TSV/Click Free Lee - Wiggy


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By all means tell them you don't like their style of delivery / lack of clarity or whatever BUT whether someone wears a wig or not is not at all relevant - so what if he chooses to look the way he does... it doesn't interfere with his ability to deliver the information so why should it matter?

These are human beings we are talking about - this chap has hopes, fears and insecurities just as anyone else... allow him his dignity!

i look forward to hearing your comments every time julia roberts gets slagged off on here!
i look forward to hearing your comments every time julia roberts gets slagged off on here!

oh... no need. i found your recent comment WhyMe and lo and behold you were critisCsing JR!

"I normally resist the urge to comment on presenters' appearances because none of us can look great all of the time; but.... oh my goodness, she did look a bit of a state given that she was at work in a 'presentation role'.
QVC should surely set some standards of dress? Maybe because it was a Household Helpers hour she thought that dressing down would be more fitting... but she still could have chosen a smarter top and trousers than the lived-in leggings and slightly-worse-for-wear t-shirt ensemble.
I'm starting to think that she is in denial about her age and is trying to dress to appear more youthful but it actually has the opposite effect. Why has she lost her way?"

please tell me how this is different to commenting on Lee's hairdo? is it acceptable to be nasty as long as you dont direct it at the person via a personal message?

i think there are some double standards going on here...
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I normally record presentations of things I buy, and have several of Lee from about 6 months ago.

His hairstyle looked perfectly OK before he decided to "improve" it. I also noticed that later during the day that everyone is talking about, he had gone back to his original hairstyle.
LOL The good old post history gets the pious prats em every time Burlz. :mysmilie_483:

Commenting on someone's dress is hardly the same as sending a personal message to a guest presenter about his apparent hairloss - you can change the way you dress but you can't really grow a whole new head of hair.

I don't actually think the presenter (Lee?) was wearing a hairpiece but let's not spoil a really good b1tch with a few grains of truth...
My last word on this....

If the personal message hadn't been posted on facebook I wouldn't have replied as there has probably been much worse written about the presenters on here, but that is the nature of the forum. I am sure that any presenter who wants to read this forum is aware or soon will be that they are entering the lions den and so if they don't want to know what is being said then they don't have to read it. Putting the message on his facebook is another matter as the member knew that it would be read and it was done diliberately to ridicule - not nice!!!! :down:
It never even occurred to me that Lee was wearing a wig, although his hairstyle does look different. I still think it is his own hair, just a different colour. The guy appears on air to present the tsv and becomes a subject of ridicule. Get a life and give him a break!
Commenting on someone's dress is hardly the same as sending a personal message to a guest presenter about his apparent hairloss - you can change the way you dress but you can't really grow a whole new head of hair.

I don't actually think the presenter (Lee?) was wearing a hairpiece but let's not spoil a really good b1tch with a few grains of truth...

Having watched the video I have to agree here, I think it was just his own hair piled up higher on his head like a lot of the younger guys do, I don't think it suited him but I doubt it was a wig either (could be wrong here).
Have to say I think Julia gets a far worse press than Lee has done. Is this a gender thing where it's considered to be far more acceptable to slag off a woman, even if you're a woman yourself?

The comments on this thread are far more reasoned than ever I have seen on a "Let's get Julia yet again" thread.

As for sending him a direct message - at least that gives Lee the chance to respond in an area he can respond as opposed to posting insults on a public messageboard which is done in the almost-certain knowledge that it's highly unlikely that Julia (or any other person being slagged off) is likely to respond, for obvious reasons.
Have to say I think Julia gets a far worse press than Lee has done. Is this a gender thing where it's considered to be far more acceptable to slag off a woman, even if you're a woman yourself?

The comments on this thread are far more reasoned than ever I have seen on a "Let's get Julia yet again" thread.

As for sending him a direct message - at least that gives Lee the chance to respond in an area he can respond as opposed to posting insults on a public messageboard which is done in the almost-certain knowledge that it's highly unlikely that Julia (or any other person being slagged off) is likely to respond, for obvious reasons.

Lottie: you've got it ALL wrong!

Anonymously slagging someone off on a forum for every little thing they do (or even don't do) is of course FAR braver and more honest than sending someone a message under your own name with a query.

But this does only apply if you anonymously slag off a woman, because obviously women who make a name for themselves have gotten a cut above themselves and are asking for abuse; famous men obviously deserve automatic respect and deference at all times. :cheeky:

Nice to see that old-fashioned values (namely those from before the 1960s) are alive and well in 21st century Britain :smirk:
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Can someone please post a link 'cos I've no idea who you're on about and now I'm intrigued lol!!!:blush: thankies!
Aww, isn't that one of the little pink kittens who were rescued from a cement factory Hoodie?

Yep: Pink Panther Jr and his siblings were coloured by dye left in the factory; the pink fur should grow out :nod:

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