Wardrobe malfunction…? Or Sass?


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Quietly, Very Confused
Feb 27, 2010
somewhere out there... still on the edge
Is this deliberate or an error of judgment where something becomes transparent under studio lights…
Is this deliberate or an error of judgment where something becomes transparent under studio lights…
View attachment 24134
I saw that on the Nassif MD show this afternoon. I really do wonder if they have magic mirrors at Q that show what the presenters would like to see... or maybe it's the glare of studio lights. But many of the old-timers have 30+ years experience in front of a camera, so they should know better.... and when you know better, you do better... (to paraphrase Maya Angelou).
I’m absolutely fed up of hearing her say a product will suit every gender totally unnecescary imo.
You and me both Lynn.
Years ago she would be honest and when presenting an item would say, don't use this if you've got oily skin for example, but now, every product will suit everyone, man, woman, dog, goldfish & geese.
Jesus, if she comes on with a product that clearly states on the bottle that it should only be used by people over the age of 80, she'd still say it would be worth a try even if you're only in your 20's.
Who on QVC actually looks good on the products they present ?

Jill is not a good rep for hair products
Abi Cleeve's own beauty range clearly don't work on her
Presenters too numerous to mention who look rubbish in QVC fashion (excepting Ali Keenan)

Psst where IS Ali Keenan ?
You and me both Lynn.
Years ago she would be honest and when presenting an item would say, don't use this if you've got oily skin for example, but now, every product will suit everyone, man, woman, dog, goldfish & geese.
Jesus, if she comes on with a product that clearly states on the bottle that it should only be used by people over the age of 80, she'd still say it would be worth a try even if you're only in your 20's.
Spot on Mr M, she’s become even more unbearable since writing her book😳

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