Dingbat is spot on and it goes a bit further than that also.
The name "Paraiba Tourmaline" has been used very very widely and loosely by most shopping channels. A true Paraiba not only has to have the right chemical composition but also should have the "glow" (and purists will argue should only come from Brazil also).
Only a tiny percent of what is for sale in the UK would be classed as a Paraiba in all honesty. Occasionally you'll see one on one of the channels but very rarely. Paraiba Tourmaline is now extremely difficult to get hold of (and I'm not talking about wishy washy tourmaline being called Paraiba).
The majority of Tourmaline on sale now are either plain old nice looking Tourmalines or have a copper content and are called Cuprian Tourmalines. Although some of the Cuprians are very very pretty, they're not of Paraiba quality although some look as good BUT the majority don't have the "glow". Of course, they also don't command the prices of top quality Paraibas. If I look at my collection objectively, I can honestly say that I have a number that were sold as Paraibas but in all honesty are just very nice Cuprians.
Top quality Paraibas have an "in yer face" colour and look almost false because their colour is so strong and bright. The glow is unmistakable also. It will glow under all lighting conditions - especially dim light. So in your kitchen put your hand under the table - does your "Paraiba" glow like it has an internal light source? I have some photos of this is anybody wants to see them.
Unfortunately, there are indications that some Tourmalines are being irradiated to improve their colour and, horror of horrors, there has been some recent speculation of treatments to improve colours. This is very new however so I wouldn't necessarily worry about it at the moment.
In all honesty, in the past 2 years, I've probably seen 2 pieces spread out over all the channels that would pass as a Paraiba (just). The others are either Cuprian Tourmalines or just nice looking Tourmalines.
It's good to see that GemsTV are marketing their Tourmalines correctly! :mysmilie_696: