TSV Va-va-va-voom Lashes


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I am seriously dubious about this product and there is quite a lot of negativity on the internet from 2009 onwards.
Talk of eyelid staining,pigmentation changes and no difference is enough for me to say no and save my dosh!

The main problem I have is that Natalia's eye lashes are NOT seriously long, unless they were little stubs before hand so I just don't believe the hype.
I was just wondering if any of you noticed the lashes of one eye suddenly looking longer, thicker and fuller than the other? I think mine are. I hope it is my imagination. Will it even out?
Me and my friend had the same experience. Just try to apply equally on each lid. Alison said something along the lines "don't apply in the inner corner of the eye we don't need lashes there". Just apply where you need your lashes grow, more on the shorter lashes for the moment.
Forgot to say - Revitalash works

I tried Rapidlash, with minimal effect. Bought this earlier this year (arrived beginning of May) and have used it everynight since. In the last 10 days my eyelashes have looked as though I have got mascara on even when I haven't (I am in my 50's and was starting to look as though I had no eyelashes). They were getting longer and fuller more so on the one eye than the other, but they have now evened out. I even have lovely lower lashes also. It has boosted my confidence, and I would not be without it. - Revitalash :clapping:
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Snap! The lashes on my right eye grew longer. As I am right-handed, I started on the right and I wondered if there was more product from sitting there 23+hours in the tube. Anyway, started with left eye and it's definitely catching up.Left eye, curly lashes and right eye, straight. BTW my left eyebrow is thicker than the right now, using RevitaBrow. Why is it cat's fur, if shaved for an op grows back to that length and stops? Rhetorical, not expecting an answer. ;-) Just pondering and typing ...
Hair length is pre-programmed genetically to grow to a certain length before it's shed as part of an ongoing cycle. My DD and I can grow hair down to our bottoms whereas many people's hair stops at the middle of the back, and some at shoulder length no matter how many years they leave it uncut. Equally the hair from different body areas can only grow to a certain length...just as well or I'd be able to knit my pubes into tights for the winter.

Jude xx
what happens if you stop using it? I have run out now after getting great results but can't afford to re-purchase (got in on easy pay a few months ago). It has made a marked difference to my eyelashes, my left eye has always had stubbier lashes than my right and mascara just emphasised the difference. Very happy with the results from Revitalash but a bit worried that my lashes will revert to their previous state if I don't keep using it.
The jml / jerome alexander Lash Tech seems to be the same kind of product for far less ££. Worth a try to see if you can maintain the results maybe? I think a couple of forum members have used Lashtech and got good results.

Jude xx
The jml / jerome alexander Lash Tech seems to be the same kind of product for far less ££. Worth a try to see if you can maintain the results maybe? I think a couple of forum members have used Lashtech and got good results.

Jude xx

Yes I think I may have longer eyelashes but they are still sparse. hardly worth putting mascara on. I haven't been applying it every night but rather when I remember which is probably 3 nights a week. I have had the brown eyeliner effect but now I apply it to the bottom of the lashes rather than the edge of the eyelid.
You have to be strict about it and use it every night for the first 4 weeks or so otherwise it does not work after that you can go onto maintenance and use it about 3-4 times a week.

You have to keep using it otherwise your lashes will just go back to how they were. I went on holiday for 2 weeks and forgot to take mine with me and I noticed a difference when I got home that they were not as good. So have gone back to using everyday until they become good again.

I love it - have been using it for nearly a year now and everyone comments on how long my lashes are and ask me if they are false all the time. I wouldnt be without it now.
If you Google the active ingredient Dechloro Dihydroxy Difluoro Ethylcloprostenolamide you'll find it's a prostaglandin similar to the one in Lumigan (for glaucoma). I got this for a fiver last year (gone up now as it's become popular for eyelash growth instead of it's original medical purpose). It's still cheaper to buy it this way - if you search here for other Revitalash threads, you can find out how to buy in a group purchase from Jennnifer1911 over on MUA.
@AlterEgo - are you referring to bimatoprost in Careprost? I bought one in March from aonebeauty for £17ish, but can't get their site. Haven't used mine yet, still in the 'fridge door. Using Talika at the moment, find it soothing and no itchies (no disrespect to 'Our' Itchy!)
The jml / jerome alexander Lash Tech seems to be the same kind of product for far less ££. Worth a try to see if you can maintain the results maybe? I think a couple of forum members have used Lashtech and got good results.

Jude xx[/QUOTE hi hello , new to posting on this site ,an avid reader for a few years. great tips and honest appraisal,one being lashtech , i purchased from ebay £ 7.00,mainly for my eyebrows and happy to report its working! (states you can use on eyelashes and brows ). very pleased and will repeat purchase . keep up the good work berni
Hi Berni and a v warm welcome to the asylum! We're mostly harmless so I hope you have fun. Looking forward to reading your posts!

Jude xx
@AlterEgo - are you referring to bimatoprost in Careprost? I bought one in March from aonebeauty for £17ish, but can't get their site. Haven't used mine yet, still in the 'fridge door. Using Talika at the moment, find it soothing and no itchies (no disrespect to 'Our' Itchy!)

Yep, that's the one. I used to use Talika a lot - saved my lashes after overuse of waterproof mascara. For conditioning (which obviously then helps growth), it can't be beaten. I had excellent conditioning results (that also helped growth) using good old castor oil (good on brows, too). I'd forgotten all about it! Think I'll go back to using it while I'm taking a break from Careprost.

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