Ultrasun TSV 06/06/18


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Yawn. I bet it will be something geared up to summer family holidays and will likely comprise:

- A large pump dispenser of sports gel spf.
- A vat of so-called "aftersun"
- A small face 30 spf in tinted / untinted option
- a lip spf stick

I bet it will be priced at £46.97 + P&P
Ultrasun TSV 06/06/18

Oh joy, we have the schoolmarm poppng up at regular intervals all day.:down:
It's not just her patronising attitude it's her tone too, as if she worries deeply for our health, Mother Theresa she ain't. All she's interested in is trying to sound clever and make heaps of money, hence the Skinsense nonsense range. You've got to laugh though haven't you when she always says you can put a 50ml suncream away for three years or your next holiday, 50ml? yeah ok. :mysmilie_17:

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