Has he been digging more holes?
I didn't quite get to that stage, persianglitter. lol
The computer really does get to me! we had to buy a new plasma monitor screen for it, several months ago, as before hand we had the big monitor - and it was unknown for me to really loose my trolley, shouting at the monitor, threatening it with menaces, the air would turn blue, and hitting it with a fishing rod! (the rod has since broke!) and after much counselling and extreme therapy i can now sit at the computer, relatively calm and serene! my eldest son has lent me his lap top, it doesnt tend to get all testy like the big pc - only sometimes the broadband has glitchy days - and it drives me B o n K e R s (a bit like the little smilie here):drunk: but on the whole I am quite sane! lol (i feel ashamed having admited that! lol)
I find myself a trifle puzzled as to why you chose a fishing rod with which to attack your computer, surely a masonry hammer would have been more effective? <a href="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fwww.smileycentral.com%252F%253Fpartner%253DZSzeb008%255FZNxpt484YYGB%2526i%253D3%252F3%255F8%255F14%2526feat%253Dprof/page.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/3/3_8_14.gif" alt="SmileyCentral.com" border="0"><img border="0" src="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fimgfarm%252Ecom%252Fimages%252Fnocache%252Ftr%252Ffw%252Fsmiley%252Fsocial%252Egif%253Fi%253D3%252F3_8_14%2526uiv%253D3.0/image.gif"></a> xxxx