Tiffany past it?


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Registered Shopper
Aug 20, 2013
I see on the Express online website this morning that Tiffany's gentleman, the one with the fixed smile and perfect teeth, who has been at her side throughout cruise, vitamin and other advertisements, is now grinning like a loony over a much younger blonde.
I know exactly who you mean. I find it hard to believe that there is only a 'pool' of about 4 mature models who pose for everything - they've even popped up in my village magazine promoting the local undertaker, AND in a shop fitting catalogue that I receive monthly. Every time I see Tiff's face (and her male partner) I think "not bloody again" - yes she's attractive (fully made up, miaoww) but there must surely be literally hundreds of equally attractive ladies out there. The same model used time and again can have a negative effect.
Modelling for an Undertaker promotes all kinds of images in my head !
( Mind you some of Q`s clothes look like shrouds anyway ... )
Funny post. Is he the one who climbs into the adjustable bed with a woman who looks quite a bit older than him? Honestly, these men - slip them a few quid and they're anybody's. I expect all will be forgiven and Tiff will take him back as soon as the next dental whitening advert comes along.
Stairlifts, walk in baths...ok. But undertakers, the mind boggles!
Awww come on people. She's working and like the rest of us, when you get a bit older, jobs are few and far between probably so you take what you can get - undertaker or not!

Awww come on people. She's working and like the rest of us, when you get a bit older, jobs are few and far between probably so you take what you can get - undertaker or not!


FAR AND FEW BETWEEN ???? well our Tiff certainly doesn't have THAT particular worry ! she's cornered the bloody market in showing her pearly whites !
Perhaps she's been at the gin bottle before she appears on the catwalk. I don't like the way she stoops either. She's 10 years younger than me, so god knows what she will look like when she hits my age !!
Perhaps she's been at the gin bottle before she appears on the catwalk. I don't like the way she stoops either. She's 10 years younger than me, so god knows what she will look like when she hits my age !!

Ooh, do tell. What age is she exactly? (You will always be better looking than her as you are not inflated from the inside with cheek filler, so it's really not rude to ask her age...) I would love to know if she is younger than me (67, since I have asked you to divulge your age minus 10). I have been on several Saga cruises and always have to peek around the door of the library to see she is not there,sharing a rictus grin smile over the top of a book with her 'husband' who has his glasses on. They must have posed on every cruise line and he has even popped up in the Galapagus islands, with a panama hat and tortoise, but not her, if i remember rightly.
I'm intrigued to know what role Tiff played in the undertakers advert!

Personally I think she could act the part of a wardrobe all in her own she is so wooden
Well, I've heard tell she's around the 56 mark, certainly not yet 60; well not admitting to anyway. (making me 66 - hence I know all about typing pools, from the App thread)

On the undertaker's ad, the pearly whites are on show in a wistful smile with a white dove artfully placed in the top corner of the photo. Really in all the ads that aren't walk-in baths or cruises, she just gives a sickly grin, so advertisers can use her for almost anything.
Well, I've heard tell she's around the 56 mark, certainly not yet 60; well not admitting to anyway. (making me 66 - hence I know all about typing pools, from the App thread)

On the undertaker's ad, the pearly whites are on show in a wistful smile with a white dove artfully placed in the top corner of the photo. Really in all the ads that aren't walk-in baths or cruises, she just gives a sickly grin, so advertisers can use her for almost anything.

FIFTY SIX!!!! Strewth! I have always thought when looking at her advertising walk in baths etc that she was a generation older than me. I am eleven years older than her. I am not vain, but I honestly think I look a lot younger, and that's without cosmetic surgery or even QVC presteege creeemes on my face area. That's honestly given me the wobbles. If I can't rely on someone who is plastered all over Saga magazine adverts to be older than me, am I some delusional Miss Haversham who thinks she is a young girl on the inside and looks ninety on the outside?

I am retiring to bed, quite shaken.
Im sure shes a lovely lady , buy anyone whos contemplating surgery on there face , should watch an hour when shes the model and im sure they will change there minds.

Saying that if it makes her feel good and shes happy with what she sees in the mirror then good for her , lifes to short :)

And 56 !! she wishes!!

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