Thompson & Morgan -direct order


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Jun 26, 2008
I bought some foxglove plug plants last week and they arrived on Thurs.

I’ve emailed photos to T&M - awaiting their reply. This is the last time I order from them, either direct or from QVC.
Dreadful. They’re really expensive to deal with too. I get sent a catalogue every year but it goes in the bin.
Foxgloves are really easy to grow from seed & once you have them you have them forever as they readily self seed. They grow like weeds in my garden, as do aquilegias, I have to pull out any that are in the part of the garden that the dogs have access to as they’re poisonous.
I bought some Begonias they were really really tiny. I was shocked. looking good but I am wondering If will get them to bloom before the end of June they are that small more like seedlings.
I was determined last year not to ever ever be fleeced by either Q or the many different plant companies who were absolute crooks last year.

My determination has been helped as none of the bas&&&&s will send plants to NI .

I spent today potting up containers of my own seeds supplemented by a few bought and grown locally. The only thing I had problems with obtaining was trailing begonias which are my favourite.
I bought some foxglove plug plants last week and they arrived on Thurs.

I’ve emailed photos to T&M - awaiting their reply. This is the last time I order from them, either direct or from QVC.
T&M are terrible. I had to have over £400 of bulbs and plants refunded this year - because I was stupid enough to order from them again after having had problems with them a few years ago. They were impossible to deal with, constantly tried to get out of refunded me, and only took it seriously when I told them I'd take them to court about it. They also regularly advertise items as being 'available within 72 hours' when they are actually out of stock, and they then send you an email a week later telling you that they're cancelling a load of items from your order. Either that, or they send you stuff weeks (and at times months) later than promised. The quality of the items is terrible, the customer service non-existent and it's impossible to get them to answer emails or deal with phone calls properly.

They send out crap like this on a regular basis. As someone else has mentioned, they have terrible reviews. I'd never deal with them again.


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The only things that I’ve received from T&M were a TSV of fruit bushes and strawberry plants last year. They were in very good condition, 👍

There was only one problem. I hadn’t ordered them!

I rang QVC and was told to keep them. I gave some away and kept the two fruit bushes which are thriving.
I bought some Begonias they were really really tiny. I was shocked. looking good but I am wondering If will get them to bloom before the end of June they are that small more like seedlings.
Me too. Lots of people have complained. I’m hoping the weather over the next week might revive them. Also ordered some verbena which were tiny and look the same as they did when I planted them four weeks ago. I’ll give them another couple of weeks and then complain if nothing happens
When I challenged T&M they did replace but their plants are no better than a lot of companies and often a lot worse.

My best buys? Plants 2 Gardens brilliant, De Jager very good, Richard Jackson plants very good. Ideal World are very good at sending out free replacements on plants and their suppliers have upped their game.

Me too. Lots of people have complained. I’m hoping the weather over the next week might revive them. Also ordered some verbena which were tiny and look the same as they did when I planted them four weeks ago. I’ll give them another couple of weeks and then complain if nothing happens
I did some verbena upright ones from seed. Sowed them in March and they are now in their final position waiting to flower. Near enough a 90% success rate. Also did some trailing Petunias but my daughter slept with the window open so the germination rate was very low. still got 5 large trailing plants so still grateful. I don't think I will oder Begonias from T&M next year they were far too small for the money with hindsight. Tescos Superstore have the most amazing bedding plants in fabulous condition at daft prices. will get some bits from there
Well I’ve had a reply. Rather faint hearted “apology” and they are sending out a replacement. I don’t want a replacement but we’ll see what arrives !

every year I plant a foxglove but rarely have any seedlings. I must buy some seeds for next year.
I think next year I will do a lot more sed sowing. A smaller Carbon footprint and a small financial outlay. I am going to sow some Pansies for winter flowering containers all the same colour. Black with a yellow eye.
I sowed black ones in February and they are going well and ready to plant out - I think they are supposed to flower late summer.

I bought the most glorious pansies (shades of faded purples) last autumn which have flowered since then - starting to get straggly now - if I clipped them over would they flower again this summer?

I don’t want to waste a good container if they won’t so I would them lift them and put them into a small patch I keep for pansies, primroses etc which I then dig up and pot up for the season and then back again once they are over..

my biggest lesson this year is to label properly (yes Mr L I’m listening!) as I got 2 varieties of verbena mixed up and as one is much taller than the other so that’s a bummer.
I sowed black ones in February and they are going well and ready to plant out - I think they are supposed to flower late summer.

I bought the most glorious pansies (shades of faded purples) last autumn which have flowered since then - starting to get straggly now - if I clipped them over would they flower again this summer?

I don’t want to waste a good container if they won’t so I would them lift them and put them into a small patch I keep for pansies, primroses etc which I then dig up and pot up for the season and then back again once they are over..

my biggest lesson this year is to label properly (yes Mr L I’m listening!) as I got 2 varieties of verbena mixed up and as one is much taller than the other so that’s a bummer.
You could cut the pansy's down by half and see if that invigorates them. worth a try.
I ordered some million bells from Suttons, who were bought out last year along with Dobies and the Organic Garden by T & M and this is what I received, a month late.

Emailed them 3 times, the only answers I got was a standard reply saying they will get back to me in 9 days. Anyway I paid with Paypal, so opened a SNAD got my money back in 2 days.


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I‘ve completely stopped buying plants mail order. Now I grow from seed & buy from the supermarkets. Had some great results from them & they’re cheap & you can actually SEE them before deciding to buy. I’ve had much better results with clematis bought for £1.79 from Morrisons, Asda, Aldi than I have from specialist nurseries where in the past I’ve paid £15 a plant & all except one died. The supermarket ones are much smaller of course but soon ramp away to become big healthy plants. Can never resist if they have a variety I haven’t got though I‘VE already got dozens & dozens now climbing over everything, even up into the big old apple trees. Don’t mention labels! One of my geese used to be SO helpful....taking labels out of all the pots & taking them into his water trough to wash them 🙄

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