Charlie Lapson Bags..


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The other month old Charlie was on and I spotted a gorgeous purple bag. Yes, I admit it was the colour which made me go OH!!!. It was on easy pay and I thought hard, and then decided I did not want to pay £200+ for it. still had their sale on so had a nose. OKay the photos are not great, no inside of the bags shown but they are all leather and 70% off. So I picked a purple bag(which turned out to be a little bigger than I expected), it was £145 and down to £43 plus £5 shipping. The bag arrived and is the most gorgeous soft leather, high quality linning.

So yesterday up popped the old Charlie purple one, and it looks like cheap plastic compared to my Dents.
Which planet does he live on?!?!?

According to Mr Lapson, a £67.00 leather purse (+ £4.95 p & p), is a great little gift to give someone when you have limited resourses!
I'm sorry, but if I had £72.00 to spare I wouldn't spend it on one of his overpriced items.
I can't think of someone that I'd like to spend £72 on!!

Not that i'd buy anyone a CL purse - but even my beloved teenagers recieve £60 for their birhtdays and a tshirt wrapped up - and to me,thats quite a bit of money.I only spend £25 on MIL/FIL for birthdays and about £10/£15 for everyone else.

I know everyones got varying budgets - theres mine for the world to see - and obviously there are people out there who spend far more than me..........................but I do wonder sometimes at the world these presenters and qvc live in.I've said it before - QVC think they're the harrods of the shopping world
I like coloured/patterned bags but get them from Kipling as they are a lot cheaper (esp if you are prepared to wait for their sales like I do hehe). If I was going to get a posh, super smart bag for job interviews etc then I would want it in a more classic colour like black or dark brown that would go with anything.
Was in TK Maxx recently and saw piles and piles of bags that looked exactly like CL's but were just a fraction of the price. As well as KVZ, my local TKs is now selling B Makowski. Nice bags, but still too expensive for me. Also, I'm not keen on the way most "designer" bags don't have a zip across the top, but just a magnetic snap to hold it shut. I like a bit of security if I'm going to be keeping everything in it! (Off topic, but I've also seen Tianna B dresses in there too!) I also find that many of the bags are far too heavy even when empty. KVZ in particular. And many have silly short handles.
I guess it's all about personal taste/choice but I just don't understand the obsession with a 'designer look'. I admit to being a lover of a good handbag - I bought two in Mimco on Saturday, both reduced from £169 to £99 - but they were very good quality hide leather and will last me years. Walked round Harvey Nicks and Selfridges prior to said Mimco purchase and was astonished, not at the prices, that's to be expected, but at the styles and materials - ginormous Mary Poppins-esque carpet-bag things, made of plastic, or leather made to look like plastic (?!), with tons of garish brass buckles and things (key fobs?) dangling down. I guess QVC like many retailers keep going by frightening fashionistas that they are hopelessly 'off trend' if they don't have the latest nonsense. That has to be the only reason they go on about 'layering' jewellery, a style with looks horrendous on anyone IMHO but which must by definition ensure multiplied sales.
Agreed thumbs up for M&S. I get most of my bags from there.

The thing is, if I had never seen QVC and I saw those bags on a market stall with the Charlie Lapson tag, I wouldn't spend 20 quid on them. We're supposed to believe that they are worth £200 just because QVC say they are.

Exactly! I saw some bags on market stall that were exactly the same as the B&W ones but for 10 euros each.

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