Uncomfortable watching QVC


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almost worth creating a new account in a fake name, and after a couple of purchases ring up as the "new you" and give 'em what for! :phone: God i'm evil :happy:

paid???? not very much i hope!

I had considered that at one time but can't be bothered. Truth hurts don't it ?
Back on the topic of Gok Wan, I have never undestood why stripping off and\or parading on a runway in underwear is meant to be liberating and empowering for women, but not for men? Did anyone see that impersonation show where they took off Gok W by making out he was straight and it was all an act so he could touch women up? And I swear that Debbie Flint said that Gok did an audition to present on QVC but did not get the job, I am sure I am not imagining it!
I really think that the only way to do anything about this is to email QVC directly every time. They will eventually have to do something about him if loads of emails complaining about his phrases come in to them. Moaning on here, whilst entertaining and getting it of your chest, is however not going to change anything. I do not mind the guy, I am sure he is a lovely man, even if his dress sense does not appeal to me personally. But is phrases are beyong a joke.
I feel it insulting to be told that I go out to play or frollick with my friends, I have a busy life and try and fullfill all my parts to the best of my ability, I do not play at my job, my role as a mother or indeed any other part I have to fullfill in my busy life.
I also personally feel that I really object to a man telling me what to wear, a man who must have only got the job through connections, rather then his ability, there are others who are much more knowledgable and I do not mind them infomring me.
I emailed QVC jet again about this issue as I will every time the man comes on and annoys me as I feel rather strong about this, and I have never complained to QVC about any of their presenters ever but this guy just gets on my nerves big time when he starts with the phrases

Rant over, sorry for the long reply
I dont mean I need a new sofa either!

I find watching Glen on the fashion shows, a very uncomfortable experience. It not just because his a guy lifting girls dresses ( that would be enough) but becasue he doesnt have a clue what he is talking about and has no real love for style.

I watched GOK WAN the other day on another channel, and thought he was just brilliant. He was styling a lady around my age (fiftysomthing) and he was amazing.

And what happend to Genevieve?, she is really good and has some fashion pedigree behind her.

I wish head office at QVC would listent to the people who are spending the money.

Genevieve was on Casual & Co. a couple of weeks ago.
I agree Burly Bear. We are the voice of a very small minority considering the millions that watch QVC

I think the chances of any of us getting an invite to any of their events is very low. I know I certainly won't because |I have kicked up to CS too often ( for very justified reasons I might add ) And how do I know this ? Years back I asked to be put through to the studios. I was told NO they would never allow me to go through because I had complained bitterly in the past & they could not take the risk of what I might come out with on air:sad: I'm a marked woman I'm afraid as far as QVC is concerned. Can't have anyone making negative comments can they ?

OMG Sue54 - I LOVE the idea of you being a nemesis of QVC! You are not so much a marked woman, as their arch enemy!!! I wonder if CS have special 'black marks' against your name when they log into your account on screen - like a big flashing sign or something. Keep up the good work!

I reckon my flashing sign says 'danger - fickle' - I've probably sent enough stuff back to be considered a bit flighty.
Last night I'm sure I heard Glen say of the TSV that you could 'dress up/dress down'. It's a bag! You don't dress accessories up or down, surely? You use accessories to do that to the rest of your outfit! Even my Dad who, love him very much, but he's not 'in to' girlie stuff at all, even he asked what Glen was talking about. (I say he's not into girlie stuff, but somehow he manages to sit rapt when Smashbox is on - although that may have something to do with Nina!?)
OMG Sue54 - I LOVE the idea of you being a nemesis of QVC! You are not so much a marked woman, as their arch enemy!!! I wonder if CS have special 'black marks' against your name when they log into your account on screen - like a big flashing sign or something. Keep up the good work!

I reckon my flashing sign says 'danger - fickle' - I've probably sent enough stuff back to be considered a bit flighty.

They still take my money though :giggle: I'm not alone though. A work colleague once showed me the real stinker of a letter she sent to their Chief Exec. I think in all honesty that there are many of us with BIG black marks against our accounts or whatever flashes up at them to say


I have landed up dealing with the Chiefs Exec PA ( who is a very nice lady ). I now have to sign for all my stuff because I found out years back that when stuff was left on my door step some of it was being lifted. It was around Christmas time & several of us in my road had stuff taken. But I had problems convincing QVC I had not recieved a number of items which I can see how it looked from their point of view but it was not very nice for me.

