TSV/Click Free Lee - Wiggy


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If I had a job which involved me appearing on national television I would be ready for negative comments about my appearance, particularly if I was sporting a rather dodgy looking wig. Right or wrong, it's part of the job I'm afraid. As long as I'm happy with the way I look, that's all that matters to me.

I don't think that is any excuse for rudeness which IMO is what the comments were bordering on, I do wonder how many would actually say it to Lee's face. It's very easy to be make cutting remarks about people when hiding behind a computer.
cazzie, you have hit the nail on the head. The internet has bred an attitude of "I have the right to say anything I want from behind my anonymouse computer keyboard" but 99.999% wouldn't dare or dream of saying it in person. You can see where cyber-bullying comes from (and NO I'm not saying this topic is about that!!!!!!!!!!!!)

cazzie, you have hit the nail on the head. The internet has bred an attitude of "I have the right to say anything I want from behind my anonymouse computer keyboard" but 99.999% wouldn't dare or dream of saying it in person. You can see where cyber-bullying comes from (and NO I'm not saying this topic is about that!!!!!!!!!!!!)


lets just remember that the guy has gone on national TV with a very dodgy hair-dont and has chosen to have a Facebook profile with a direct connection to QVC.

are we to assume that Lee expects only to get positive feedback on everything he does?
sorry, life isnt like that, and i'm sure he knows it. he doesnt need your protection. if he didnt want to be "out there" he wouldnt have set up the profile.

please spend your time sympathising with something more worthwhile
lets just remember that the guy has gone on national TV with a very dodgy hair-dont and has chosen to have a Facebook profile with a direct connection to QVC.

are we to assume that Lee expects only to get positive feedback on everything he does?
sorry, life isnt like that, and i'm sure he knows it. he doesnt need your protection. if he didnt want to be "out there" he wouldnt have set up the profile.

please spend your time sympathising with something more worthwhile

Exactly. You took the words out of my mouth BB. There is a very old saying - 'If you can't stand the heat, get out of the fire.'
lets just remember that the guy has gone on national TV with a very dodgy hair-dont and has chosen to have a Facebook profile with a direct connection to QVC.

are we to assume that Lee expects only to get positive feedback on everything he does?
sorry, life isnt like that, and i'm sure he knows it. he doesnt need your protection. if he didnt want to be "out there" he wouldnt have set up the profile.

please spend your time sympathising with something more worthwhile

Sorry I don’t agree, okay he has a facebook page and you would expect that as he is a sales presenter on QVC. I would imagine the facebook page is so that if anyone wants to ask questions re the products or comment generally then you have access to him.

I don’t think that hurtful personal comments are really necessary but maybe that is just me as I was bought up to have more manners than that. As I said it’s easy to be nasty behind the keyboard and I don’t believe for one minute that if you met them in person you would be so rude but then again I may be doing you an injustice maybe you really would be. If the comments were about his clothing then fine some of the stuff the presenters wear leaves a lot to be desired but there should be a line you draw where the insults should stop and for me that line was crossed and the comments to his facebook page were just nasty.
The fact he has a facebook page means he's inviting the general public to make comments and as BB said, is he expecting only positive ones (whatever the topic)? If that's the case then he's very naive.
The fact he has a facebook page means he's inviting the general public to make comments and as BB said, is he expecting only positive ones (whatever the topic)? If that's the case then he's very naive.

I totally agree with you and I am not saying that I just think it is not a case of anything goes just because people are 'faceless'.
Mornin' BB and bensmum, sorry but I'm confused!...

Are you saying that as he (or anyone for that matter) has a Facebook page, that everyone else then has a license to post rude and nasty personal comments on it all from the anonymity of a keyboard?

And further, if you believe that is the case, if someone posted some derogitory comment about you, would you just take it on the chin and think 'well I put up my FB page?'... this is a genuine question btw.

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So because a person is in the public eye and has a facebook page, it's ok to make nasty personal remarks to them?
I'm so glad I was brought up with manners and concern for people's feelings! Not only would I never choose to make derogatory remarks to someone about their personal appearance, I can honestly say it wouldn't even occur to me to want to.
And for the record I thought lee looked very nice!
Yes, he has a facebook page, yes he's on the TV, so can expect SOME comment on his appearance, par for the course I'm sure......but there's a difference between people making the odd comment on here, or making comment at home from the sofa and actually taking the time to write a very personal, rude and direct MESSAGE specifically criticising an aspect of a person's appearance. There really is a distinction here.

