Their vanity is so annoying and time consuming - Why should we suffer?


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If you are pretty without glasses, with the right frames you can look gorgeous and men are definatatley not put off women who wear glasses-quite the opposite! Apparentley they love the sexy secretary "geek chic" look that is fashionable. Should a gone to Specsavers! HA HA.
I think the days of 'men don't make passes at girls who wear glasses' are LONG gone!! I wear contacts 99% of the time at work, the days when i wear my glasses I always get a huge reaction and people telling me I should wear them more often (I'm no babe either let me tell you!)! Glasses can look so fab if they're the right ones and Julia Roberts only makes herself seem older and vain but not just getting a flattering pair and wearing them!
Diamond Diva I also had cataracts removed about 10 years ago and the results are fantastic in fact when I got home and saw the real colour of the paint in the kitchen I nearly fainted as it looked so bright.
Oy, why does wearing glasses make you look less attractive! : )
With a bit of imagination and style they can even be flattering and a great accessory.

I thought with all the laser surgery about there would virtually be no need for glasses anymore anyway
I used to have perfect sight but now need them for reading and distance. I wear varifocals and I hate them. I absolutely need them to read, but rarely use them at any other time (apart from driving) I freely admit to being vain, but I also just hate the feeling of them on my face and the fact they always seem to need cleaning. I detest them! I totally understand why the presenters try to do without them. (Simon Wilson last night was having a bit of bother!)
As for Julia's job ~ I think she would be safe if she came in with a white stick and crutches. She would still be a better presenter than the rest of them.
I used to have perfect sight but now need them for reading and distance. I wear varifocals and I hate them. I absolutely need them to read, but rarely use them at any other time (apart from driving) I freely admit to being vain, but I also just hate the feeling of them on my face and the fact they always seem to need cleaning. I detest them! I totally understand why the presenters try to do without them. (Simon Wilson last night was having a bit of bother!)
As for Julia's job ~ I think she would be safe if she came in with a white stick and crutches. She would still be a better presenter than the rest of them.

Oh thank goodness, you sound like me. I dont wear varifocals yet, probably next year. Got a pair in car for driving, but reallly only need them for close up work. I also detest them, they get dirty, leave marks on my nose and i am vain, ive said it before . VAIN. Its funny but i got the 6 pairs of reading glasses from QVC as in my work my glasses can get lost. I have them in and out of my pocket , leave them down and never remember where i put them, in fact someone took them home one day, its funny really So now as well as my expensive opticians glasses i have the 5 pairs from QVC and i can only find 2 of them at the minute. One in the kitchen , one in the bedroom, 3 pairs misssing :thinking:
I have great eyesight for anything that's more than 20 feet away! I have to use a computer all day for my work, which has had a dire effect on my aging eyes. I don't mind wearing glasses but I got talked into varifocals specifically designed for computer work last year and I hate them with a vengeance.

I could never cope with eye surgery, far too squeamish when it comes to eyes. If I ever develop cataracts I will to be captured and rendered unconscious!

I think the presenters are at the "denial stage" of their eyes deteriorating. Eventually it reaches a stage where you simply have to give in - some of them appear to be fast approaching this event.:happy:
JR and thoughs who need reading glasses and work on TV should have laser treament , cost on what they earn is small, i have warn glasses all my live i'm 67 they work well for me.
Its not so much about the actual wearing of glasses, but more about making such an "issue" of it - all the exaggerated squinting or arm lengthening to do the reading. Just quietly put the specs on and get on with the job !

I'm also amazed at how many forumites have been bullied for wearing specs at school ! Being a pupil from the 50's into the middle 60's cant say it ever happened to me, (perhaps we were more polite), AND these were the days when if any girl had a 'lazy' eye, had a big sticking plaster put over one lense of their glasses to help put it right !!!!!! Can you imagine such a thing today ?
Diamond Diva I also had cataracts removed about 10 years ago and the results are fantastic in fact when I got home and saw the real colour of the paint in the kitchen I nearly fainted as it looked so bright.

I know what you mean, when I'd only had one done the 'before' eye was out of focus and everything was sepia coloured while the 'after' was in focus, sharp and everything was a bright blue white and now both are done the difference to my sight is amazing its like looking at a digital photograph compared to one taken on an old fashioned box brownie camera! The trouble was I could also see all the cobwebs and how much the house needs cleaning & decorating!
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When I briefly tried contact lenses I was horrified to see the fine lines that were suddenly visible to me:down: - I must have been seeing everying in soft focus before (bit like the reported special lighting/lense used on Liz Earle!)
I've worn specs since the age of 11...the brown National Health ones (the pink didn't suit me apparently!) and I had a brown sticky paper patch on one lens to make my lazy eye work (that failed!). The frames available these days are fantastic and I don't mind wearing my specs at all ...couple of years ago the optician told me that I would have cataracts a few years on but that laser surgery would take ten minutes and I would no longer need to wear glasses after that??? I would quite miss them tbh, I fiddle with them when I'm nervous so would probably end up poking myself in the eye if they weren't there!
I've worn glasses since I was 8 and I'm disabled, yet I've never been teased for it AND I would wear them to a wedding. There ain't half some rubbish on this forum! I think it's absolutely crazy that we'd risk our eye health for vanity - mind you, JR et al are pretty pathetic anyway! PUT YOUR GLASSES ON YOU STUPID COW!!!! ;)
I wear contacts 95% of the time. But my vision is better with glasses. I just find them cumbersome. Nothing to do with vanity.

I asked my optician if i would soon need reading glasses over my contacts but she said they have some very good varifocal contacts now but when i need them i would be best to get on them as soon as possible cos when people wait a while they find they cannot adjust to them easily.
I've worn glasses since I was 8 and I'm disabled, yet I've never been teased for it AND I would wear them to a wedding. There ain't half some rubbish on this forum! I think it's absolutely crazy that we'd risk our eye health for vanity - mind you, JR et al are pretty pathetic anyway! PUT YOUR GLASSES ON YOU STUPID COW!!!! ;)

True there is, and there ain't half some rudeness either so it probably all works out.
I didn't like wearing specs when I was a teenager, until I discovered Buddy Holly, then I didn't mind (same with John Lennon).

I know someone who had laser surgery, it was great but after about 2 years her sight got worse again.

She had it done again, which ruined her vision (couldn't see well enough to watch TV or drive). Now she is back and for to Harley Street (paid for by the laser people) but not better.
Ive only been wearing glasses (varifocals) for about 5 years and dont mind at all, especially not at work where I would be unable to function without them. Frames are fab these days and comfortable so I would not fancy surgery . Im too squemish and it would be just my luck to go wrong!
When I briefly tried contact lenses I was horrified to see the fine lines that were suddenly visible to me:down: - I must have been seeing everying in soft focus before (bit like the reported special lighting/lense used on Liz Earle!)

If you end up needing reading glasses it puts the world back into soft focus!

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