TSV 22/07/12 LG scanner mouse - any good?


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Mr Akimbo has just ordered this, partly because we have lots of documents and photos to scan, so we can thoroughly road test it in the 30 days of the MBG. We had to order on Q Active as it was showing as sold out on the new version of the website. My advice would be to order tech like this, where it's a bit of an unknown quantity, only if you plan to test drive it within that month. If you just order it because "it'll come in handy one day" you may discover too late that it's a pig in a poke.

Jude xx
Dollydimple you beat me to it !

I'd like the opinion of other members with more computer knowledge than me.

Certainly the presentation was rather convincing - but I know someone on here will give us the TRUTH - always lacking on QVC (imo !!!!)
It struck me as strange that they should have 2 scanner TSVs within a few weeks of each other. The scanner last week was for ipads but I bet most people who own an ipad also have a PC or laptop and the mouse scanner (if it works) seems more versatile. I wonder whether those who ordered the ipad scanner will return it in favour of this, particularly as it's cheaper? They should have separated the TSVs by more than a month to avoid this happening, seems a bit of scheduling own goal.

Jude xx
I have ordered it, I have fallen off the wagon!

Could have paid £2-49 less at Amazon (including pp) but delivery was 2 to 4 weeks.

Other places had delivery as much as £6-55.

The easy MBG sold it to me. Reviews said you needed a high-spec PC to run it - - - I bought a PC from QVC 18 months ago that was high-spec (according to them) so if it won't work on this I will be asking for ALL my pp back and a post-paid return label.

If it works as in the demo, it will be an invaluable gadget, espcially for excerpts from books etc that won't fit into a flat-bed scanner.
Yep - they seem to have made heavy weather of the Graphics requirements :

128 NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS or 128 MB ATI Radeon X 1300 or 384 MB (shared)
Intel GMA X 3000 or better. (Pardon??)

All Greek to me

Reviews on am@zon mention the importance of checking the Minimum system requirements as the picture quality is cr@p without them.

The 30day money back guarantee swung it for me - I've ordered !

I'm off to check my NIVIDIA GeForce.........
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Yep ours arrived and it's worth pointing out that there are a couple of software upgrades that you must perform before it'll work properly. It seems weird that the mouse didn't seem to function with the supplied disc SW version, Mr Akimbo was almost in "pig-in-a-poke" mode as the mouse would only scan to the screen of the PC or laptop but then you could do nothing with it; couldn't edit, crop or save it fir that matter, and there was no Right click function so the only way to get out of the scan window was to hit Escape! Scanned image gone! Only after about 20 mins did the first upgrade prompt appear swiftly followed by the 2nd (I think there's also a 3rd). Thankfully it works after the 2 SW upgrades and the image can be edited and manipulated as they showed in the demonstrations on QVC. There's a QVC slip about their Techi helpline so I wonder why they didn't just slap a sticker on the box saying you have to do the upgrades before it'll work.

I wonder why it was the 1.3 version supplied on the disc...a version that clearly didn't work. You can force the upgrade but it was a good 30mins before it prompted to upgrade to version 1.4, and then it wasn't until that upgrade is performed that it prompted for the 1.5 upgrade. If Mr Akimbo's mum or my brother for that matter received this they might have given up and put it back in the box in the first 20 minutes. I didn't catch Mat Trim saying to be patient for the upgrades in his demo; but the always bang on about their gadgets being easy to take from the box and use with no real expertise required. I think QVC need to present their products as though addressing the lowest level of computer literacy and not set up unrealistic expectations; I wonder what level of returns they get?

Finally, it seems like a keeper as the four of us will find pleanty of different uses for it and the editing of text within pictures works as they demonstrated even when saved as a jpeg.

Jude xx
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It's caused double annoyance...Mr A losing patience and starting his piginapoke rant about buying from a non-specialist retailer etc and me rolling my eyes heavenward wishing I hadn't pointed out the tsv to him! Fortunately it was all right in the end (fingers-crossed).

I still can't understand the logic of supplying a redundant version of the SW.

Jude xx

It seems mine was left outside yesterday by Hermes, despite a note on door saying that I was in and to ring the bell, and there was no card through the door.

The first attempt at installation of the 1.3 software on the disk failed with a meaningless error number.

The 2nd attempt was OK, then it said it needed to update from 1.3 to 1.2 !!!

I assume 1.3 must have been totally rubbish and it had to go backto an earlier version.

I have a dreadful internet connection, so this took about an hour.

Then it said it had to update from 1.2 to 1.5. It said make sure I had version 1.2 before installing 1.5. There was no mention of 1.3 or 1.4.

Each download took over 20 minutes. !.2 installed OK.

Now the install of 1.5 has been processing for an hour or more. It seems to have frozen, but says "once started, do not stop at any time".

So do I wait for the next few years????

I am fed up, about 3 hours of my day wasted so far.

BTW did the blurb say you needed an internet connection? The scanner could have been bought by someone without an internet connection, in which case it would never work.
I get the impression that QVC's electronic/computer items are older models that they are knocking out before new versions come out. I know that sometimes they give us "market launches" but even these can be found on Amazon within a couple of weeks, cheaper and/or less postage.
I had to stop the instal, despite the warning not to. Then I started again and it eventually installed.

But I was so fed up of looking at the PC for almost 3 hours, I haven't even tried to use it yet.

I reported this to CS, they are sending me a freepost return label just in case I want to return it.

I asked her to pass on my comments up the chain, as items should not be sold that will not work straight out of the box, unless you are warned before buying it.
I installed mine in about 10 minutes including reboots. It came from Amazon as I had a credit but I assume it's identical stock to QVC's. It did the updates but it was all very fast. Love the product, really pleased with it.
Took 45 minutes just to download each update, then had to instal them, then PC froze, had to start all over again. As I said, I have a terrible coonection, never above 1/2Mbs but lots of packet errors as well.
Took 45 minutes just to download each update, then had to instal them, then PC froze, had to start all over again. As I said, I have a terrible coonection, never above 1/2Mbs but lots of packet errors as well.

Would your phone not provide a better service?

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