I love the way they make a feature out of the fact it heats up after being used too longIts like "and here, buy this lawn mower and if you run it for too long it will ignite and cause a fire, HANDY for those summer days when you feel like bbqing some bangers and burgers"
Vitamix is the worst piece of overpriced dump they have apart from the Lecoaspira. I defy anyone to tell me its worth it! And Gareth, "I have never met anyone who has seen the demos and NOT wanted one" I do not want one. I would rather honestly give the money for that to a charity tin and 'struggle' on for the last 36 years lke I have done thanks.
Love it!!
"I have never met anyone who has seen the demos and NOT wanted one" Who wants one? yes, many people. Who would pay £450 for what is essentially a blender (Sorry, Vitamix....that's what it is!) hardly anybody!
I wouldn't have thought it is a very popular product, but due to the price, I suppose they don't have to sell too many to get enough money. I'd imagine they sell around 30-50 each show at my guess.