Tough Times AT QVC Towers


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Jun 24, 2008
I'm surprised no one had noticed this one yet or else commented on it?

Last night on the 3 hour Tanzy special, I flicked over in the ad break on another channel. Charlie was on and said anyone buying in the 3 hours period would receive a voucher allowing them 3 easy payments on any item of their choice up to the 31st August.

I did think this very strange, I know they used to send out christmas cards to certain people with the 3 easy payment. But I got the idea it was a sales ploy to get more people to buy.

Are QVC feeling the pinch of the credit crunch/recession?????
I am certainly buying much less these days. I think we will see many more easy-pays as the recession bites.:(:(
Unfortunately i've definately stopped my spending with qvc, not just for the credit crunch though it could just be me but i find most of the sales patter absolute rubbish now?!Perhaps it's because i had a break from watching for a while i dunno?Could my qvc addiction finally be cured?
Welcome back puppyduck! You've been missed hon.
I agree with pd that the sales patter has no effect on me now, and I only buy the stuff that I would be buying anyway with or without qvc. I think we've all become more savvy about online shopping and have found that we can get stuff cheaper elsewhere and often pay no p&p at all.
I think qvc are going to have to increase the amount of easy-pay offers, particularly the beauty ones as such things are regarded as luxury items and who can afford much in the way of luxury right now? Also, free p&p items would be very welcome at this time.
Welcome back puppyduck! You've been missed hon.
I agree with pd that the sales patter has no effect on me now, and I only buy the stuff that I would be buying anyway with or without qvc. I think we've all become more savvy about online shopping and have found that we can get stuff cheaper elsewhere and often pay no p&p at all.
I think qvc are going to have to increase the amount of easy-pay offers, particularly the beauty ones as such things are regarded as luxury items and who can afford much in the way of luxury right now? Also, free p&p items would be very welcome at this time.

lol thanks iclaudipuss :D
lol thanks iclaudipuss :D

I had a break of 5 years from QVC and was astonished at some of the prices.
Easy pay has been great to spread the cost of an item, but even if more items were on easy pay I wouldn't consider buying them if I thought they were overpriced in the first place having said that I have found on occasion QVC has been cheaper even with p+p.

I think some of the presenters must think we button up the back, and I know that no amount of patter will persuade me to buy something I wasn't interested in the first place. I most often have the channel on mute just keeping an eye on it incase something does turn up of interest more times than nought the moths stay in my purse lol !
You make an interesting point, piper4. I think that qvc need to realise that for all their oft lauded buying power, many of their prices don't represent such great value compared to other suppliers, particularly online ones.
I also get a tad weary of their constant blathering about ml for ml value. Presenters are forever holding up a minute tube of moisturiser and saying "this is worth £38"; and after I've rushed off to find my binoculars so that I can actually see the thumb nail sized article in question, I'm left speechless that anyone would actually part with that amount of cash for something that is sample sized. They are also fond of saying things along the line of: "If you were to purchase this in the full size it would cost you £90, but we're offering it to you in this fantastic 0.5 ml size for the incredible price of £85.92" Are they 'avin' a laugh?
I received a 3 easy pay token but what a palarva? I ordered a decleor item using the token but received an easi yo youghurt maker, I contacted QVC who said the decleor had now sold out and so I would have to wait for it to come in stock again and I could use the voucher again, but by the time it came back in stock they wouldn't honour the voucher as it was now past its use by date.!
They are also fond of saying things along the line of: "If you were to purchase this in the full size it would cost you £90, but we're offering it to you in this fantastic 0.5 ml size for the incredible price of £85.92" Are they 'avin' a laugh?

Aint that the truth!
They are also fond of saying,'this three 15ml product is worth £96.50 ml for ml
which we're giving you for free,we haven't put a price on that', and I'm thinking,give ME the money or voucher for £96.50 instead and I will choose 3-4 full size products from that range and still have some change left over to give you.If it's worth all that savings.
I haven't bought a thing since the start of the year.

Three reasons:-

1/ They don't take Solo and although I do have another bank account with a Visa Debit card, ideally I want to get rid of that one because of customer service issues. So I actually might have bought quite a few things over the last 6 months if only they had accepted Solo, including:-

The Panasonic Lumix camera they had as a TSV (I got the 12 MP version elsewhere in the end).

A Royal Cognac Diamond band ring.

The Mavala nail polishes sets.

The Elemis Maximum Moisture Duo.

2/ I hate the fact they won't combine shipping.

3/ They are slower than even the very worst sellers on Ebay (with the possible exception of some jewellery and some TSV's which despatch quite quickly).

Still, if they don't want my money.....
I've only purchased 4 items from QVC since the start of this year, the last being the Laura Geller TSV in April. I don't watch the channel any longer, but rely on tip offs from this website to alert me to anything worth buying, then I check to see if I can get it cheaper or faster from somewhere else. I'm sure I'm not alone in being much more careful with my cash these days.
I received a 3 easy pay token but what a palarva? I ordered a decleor item using the token but received an easi yo youghurt maker, I contacted QVC who said the decleor had now sold out and so I would have to wait for it to come in stock again and I could use the voucher again, but by the time it came back in stock they wouldn't honour the voucher as it was now past its use by date.!

Hiya ScarySpice - must be my sense of humour, but your post has just left me in stitches - so no Decleor but have a yoghurt maker instead - were you supposed to apply it to your skin?...... :D
oh shoot I missed a tanzy special? would love to have seen that. I'm not buying anything from them though for personal reasons in common with many forum members.

as for offering easipay - it's about time they did that on everything lol
My spending is cut right back and like lots of members here the sales patter does nothing for me :) I always look at the price add in the P&P and see if I can get it cheaper else where on line and a lot quicker to! It really anoys me when AY says if you were to buy these beauty items full size you'd be paying some ridiculous amount £200+ or what ever, to me logically I think well theres no way I could continue to use that product then so why bother :rolleyes: I always look at TSV's the beauty TSV's especially and as I'm now into my Clientele have bought that from QVC fairly recently as it seems well priced! but I'm definitely a much more savy shopper now!

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