Watching the Tula handbag hour. I am liking the classic simplicity of these bags.
No enormous hardware weighing the bag down. Another nice thing is the number of colours in the designs ie just a couple of choices, Sometimes with Kipling I think there are soooooo many colours its overwhelming. Also like the little tag as opposed to the 'named' monkey things that Kipling have. (No offense if you love/collect Kipling :hi
Just wondering has anyone bought a Tula bag? What is the quality like?
No enormous hardware weighing the bag down. Another nice thing is the number of colours in the designs ie just a couple of choices, Sometimes with Kipling I think there are soooooo many colours its overwhelming. Also like the little tag as opposed to the 'named' monkey things that Kipling have. (No offense if you love/collect Kipling :hi
Just wondering has anyone bought a Tula bag? What is the quality like?