly 500mbps and it's full fibre.
Playing Devil's advocate here, but isn't a great deal of the content on Britbox available for free on various catch up's that can be seen free on a smart tv or a Firestick/Roku device? For me I guess it depends upon what original content they have to offer and whether it's stuff that's likely to interest me and of course the cost of the subscription per month. I pay £4.99 per month for the basic Netflix subscription and it's excellent, similarly oh subscribes to Amazon prime so i have access to that too and it's pretty good especially for films, not all are free of course but I refuse to pay any extra, but I've seen some great stuff. I also have Apple tv, tbh I probably wouldn't bother with it alone, but I've subscribed to Apple music for years and I was offered a package including Apple Tv and Apple games for just not much more than what I was paying for the music alone. Apple tv does some brilliant music documentaries but it is the one I tune into the least.

There's a lot of older stuff on Fire TV. I watch a YouTuber who has them as a sponsor. Part of me wants to sign up with his code just to support him.

I get Paramount + through Amazon, currently waiting for Star Trek Brave New World's new season.

Started Yellow Jackets, hormones and cannibalism, high school girl's football team plan crash. Seems season 2 is crap.

Just started season 2 Doctor Death, based on a true story. I actually watched the documentary about this man. He had the putting plastic trachea and fooled so many. So decided to watch the drama version.

Apple Cider Vinegar on Netflix, drama version of a Belle Gibson who said she had brain cancer but never did and pushed the healthy eating etc to cure cancer. So many believed her.
Yesterday, watched on Netflix, Renfield.

A film about Dracula's familiar, Nicholas Houghton as Renfield and Nicolas Cage going over the top as Dracula.
It is a comedy horror. Set in modern times. Renfield spends his time in a self-help group, wanting to escape his demanding boss.

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