Time to retire (I wish)


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

You've just given me your personal experience, when I'm just saying generally, overall, the post-war generations, up until perhaps the 90s, had better living, employment, financial security, housing and growth opportunities than the most recent generations who are finding it harder to secure stable housing, work and saving or pension and future financial planning opportunities.

And the more recent cost of living, debt-ridden economies and inflationary pressures and fear of WWIII isn't helping!
Early 60's we had the Cuban Missile crisis when we were on the verge of all out nuclear war due to Russian missiles on Cuba.

So on the news, they want to build/use a second runway at Gatwick and a 3rd runway at Heathrow.

Yet they also want people to fly less, drive less, eat less meat and get heat pumps to hit environmental targets.

Is that joined-up thinking?
No it's idiot Millibrain's idea.
I don't agree either, Anna.

Talking of things that are funny, anyone got any humorous experiences from their early years at work/apprenticeship?
Sending new employees daft things to fetch or do eg a long stand,a spirit level bubble.

I was in my early 20's when I had my first 4 wheeled car, think I paid £100 for it.

My current car is now 18 years old, paid £1600 for that three years ago and that's the most I have ever spent on buying a car.

I would like to replace it, but looking around even something 10 years old with 100k miles on is around £4000.

On housing the government want builders to build more homes, but how in tarnation is anyone able to buy one to get a foot on the ladder now? They talk of affordable housing, but all that is when buying they must be 20% less than the market rate.
Blame a certain PM in the 80's in regard to selling council houses for a lot of problems and the buy to let in the mid 2000's.
My brother in law's daughter has 3 boys,2 working and the youngest doing A levels but he does work around Sports Direct at weekends and mid week
The older two working still expect mum or dad to pay when we go out for a meal,expect them to pay to fill their cars up. They also charge their parents if they pick them up after a night out.

That is crazy, how are they to learn the real value of money?

The downside as I see it they get accustomed to having a chunk of disposable income per week/month, then when reality hits they will struggle.
I never was an apprentrice, but we did send a trainee out for a long wait to Barclays local branch and the staff member went along with it.
The discussion on being an apprentice reminded me of a song by Australian comic Kevin Wilson.

Please note Not SFW or young ears.

I started as an apprentice with one other person at the same time.

He is now a knight of the realm and a multi-BILLIONnaire.

I'm not :(
I've been trying to work out who. Not Caudwell, not Radcliffe. Not any of the venture capital, finance or Oxbridge types.

You're a musician, so maybe Branson? But don't think he was an apprentice at anything after leaving school, or was he at a firm first, before he branched out.

Probably a lesser well-known one.
I've been trying to work out who. Not Caudwell, not Radcliffe. Not any of the venture capital, finance or Oxbridge types.

You're a musician, so maybe Branson? But don't think he was an apprentice at anything after leaving school, or was he at a firm first, before he branched out.

Probably a lesser well-known one.

I was thinking Lord Sugar.
He probably owns the torch factory, as well as a huge 5 star hotel, golf courses, and numerous companies.

PS I don't want to name him, or even confirm his name, as all the power and influence is in his hands.
Yeah, but I'd guess he doesn't give us a giggle on here like you do. I'm not taking anything away from anyone who has made good with their life, good luck to them, but sometimes luck does play a part, too. Not everyone gets the opportunities.
It's the first day of spring today.

Spring is definitely in the air - - -

CARTOON spring is in the air fhfh.jpg

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