Today's Facial Sonic Cleaning Thingy S V.


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Surely this is just all the returned foot file eggs from a few months ago,melted down and re-fashioned, is the same bloke who flogged them,right?

I'm not gonna even bother watching this coz i'm sure i'll find some way to convince myself I need this,i'm feeling a bit vulnerable to BS at the moment,so will step away from the telly.
The presentation for this product is disquieting, the bloke showing the moisturiser going throuh the piece of fabric is just odd! Or is it me?:thinking2:
The presentation for this product is disquieting, the bloke showing the moisturiser going throuh the piece of fabric is just odd! Or is it me?:thinking2:

TBH SS, I was somewhat distracted by the guest's bright pink face, which I found even more worrying! lol
Yeah - it's a low rent copy of the Clarisonic I expect.

I haven't watched, but just knowing that it's Ped Pro man is enough to put me off.

The Ped Pro is the most useless waste of two lots of postage I have ever bought from QVC and that's quite a crowded category!
This is why I LOVE this place. Before finding this place I would have ordered this item by 12.05 am but now I've no intention of buying it whatsoever. Thank you helping me a be F.A.R.T.
I watched a little bit of the presentation and decided that although they at no point said that the sonic face brush would push your face creams deeper into your skin and thus do more good - I think they were trying to suggest that.

If I notice dubious claims and dodgy selling techniques it puts me off ordering A) that thing they're flogging and B) anything for a while.

I've only just forgiven Alison Young for the Ped Pro!

Good products don't need any unsavoury sales techniques or ridiculous demonstrations. People buy them, love them, and buy them again. They recommend them to colleagues, friends and family - and post favourable reviews on websites and blogs which influence complete strangers.

The fact that QVC is doing such a dodgy infomercial style presentation of this makes me think that they don't care if it's any good - they're just planning tosell as many as they can in one day and make their money off of however many of us are too lazy to return it.
watched a bit this morning purely just because I like to know what the tsv for the day is! I have no interest really in qvc's beauty stuff or tools - I like the odd make up tsv but don't really believe anything else they claim on these type of hours!
Have they said how you keep it clean and prevent bacteria from building up all over it and then being transferred onto your skin?

A wash cloth just gets chucked in the washer, but how do you clean this battery powered gadget?
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No interest whatsoever!

Hi :hi:,
I am so sure that I don't want this product that I am not going to waste even 5 minutes of my valuable time watching QVC at all today.

I will use my time more wisely:

- I will have a walk into the next village to buy some lovely bread at the bakery there and send something I sold on E**y over the weekend. I will also pay my paper bill and walk back the long way round to get some exercise and enjoy the sunshine whilst it is here.:clapping:

- I will also go to the local Lidl supermarket this afternoon as they have some great bargains on wine at the moment and our wine rack is looking very empty - thirsty visitors over the weekend! I will also buy a lovely gateau from there as I have my elderly aunt and uncle coming for coffee on Wednesday and they deserve a treat, which won't be too expensive at Lidl - I love that never know what you might find and it is so much cheaper than Sainsbury's.:rock:

- I will also harvest the fruit and veg from the garden that is ready and use some of them in my lunch and our tea. My OH has gone back to school today after the summer holidays and has an INSET day, which involves being talked at and lectured to for almost 7 hours by a variety of managers and experts. I know he will come back with a headache and a little black cloud over his head - he much prefers teaching the children as the day passes so much more quickly and is much more interesting!:thinking2:
Have they said how you keep it clean and prevent bacteria from building up all over it and then being transferred onto your skin?

A wash cloth just gets chucked in the washer, but how do you clean this battery powered gadget?
That's exactly what I thought and they said nothing about replacement heads. I also don't believe that two AA batteries would last for six months on a product that is used twice a day.
Quite a weird presentation.
Come to think about it, Avon etc have done things like this for years. Boots had their own brand version too.

They should just bring in the Clarsonic(sp) if they want to sell one of this type of set.
Hi :hi:,
I am so sure that I don't want this product that I am not going to waste even 5 minutes of my valuable time watching QVC at all today.

I will use my time more wisely:


That sounds like a lovely day Plint. I've got potatoes to dig up and eBay parcels to post as well and now you've got me thinking about adding wine and cake to my day too! :clapping: :D

I've also got to buy two lampshades for the living room as we are staring at bare bulbs at the moment. (The old ones really wouldn't go with the new paint colour.)
I actually like the idea of this brush (my friend in the US has a Clarisonic and swears by it but we can't get it here, sob) but don't see the point in getting it as there's no mention of replacement heads (and you must have to replace them, surely?). Was surprised by that as they've mentioned replacement bits and bobs for things before.
Unless, one has dexterity problems, I wouldn't bother with this product; surely your fingers can massage in face cream, and your skin will absorb what it needs at it's own natural rate - using a machine to drive it deeper down into your skin seems like a bad idea to me!!
I had one of these type things a few years ago from a mail order catalogue it hardly got used. They are trying to say this is different because it is sonic.
He keeps repeating the same word over and over again, it's driving me bonkers.

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