WEN Haircare TSV 27/4/14


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We'll I just don't get the hype, maybe I'm just cynical ( yes, I get the lack of nasties and animal testing)
I wash, condition every day,blast with a hairdryer for 5 minutes live in a hard water area, never have any problems, never need any de tangling sprays , don't use styling products, have my hair coloured and cut every 4-5 weeks.
I don't get split ends, my hairdressers tells me my hair is in great condition, they only time it wasn't is when I tried some of that Sammy thickening body stuff from the other channel ( but I got it in superdrug) and my hairdresser had forty fits when he saw my hair and told me to never use it again.
Maybe that's what makes me so sceptical .

I would love some of you to post your hairdressers thoughts when you next go and if it makes any difference to the grab of a colour and the time the colour lasts using wen compared to non wen.
I once used a conditioner instead of the shampoo first, then shampooed it off - didn't look too closely at the bottles - left with very soft hair. Didn't have to use so much product as recommended by WEN chap - how long are the products supposed to last as the quantities you have to use seem excessive to me.
I condition with PK Elastic stuff and then shampoo and my hair is great. Still working my way through the litre POTM.
Well I went for it and have used it. I'm a non SLS shampoo user as it really bothers my scalp and have found the best results with perfume free SLS free from small sellers on ebay. Thought I would treat myself to the Wen as I've been following the threads with interest since last August. I hadn't watched any of the tsv presentations as I rarely actually watch QVC on the tv and go by computer recorded viewing but hadn't seen any at all on this occasion. I used the intense conditioner first as I'd washed by hair just 8 hours previous and left it on wet hair for half an hour then washed it off with the cleanser, I know a funny order now I've looked into it but it went well. My pump actually was broke as I was stood in the shower ready to apply so used my own judgement. Now a day later I'm happy with it although it's a lot dryer than I expected as the ends, it's smooth, clean although not too glossy but maybe more natural looking. It's not blown my socks off with the results but I am liking them, time will tell. I used the almond mint one and loved the tingly sensation.
I once used a conditioner instead of the shampoo first, then shampooed it off - didn't look too closely at the bottles - left with very soft hair. Didn't have to use so much product as recommended by WEN chap -
how long are the products supposed to last as the quantities you have to use seem excessive to me

Very much depends how many pumps you're using each time. A 480 ml bottle lasted me about 8 weeks with almost daily use (probably did one day a week when I didn't wash it) using 2 pumps rinse then 3 pumps. My hair is a bit like Jackie Kablers.
We'll I just don't get the hype, maybe I'm just cynical ( yes, I get the lack of nasties and animal testing)
I wash, condition every day,blast with a hairdryer for 5 minutes live in a hard water area, never have any problems, never need any de tangling sprays , don't use styling products, have my hair coloured and cut every 4-5 weeks.
I don't get split ends, my hairdressers tells me my hair is in great condition, they only time it wasn't is when I tried some of that Sammy thickening body stuff from the other channel ( but I got it in superdrug) and my hairdresser had forty fits when he saw my hair and told me to never use it again.
Maybe that's what makes me so sceptical .

If you are happy using whatever you use then keep with it.

With Wen you are not meant to wash everyday as its a waste.

My colour does last longer, not just me thinking that but people asking if I had just coloured my hair???? This was three weeks later as not just one person said my hair was a great colour very shiny and looked freshly done(I had washed on the Monday no washing and it was Friday). I usually get, "Did you just colour your hair?"

Sammy stuff is full of SLS and other synthetic stuff so coats the hair, no wonder your hairdresser had a fit.