By the way, I have no particular opinion of Lee either way, but I do find it a bit surprising what some people find totally acceptable. Maybe some of you WOULD just go up to someone in the street and be openly rude and critical. Each to their own I guess.
BB and bensmum, sorry but I'm confused!...

Are you saying that as he (or anyone for that matter) has a Facebook page, that everyone else then has a license to post rude and nasty personal comments on it all from the anonymity of a keyboard?

And further, if you believe that is the case, if someone posted some derogitory comment about you, would you just take it on the chin and think 'well I put up my FB page?'... this is a genuine question btw.


I'm saying that because he chooses to appear on TV he is open to the criticism that anyone who places themselves in the public eye can expect. And that because his FB profile is called "Lee Hohbein QVC" he is clearly identifying himself as that person on telly and therefore invites comment whether it be positive or negative.

My own FB profile cannot be found by searching on my name because I dont want people I dont know to be able to send me messages, pass comment on my activities or ask me to be their "friend". As a technology expert I'm sure Lee knows how the privacy settings on FB work. If I was on TV and then chose to open myself in a public arena such as Twitter for FB then yes, I'd expect to get negative stuff.
Yes, he has a facebook page, yes he's on the TV, so can expect SOME comment on his appearance, par for the course I'm sure......but there's a difference between people making the odd comment on here, or making comment at home from the sofa and actually taking the time to write a very personal, rude and direct MESSAGE specifically criticising an aspect of a person's appearance. There really is a distinction here.

By the way, I have no particular opinion of Lee either way, but I do find it a bit surprising what some people find totally acceptable. Maybe some of you WOULD just go up to someone in the street and be openly rude and critical. Each to their own I guess.

Every single one of the presenters on QVC thinks they are special enough to appear on TV selling us stuff. none of them just fell into this job. whether theyre flamboyant hair-tossers like JR, or mumsy fluffers like Kathy Tayler is irrelevant - they all have that innate self-belief that we will like them and we will part with our money.
We are paying these people albeit indirectly. If we don't like these people we are entitled to say why. That's nothing to do with going up to a stranger in the street and telling them you dont like their hair.
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I doubt very much that the lovely Lee is worried about a few people on a forum not liking his rug. I just hope it's a 30day money back guarantee purchase. :mysmilie_61:
Your absolutely right BB, but this instance for me is about the wording of the negative comments that were sent personally to Lee – downright rude.

Yeah thats what I'm getting at - I agree completely! Unprovoked people who go out of their way to directly state negative comments (either using the cowardly way on a forum, or face-to-face) about others highlight what sad individuals they are. However, with that said, we are all allowed to air our thoughts and we are all entitled to our own opinions (for now until the PC brigade take over) but I'm glad I have different standards to some!

Nuff said!

Look, the bloke was wearing a dodgy syrup and it was so obvious it was remarked on, that's all. Yes it's unfortunate but that's just the way it is on forums and this one is relatively mild compared to lots, so get over it all you bleeding hearts. :rolleyes: I'm sure Lee has. :sun:
Pinkpussycat, you may want to read this topic before posting to us bleeding hearts - it has nothing to do with posting on this forum - its to do with posting/messaging directly!!!!!

I think we can all tell which camp you would belong in... shame! Oh well, everyone to their own!

PS... no

PPS... you may want to take a leaf out of BB and bensmum's book - we are having this banter, we dont agree yet they dont feel the need to be rude to me... mmmm interesting!!

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Hey Lee,
just watched you present the TSV on QVC and couldn't stop laughing at your hairpiece.
Looks absolutely ridiculous! lol lol lol

You ought to be ashamed of writing that to someone... just because he is on the TV doesn't mean he deserves personal messages ridiculing him.

He is there to impart information about the product NOT to sport the latest and best hairstyle.

I like a laugh but to send that directly to him is plain rude IMO :down:

Absolutely agree 100%.

We are paying these people albeit indirectly. If we don't like these people we are entitled to say why. That's nothing to do with going up to a stranger in the street and telling them you dont like their hair.

By all means tell them you don't like their style of delivery / lack of clarity or whatever BUT whether someone wears a wig or not is not at all relevant - so what if he chooses to look the way he does... it doesn't interfere with his ability to deliver the information so why should it matter?

These are human beings we are talking about - this chap has hopes, fears and insecurities just as anyone else... allow him his dignity!

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