Upset Julia


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Jul 7, 2008
Have been watching Julia presenting jewellery this afternoon, when she got a Tcaller who was saying how much she thought of Julia, and then went on about her husband had died and it would have been their diamond wedding anniversary. The next minute Julia was trying to hold back the tears, seems this had touched a raw nerve, because it would have been her parents diamond anniversary next year. Then the T caller got upset that she had upset Julia! Julia asked the Tcaller to write to her at QCV. They had to make a quick cut to the adverts. All in all it was embarrassing. Maybe they should stop having Tcallers, as with QVC being live there is no way they could cut the caller off.
I watched this and my heart went out to Julia, you could see the pain in Julia's face. She looked heartbroken at the reminder of her parents. I think T calllers should only be allowed to speak about QVC and their products any personal information should not be disclosed. This will stop any embarrassing or emotional experiences. Julia done well to compose herself full credit to her.
Surely it was sad rather than embarrassing? Sentimental things trigger sadness (and sometimes happiness) off for all sorts of people.
I think T calllers should only be allowed to speak about QVC and their products any personal information should not be disclosed. This will stop any embarrassing or emotional experiences. .

What could they do to stop this - they can hardly cut people off as soon as they stray "off topic" ...
I thought it was very upsetting for Julia as I said, however, I think the caller was embarrassed. Why callers have to speak about their personal life I do not know!! The presenters are on screen to present not to counsel callers. I think all of the presenters are put in awkward positions by callers in these situations.
What could they do to stop this - they can hardly cut people off as soon as they stray "off topic" ...

It is a difficult position to be in. I think there should be ground rules when on air to presenters. I am sure if a person was being abusive they would be cut off. I know people feel that the presenters are "friends" but there are times and places. It should be made clear to callers that they are on air to speak about QVC and the products only. Only my opinion of course, but it is th only answer I have.
i did not see the show but i think that it is more positive than negative when this sort of thing happens. i'll laugh about demos that go wrong or other little bits and pieces and all in all it helps to make qvc more "real". obviously, i'd prefer it if products worked and so demos went well, but i think it is more honest when they don't just switch to something else when something is not slick and perfect. with grief which it sounds like julia is going through it will always come out in unplanned ways from time to time and whilst i would not want to intrude on a personal moment, i would not hold it against her or anyone one else for being a little unable to fully control it. when i was suffering from the loss of my dad i would find myself crying on the middle of a busy tube with absolutely no control! like i say, i think it is a tough time for her and hope she gets through it smoothly.
It was fine. It wouldn't have mattered at all if the caller hadn't been so upset at having caused the tears.

It's live television, it's pretty remorseless, that constant fake perkiness. We all know how grief can stab at you when you least expect it.

I was sorry for both of them, and it made me feel more kindly about Julia Roberts.
I totally agree livelovelaugh. As I said, my heart went out to her, I too know what it is like having lost both of my parents. I really wanted to give her a hug, she was very upset and looked really vulnerable, you could not fail to see the hurt. I hope that she gets through this tough time.
It was fine. It wouldn't have mattered at all if the caller hadn't been so upset at having caused the tears.

It's live television, it's pretty remorseless, that constant fake perkiness. We all know how grief can stab at you when you least expect it.

I was sorry for both of them, and it made me feel more kindly about Julia Roberts.

I agree withyou completely. Sometimes the mask has to slip and it was really very moving.

Live television must be tiring, you have to put your real life on hold while you are on air and it must sometimes be very difficult.
I felt for Julia - she was really struggling. Did she lose her dad recently? I've not been watching QVC much lately.
I was watching yesterday (the same session a caller phoned to say a dog was named after Tova lol) when a caller told Julia that her next door neighbour (the callers neighbour or somesuch) used to live next door to Julia when she was a child and said where she used to live. Eeek, Julia warned her lightheartedly not to tell all!

Blimey she does get 'em.

Didnt know she was grieving, poor thing.
I didn't see the show but I have seen them cut off callers before, or rather "whoops, we seem to have lost them". It must be very hard for the presenters if a caller hits a raw nerve for them though.

I didn't see the show but I have seen them cut off callers before, or rather "whoops, we seem to have lost them".

On this occasion, there was really nothing they could do. The caller didn't do anything unreasonable, she didn't say something terribly personal. She just explained that her husband had once bought her a ring from QVC and that he'd died last year and it would have been their silver wedding. Usual very harmless rambling. Julia covered her eyes and for one appalling momement I thought she was laughing. Then they cut away from her.

It would have been over in a flash if the caller hadn't been so stricken. But she really hadn't done anything wrong... They couldn't possibly have cut her off, it would have been brutal.
Has Julia lost her dad recently? Must be very difficult to face the cameras after something as sad as that. I also remember a couple of years ago she told us that her sister up in Scotland had breast cancer, but she has said nothing since.

i didnt see it, but go JR for letting your feelings show and not being a bloody selling robot. its why youre faba nd its why we love you (well SOME of us! hee hee)

its late and im just in from a club and a bit pi*sed yay i love JR!
Julia is a lovely human being that is the bottom line, as are all presenters, "THE MANAGEMENT" hate sadly nothing I can do about that apart from call them ignorant pigs!.

Julia and the rest of the presenters are good people, it's a shame that after almost 7 years "THE MANAGEMENT" still do not respect their customers comments posted on this site.
Julia is a lovely human being that is the bottom line, as are all presenters, "THE MANAGEMENT" hate sadly nothing I can do about that apart from call them ignorant pigs!.

Julia and the rest of the presenters are good people, it's a shame that after almost 7 years "THE MANAGEMENT" still do not respect their customers comments posted on this site.

hmmmmmm. ok graham, what brought that on??
hmmmmmm. ok graham, what brought that on??

Just sick to death with QVC and Ideal World both run by ignorant pigs.

Only think I have against Julia is not wanting a picture taken with me, OK who can blame her I am no oil painting :(

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