But as Autumn said earlier in this thread, don't dismiss products unless you have tried them. Everyone is different we all love different things, that is life and better for it.
Well I went for it and have used it. I'm a non SLS shampoo user as it really bothers my scalp and have found the best results with perfume free SLS free from small sellers on ebay. Thought I would treat myself to the Wen as I've been following the threads with interest since last August. I hadn't watched any of the tsv presentations as I rarely actually watch QVC on the tv and go by computer recorded viewing but hadn't seen any at all on this occasion. I used the intense conditioner first as I'd washed by hair just 8 hours previous and left it on wet hair for half an hour then washed it off with the cleanser, I know a funny order now I've looked into it but it went well. My pump actually was broke as I was stood in the shower ready to apply so used my own judgement. Now a day later I'm happy with it although it's a lot dryer than I expected as the ends, it's smooth, clean although not too glossy but maybe more natural looking. It's not blown my socks off with the results but I am liking them, time will tell. I used the almond mint one and loved the tingly sensation.

If you need a pump LJ, just PM me and I'll post you one, I have lots of spares.
I washed my hair again last night in the TSV (I wear styling gel daily so it looks greasy come the evening) but this time I only used 3 pumps and I didn't do a second wash. I felt my looked and felt the same as it did the night before when I used 4 pumps and then 3 pumps. I'm confused by this. lol!
When I first got mine I confess I didn't read the instructions, just dumped a palmful on wet hair! That's pretty much what I do now, just a slightly smaller palmful. I usually prefer a pump dispenser for face products or shower gels but once you need 5 or more pumps of something, like Wen, it's easier to pour it out. (did I mention I'm lazy? :mysmilie_50:)
I wasn't overly impressed with Wen after my first few uses, but as Donna & Akimbo praised the product so highly I continued experimenting with the number of pumps that I needed to use. I have shoulder length hair & lots of it, my main problem was a sensitive scalp.

I need to use 12 pumps (twice) as recommended by Chaz, but my hair stays cleaner for longer & I now wash my hair twice a week (rather than three times). My scalp is no longer itchy or flaky.

Thank you Donna & Akimbo, I think I would have given up with Wen without your advice :mysmilie_59:
Glad it has worked for you RubySlippers.:sun:

Well blow me down but mine was waiting for me when I got home. Had a sniff of the Pom and its fruity but I am not getting cherry tunes so far.:mysmilie_17:
This morning my hair felt a little greasy so washed my hair with Wen , and again the results are just "Ok", im certainly not blown away by the results, i had much better results using coconut oil first and using my normal shampoo and conditioner. I was shocked buy how much of the bottle has gone with just two uses, if im needing to wash my hair every day , then the one 480ml bottle will last me 2-3 weeks which is out of my price range im afraid .

Im glad i ordered the Tsv as i was curious about Wen and you don't know if something works for you until you try it. I will continue using the bottle till its gone as it wasn't cheap and if by some miracle i see better results i will post about it :)
Autumn are you sure you are rinsing enough?????

At the end of the day you did give it a go, not everyone will be a fan.

Yes ive rinsed and rinsed and still I don't seem to be getting any better results tbh. I will continue using it till the bottles gone, ill try using less and more each time to see if that improves the results or not. On the positive I do like the smell of it :)

I think Wen is just one of them brands that will work for some and not for others, at least ordering on Q you can send it back if its not right for you.
Saw a Wen infomercial last nigh and Chaz was saying you only need one wash - in the shower wet hair in cool water, cleanse thoroughly with the appropriate number of pumps, then pin hair back, continue with the rest of your shower and then rinse. Tried this routine this morning (have been doing 2 applications previously) and couldn't see any difference to the 2 applications routine. I have shoulder length hair which is very fine, straight and flyaway but quite thick. I was using 5 pumps on my first wash and 4 on my second, but today went for a 7 pump application and left it on for a while. Seems to have worked a treat, so I'll stick with this for a while and see how I go.
yes Linny, that seems to have been the method used when Wen first came on the market. I do it myself on and off, depending if I have ten minutes to spare(that is the recommended time left on for one wash, but I have left it less and it still works), go dust or do something. In fact when going to Zumba I wet hair blot well apply Wen once and rinse when I get home again.
I'm not blown away so far (not bad but not sure worth £40) but I'm going to keep at it and use it all up as I'm hoping it will help the psoriasis on my scalp.

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