Vibration plate help


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I'm a Kitchen Aid Maid!
Aug 5, 2009
Artemis, Greece
Quite a while ago, there was a thread about vibration plates and those who had them seemed to be enthusiastic. As QVC sold out, I wondered which make it was they were selling and are those who have them, still enthused? Hubby wants to buy us one for Christmas.........wouls appreciate any comments and recommendations.:)
I bought mine from "another shopping channel" on flexi pay and although perhaps not as big as could be, plenty big enough to do lots of exercises and not to take up too much room. I just love it - it makes me feel so great. Also the shopping channels are offering extended guarantee until late Jan 2010!! So it can be tried to make sure it suits.
I bought mine from "another shopping channel" on flexi pay and although perhaps not as big as could be, plenty big enough to do lots of exercises and not to take up too much room. I just love it - it makes me feel so great. Also the shopping channels are offering extended guarantee until late Jan 2010!! So it can be tried to make sure it suits.

That's not really an option for me, living here, it would be very expensive to have shipped.

Thank you all of you for your help. It's a bit of an outlay and I'm pleased to hear that you all still enjoy yours.:):)
Our exercise machine is coming!
We ordered online from a Greek company last night.
The salesman rang just now and we had a halting conversation in Greek *insert cross-eyed smilie*. Obviously, it was my Greek that was halting, not his. I could have coped perfectly well face-to-face but the phone is another story altogether!
After a great many inventive ways of rephrasing himself on his part and a degree of hilarious misunderstanding on mine, it transpired that he wanted me to pay the courier. I explained that I had already paid, by credit card. He was incredulous, it's not the way things are done here........
"You could call into the shop with the money" he said helpfully and started to give me directions to somewhere 2 hours away by car.
I repeated that I had already paid.
" I will check my bank account" he said, and hung up.
Five minutes later, he rang back, still incredulous...
" You have already paid" he informed me." Goodness me, dear lady, you are very clever - and you did this by means of a computer? "

I'm not sure whether he thought that I was clever because I, a mere woman, was able to use a computer, or that money could stealthily make it's way towards him by these means. By this time, I had figured that he was a representative of a large Health Club supplier with a little showroom somewhere and had either not seen, or didn't understand the company website.

After some more tortured conversation, I was informed that it will be delivered in 3 days time and I must "graciously pay the courier 20 euros for delivery".
I will do it with as much grace as I can muster........

WooHoo, I'm excited!
You did really well to order the power plate, Artemis. It is much more effective than ordinary exercise in the gym. But please take it easy; age is relevant to how you use it. I am not trying to be rude or offensive.
Love to know how you get on with it Artemis. I am sorely tempted to get one after reading that the user can drop 2 dress sizes with just a daily 10 minute workout! :mysmilie_696:
You did really well to order the power plate, Artemis. It is much more effective than ordinary exercise in the gym. But please take it easy; age is relevant to how you use it. I am not trying to be rude or offensive.

...and I'm not offended! I'm pretty fit from using my rebounder, daily, but I'm aware that any new type of exercise needs to be approached with caution. I'm looking forward to it. What do you find it most effective for?
...and I'm not offended! I'm pretty fit from using my rebounder, daily, but I'm aware that any new type of exercise needs to be approached with caution. I'm looking forward to it. What do you find it most effective for?

Each muscle works 3-4 more than when doing ordinary exercise in the gym. By this I mean using exercise machines and not Body Sculp and other similar programmes.

One has to be really careful with adjusting the power. I did the upper boby once and had not realised for a few min how badly the vibration was felt by the heart. Age, health, etc, are very relevant.

I am sure you will enjoy it immensely, Artemis. Just take the time to educate yourself about its use.
Hope you love the plate, Artemis. I thought about it when it came as a TSV the first time, but then eventually opted for a rebounder, which I love. My theory was that my kids (aged between 13 and 2) could get rid of excess energy on it, and I could try to shape up. Must say, I havn't used it for about two months, because the CD that came with it started to jump in places. However, I intend to start again w/o the CD, by jumping on it for 5 minutes at a time.

I always feel great after I've used it, and it is good fun as well.
Hope you love the plate, Artemis. I thought about it when it came as a TSV the first time, but then eventually opted for a rebounder, which I love. My theory was that my kids (aged between 13 and 2) could get rid of excess energy on it, and I could try to shape up. Must say, I havn't used it for about two months, because the CD that came with it started to jump in places. However, I intend to start again w/o the CD, by jumping on it for 5 minutes at a time.

I always feel great after I've used it, and it is good fun as well.

I love my rebounder though I've never had any exercise programme, I don't think they'd devised them when I got mine. I just bung on a cd, Disco is favourite, and run on it during the "verses" and do fancy jumps in the chorus. I can't believe how my balance has improved by using it. I had mercury poisoning as a child which affects my grand motor movements and basically means I can't walk and chew gum. I am unable to drive and fall over a lot.I started out holding on to the restraining bar and walking on it and very gradually progresses to jogging. Now I can jump and it's wonderful, though hideously un-coordinated.:mysmilie_61:
As long as you are having fun, Artemis, that is the main thing. I am impressed that you feel it has helped you alot - will definitely start using it again, starting tonight! I havn't taken the restraining bar off, although according to the demonstrations, it is just to get you started!

I am pathetically unfit, but hate anything that makes me sweaty, so aerobics is out. With 4 kids, never have time for the gym, and anyway would hate all that posing. Yoga is good, but again, I can't always be botherd - so the rebounder has been a good buy.

I once read that NASA uses it to train astronauts when they come back from space, because it is great at rebuilding bone and muscle and density.
It's here! Unfortunately, the manual and exercise plan are not. :mysmilie_34:My showroom friend was very apologetic and said he'll mail them to us. Meanwhile, it looks good.........
I've also bought one of these from another site. But the cards that came with it don't seem like a real workout as such - do you really only need to follow those?
I'm currently looking at these at the moment too. I see prices ranging from £109+ Do you get what you pay for, and are the entry level priced ones good to start off with then upgrade?
It's here! Unfortunately, the manual and exercise plan are not. :mysmilie_34:My showroom friend was very apologetic and said he'll mail them to us. Meanwhile, it looks good.........

A pity I'm not at work - I could have scanned mine and emailed it to you. I could have explained a few simple exercises but appreciate you'll need the manual to get the vibration plate assembled. I managed to assemble mine so it must be easy as I'm useless at following instruction manuals! It occasionally needs tightening up again - all that vibrating loosens the nuts (or do I mean screws?).

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