The Return Of Stephanie Weightman - Craft Guest


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Must admit I'm enjoying Stephanie on Q! Agree with Murgatroyd she's a lot less manic than on C&C, not all giggly and high pitched laughing!
I've not seen any SW shows before so nothing to compare, but I did enjoy her TSV launch show with Julian who obviously knows her.

I had assumed that Amy was taking over from the Bibster although it's a long drive to London every week for her when she's got a young family. Shame because I enjoy her shows as well. Perhaps I've just missed the shows ?

I have really enjoyed craft on qvc today. I think the main thing is that all the shows have been well advertised whereas since Dawn left, the hours have been all over the place and with no promotion that they were on, as far as I could see. I never thought Amy had taken over from Dawn, more filling in the gap.
Got it in one..SW is very good at making eyes at the camera but rubbish at doing demo's, I watched the first 20 minutes last night when she was selling her CD. No computer to show what was on it or how easy it is to open and use all we had was the picture on the cover. If you think back to IW she always had a "guest" who did all the demo's while she stood back saying how good the products were.
Never heard of her - not into crafting - suppose she can't be any worst than the dreadful Dawn. Watched for about 5 seconds. She looks like the 'woman' that Arnold Schwarzenneger morphs into in Total Recall :grin:
Got it in one..SW is very good at making eyes at the camera but rubbish at doing demo's, I watched the first 20 minutes last night when she was selling her CD. No computer to show what was on it or how easy it is to open and use all we had was the picture on the cover. If you think back to IW she always had a "guest" who did all the demo's while she stood back saying how good the products were.

I have to agree-she's rubbish and that's coming from a non- crafter! Even if I had the urge to take it up,nothing I have seen her do would inspire me to do so. All the demos I've seen her do are of the simplest kind and not very well executed. I would imagine keen crafters will very quickly become bored with her.
I totally disagree, the demos are always rushed so its not fair to criticise her, especially during her first day in a new place of work. I bet as time goes on she will make the time work better to show the demos in full. Personally for me, a papercrafter, I am not too bothered about the demo unless it is a new technique. If it is nothing compicated, or needing an explanation then I would much rather see loads and loads of card samples for inspiration of how the kit, papers whatever can be used in designs on my cards. What I don't like is to just see a few cards, I want to see loads.
I know I am being so mean saying this, but every time I see her I cant help thinking "what an unfortunate surname" (ducks for cover....) is it just me being a bitch this fine morning? Maybe that's why they call the shows after her first name only.
I know I am being so mean saying this, but every time I see her I cant help thinking "what an unfortunate surname" (ducks for cover....) is it just me being a bitch this fine morning? Maybe that's why they call the shows after her first name only.

I thought the same but I wasn't going to say 'owt :0)
I know its mean to say it, but I was thinking it. I thought I would post to see if I got any flak. It seems its ok fir someone ( cant remember who, sorry...) to get away with calling Jill Franks CADAVEROUS, but not ok to say that Stephanie has an unfortunate, one rule for one, if you think a certain way. Sorry Stephanie, to use you to prove my point.
I know its mean to say it, but I was thinking it. I thought I would post to see if I got any flak. It seems its ok fir someone ( cant remember who, sorry...) to get away with calling Jill Franks CADAVEROUS, but not ok to say that Stephanie has an unfortunate, one rule for one, if you think a certain way. Sorry Stephanie, to use you to prove my point.

I don't think it's fine to say anyone is fat or thin to be honest, why does size matter, speaking as a fatty it annoys me! Let's be honest it's more socially acceptable to be thin than fat, I'm not saying that is right but it's a fact! Better to be healthy really.
No one is perfect. But noone deserves nasty comments either. Again sorry for playing my little game, tried to it in the nicest way possible (I am sure Stephanie would be the first ti accept she is a large lady), but the point I am making is that it is slways wrong to make nasty comments about something that a person cant really help. I suppose Stephanie could diet, snd Jill could eat loads of MacDonalds, but MAYBE no matter how hard they try they just struggle either way. I know Jill is on the frivolous and trivial side, but that is about as far as I will go.
SW needs to get rid of the nails, the "make your own buttons" demo was painful with all the fiddling and I hope she doesn't bring smut with her from C&C, thankfully Simon Biagi ignored a reference to slapping!

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