Today, I will be mostly wearing...............


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Beady Belle

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I have decided that since I've had one or two items from Rocks, I'm going to make a concerted effort to wear them on a daily basis. Normally, I get up and get ready, take Hairy Harry out for a walk, come back, do all my household things, so don't put on any jewellery other than my watch.

So, from now on even if I'm having an 'at home' day, I'm going to put on some bling.

Today, I will be mostly wearing my peacock 'bubble' necklace, and some grey pearl earrings (from A. N. Other Channel).

What will you mostly be wearing today?



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Today I am wearing:
Single earring is a tiny silver stud in the shape of a crescent moon (complete with eye!)
I have no pair of earrings as the ones I was meant to be wearing were too heavy and I gave them to my friend.
My purple shell and white baroque pearl necklace from Rocks.
My mocha pearl and blue topaz watch from Rocks.
My pink amethyst "lacey" bracelet from Rocks.
Rings: blue diamond pinkie ring, amethyst pinkie ring, diamond wedding ring, square white diamond ring, black & blue diamond ring, Sarah Bennett blue topaz ring, mystic topaz and diamond ring (last four from Rocks lol) and my padparadscha sapphire & diamond ring from Gems.
I is blingin'...
So, from now on even if I'm having an 'at home' day, I'm going to put on some bling.
Couldn't agree more!!! I mostly work from home and my social life is pathetic ( weep for me, weep for me..... nah, no need for sympathy... I'm turning into anti-social grumpy old woman)!!!!) so if I didn't wear my bling every day I'd hardly ever wear it......... my clothes may be a bit scarey..... face may be bare of anything other than some mascara..... but my jewellery is always impeccable!! I would rather go without my mascara ( and that's saying something) than go without earrings. :11: :9:

Today, I is mostly wearing golden sapphires....... not from Rocks, though! :52: OOps!
bluddy nora Anne you ain't kidding hun - you really IS blingin!!!!

Am not wearing any Rocks TV bling at all today.

I've just got back from a homecheck where I really should have put some make up on and taken more care with my overall appearance lol. I was definitely the trailer trash of the pair of us as I was shown into a mansion of a house by a purrfectly turned out woman of indeterminate age! oh dear...

So with my classy bottle green CLAWS sweatshirt, with gold pussycat logo, and black velvet trousers, I would normally have been wearing my matching green diamond leverback earrings and green & yellow diamond rings. However, hands are a bit swollen today so I've still got on yesterday's black & white diamond stacker rings to offset my lavender nail polish (!), plus my usual suite of white diamonds on left hand and the diamond solitaire pendant I always wear.

Instead, have got green amber dangly earrings in, plus a black/white yin-yang pendant recently obtained from Ebay, and my bezel-set GTV alex bracelet. Bit of an eclectic mix but atleast it's all green, gold, black and white!
Today I am in my 2 diamond rings that I never take off, on my left hand then an Andradite garnet on my middle finger. On my right hand I have my diamond cluster from Rocks (3rd finger) and a Tourmaline ring (middle finger). I have my Christening bracelet on (I never take that off either!) my GTV black diamond watch, an Andradite garnet and diamond pendant and two pairs of earrings - one pair of Andradite drops and a pair of plain white gold tiny studs.
Im in a brown mood today ...........brown polo neck,trousers and waistcoat...look like a bar of chocolate with extra lumps and bumps... so i have my smoky quartz earrings and pendant from rocks ...and my sphene ring from tother place very minimal today ....
I hate makeup but I LOVE bling...mostly I wear:
1. The absolute STONKER kunzite ring (Anne's favourite...Mine too of course)
2. A plain platinum ring
3. The 6cts swiss blue topaz solitaire ring (rocks)/ 18cts cq ring (rocks)
4. A venician mask ring with bezel set zircon
5. 19.66cts sky blue topaz and diamonds pendant (on a 14" chain, high on my neckline)
6. MT studs(rocks)/ swiss blue topaz and diamonds drop earrings/
mother of pearl butterfly wings earrings/ square white jade earrings (rocks)/
sarah bennette cq or sq drop earrings(rocks)
7. The beryl boulders bracelet + the aquamarine boulders bracelet
8. A very heavy silver bangle/ the 16cts blue topaz bracelet (rocks)/
white jade bracelet(rocks)/ sq and amethyst bracelet(rocks)
(9. don't usu wear watches but if I do it's the Swatch '07 Christmas Ed. bracelet watch)

Rings: 1,2,3(18cts cq ring), 4
Neckwear: sq(26cts) and amethyst pendant on a thick long chain
Earrings: Sarah Bennette cq drop earrings
Wristwear: 7, 8(silver bangle+ sq and amethyst bracelet)
Light blue cotton shirt 0.0
I am going to make a serious effort to wear different jewellery every day. My daughter was looking for a gold bracelet she'd got for her 18th in my jewellery box (well, boxes, lol) and she remarked on the rather large number of pieces I have.

So, out for a family lunch tomorrow and I'll be wearing a scintillating collection of Rocks items. No idea which ones yet, but be assured, I'll be blinging!
lol Calvin, talk about keeping us in suspenders lol...

Well Anne, it depends what I'm wearing. If it's brown it's yellow gold and if it's black it's silver. It would be easier if I was M4G and wore nothing. :lol:
Great post M4G. No bling today as I've been painting (only one wall to go, yay!), but I usually co-ordinate with whatever I'm wearing. Must branch out and be a bit more daring, I think you may all have inspired me.
I only wear mascara... Only wear bling when I go to work or somewhere social - not just for shopping etc. I don't wear any bling in the house unless I've got visitors! Just my wedding ring and another silver/bronze ring I got in Ireland that won't come off because my knuckles have got bigger.

But if I'm going to be "on show" I'll spend ages thinking what bling to put on, and have been known to make myself late, just choosing which item to wear with what.

Most rings only fit my third finger right hand so I can only wear one at a time - but a few will go over my middle knuckle, so then I have to decide which one will go with that one, for the third finger...Keep thinking that if I buy enough, by the law of averages, sooner or later something should match!

I love my bling, but as soon as I get in the door, it feels uncomfy so I have to take off all the "trappings" and slob around..!

Some of my huge rings will knot into a scarf so I can wear an extra one...
Today I'm mostly wearing - *adopts Mad Pose* :D

I alternate this with white or peacock pearl studs or peach ones, which I'm wearing now, given to me by my Buddy, just coz she knew I'd like them :kiss:.

And besides from the three rings and watch I always wear, I'm wearing this;

Not a perfect match to the rest, which is unusual for me, as I always have to match my bling :blush:.

I don't wear bling at work, but other than that I wear something nice every day!
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Im in a brown mood today ...........brown polo neck,trousers and waistcoat...look like a bar of chocolate with extra lumps and bumps... so i have my smoky quartz earrings and pendant from rocks ...and my sphene ring from tother place very minimal today ....

I love browns and autumn colours. Love wearing my smokeys from Rocks & Ebay on such days, as well as the cognac items I have from a couple of other shopping channels.

What sphene ring have you got? I havent got any to wear, but have demantoids in similar shade.

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