They Have To Be Kidding


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Jun 24, 2008
Next Monday 25th of May - what we've all been waiting for. 3 whole hours of Early Christmas Bird Crafting:39: . I can hardly go for a walk. For crying out loud, it gets earlier every year.
That is ridiculously early, no idea what they are thinking

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Being an avid Card maker I am going to start making some this month, that way when it comes to Christmas all my cards will be made.
People who do make alot of cards do start early in the year.
The Christmas bit I can stand, it was when they suggested it was Dawn Bibby on for 3 hours that freaked me. I don't dislike her, but I hope they have a few guests to break it up a bit.
Being an avid Card maker I am going to start making some this month, that way when it comes to Christmas all my cards will be made.
People who do make alot of cards do start early in the year.

If you have quite a lot to make and leave it until the last minute then it ends up being a chore rather than a pleasure (I speak from experience).

I will definitely be watching though I cannot say the same for the 24 hrs of Diamonique the following day.

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