I use Qcut as much as possible or order online anyway.
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I really think that the only way to do anything about this is to email QVC directly every time. They will eventually have to do something about him if loads of emails complaining about his phrases come in to them. Moaning on here, whilst entertaining and getting it of your chest, is however not going to change anything. I do not mind the guy, I am sure he is a lovely man, even if his dress sense does not appeal to me personally. But is phrases are beyong a joke.
I feel it insulting to be told that I go out to play or frollick with my friends, I have a busy life and try and fullfill all my parts to the best of my ability, I do not play at my job, my role as a mother or indeed any other part I have to fullfill in my busy life.
I also personally feel that I really object to a man telling me what to wear, a man who must have only got the job through connections, rather then his ability, there are others who are much more knowledgable and I do not mind them infomring me.
I emailed QVC jet again about this issue as I will every time the man comes on and annoys me as I feel rather strong about this, and I have never complained to QVC about any of their presenters ever but this guy just gets on my nerves big time when he starts with the phrases

Rant over, sorry for the long reply

I completely agree with everything you have said. I have also emailed my thoughts to CS about this. But, lets' face it.... if we could get away with what GC is getting away with, talking a load of crap and get paid for it, we would be laughing all the way back and forth from QVC towers several times a week - Just like his nibs.
leave glen alone (even though i dont like his clothes)

if there is a campaign to get glen campbell sacked i dont think thats fair.

for the life of me i would not like the job of convincing qvc customers to buy their clothes.
but the bottom line is they sell millions of pounds worth of ths stuff a year and its good business for them.
i go on the high street and buy my clothes i am not indebted to qvc or glen campbell.
in the grand scheme of things i am not that bothered.:confused:
if there is a campaign to get glen campbell sacked i dont think thats fair.

for the life of me i would not like the job of convincing qvc customers to buy their clothes.
but the bottom line is they sell millions of pounds worth of ths stuff a year and its good business for them.
i go on the high street and buy my clothes i am not indebted to qvc or glen campbell.
in the grand scheme of things i am not that bothered.:confused:

no, not sacked, just ask him to stop saying such idiot things, get some training in fashion to give real advice.
All I am interested in with fashion hours is size, fabric and cost and if I am that interested to make a purchase I have already decided where I will wear it, and nothing Glen and co. can say will influence me one jot. Once I get the info I need the sound is put on mute.

I really think that the only way to do anything about this is to email QVC directly every time. They will eventually have to do something about him if loads of emails complaining about his phrases come in to them. Moaning on here, whilst entertaining and getting it of your chest, is however not going to change anything. I do not mind the guy, I am sure he is a lovely man, even if his dress sense does not appeal to me personally. But is phrases are beyong a joke.
I feel it insulting to be told that I go out to play or frollick with my friends, I have a busy life and try and fullfill all my parts to the best of my ability, I do not play at my job, my role as a mother or indeed any other part I have to fullfill in my busy life.
I also personally feel that I really object to a man telling me what to wear, a man who must have only got the job through connections, rather then his ability, there are others who are much more knowledgable and I do not mind them infomring me.
I emailed QVC jet again about this issue as I will every time the man comes on and annoys me as I feel rather strong about this, and I have never complained to QVC about any of their presenters ever but this guy just gets on my nerves big time when he starts with the phrases

Rant over, sorry for the long reply

i dont like female solicitors, police officers or managers either. ban them.
what planet are you on???????

Hes on again doing Style Inc with Jilly.

Verbal diarrhoea to go with the top thats on at the moment:puke:
you know what he is a little better than usual. i think he is trying and it shows. to me what makes a good fashion guru is actually just talking about the good points on a garment thr fit fabric what body types it will fit etc.:thinking:
I don't mind Glen. He does talk tosh but they all do, they have to keep talking to sell the stuff. I think he should talk more about the structure of the garment and why it works, body shapes that sort of thing. I really don't like Michelle Hope (I think she's a bit scary) but she always talks about the necklines, shoulder structure etc, and that makes more sense than telling me I can tuck something in.....or not tuck it it :)

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