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Well Jackie has a proper publishing deal whereas Debbie has an ebook or whatever they call it. Self-publishing is not the same as what Jackie has achieved.

The climate is changing re self publishing though, there's more and more of a move towards it from "proper" authors, it's not just vanity publishing anymore.
The climate is changing re self publishing though, there's more and more of a move towards it from "proper" authors, it's not just vanity publishing anymore.

That's probably true but there is some absolute self published tripe out there, I have down loaded a lot of books not realising they were self published until I started reading them when it quickly became apparent by the dire quality of the writing. I need to learn how to distinguish these because, with a few exceptions, they have honestly not been worth even the quid or so I paid for them!! I now look out for and avoid anything described as 'Laugh out Loud' or with a crappy generic cover illustration cos those are usually clues.
If Jackie really has got herself a real deal with a 'proper' publisher then good for her.
Fair point, there's certainly some trashy stuff out there. Mind you there's some real trash that's "legitimately" published too, like 50 shades et al.
Fair point, there's certainly some trashy stuff out there. Mind you there's some real trash that's "legitimately" published too, like 50 shades et al.

I have never read that 50 Shades book. But I've heard it's tacky.
I did out of curiosity at all the hoo ha about it. It's truly terrible. Dismally poor writing, full of mistakes and inconsistencies, endlessly repetitive, uses bizarre catchphrases that don't actually make sense... Hilariously bad and in desperate need of editing at the very least. I'm surprised it ever got published.
I did out of curiosity at all the hoo ha about it. It's truly terrible. Dismally poor writing, full of mistakes and inconsistencies, endlessly repetitive, uses bizarre catchphrases that don't actually make sense... Hilariously bad and in desperate need of editing at the very least. I'm surprised it ever got published.

Me too. A friend lent me her copy, and after the first couple of pages I did the quick flick, and couldn't understand how it was the best seller it became. The age of the characters did it for me, totally unrealistic. Had it been a 30 something woman, with a George Clooney lookalike, then I might have stuck with it, but images of Prince Harry kept coming to mind so didn't hit the mark.
Richard Jackson - There's no place like gnome!
Julia Roberts - Size 12 - In the shadow of my namesake Julia Roberts (the film star)
Alison Young - "For yew."
Jill Franks - Talking Frankly. My tale of growing up in Fulham
Charlie Brook - Take...a ...THIS!
Jan Springer - 50 Shades of Grey....and a spiral perm! Reflections on my golden years.
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I don't think Debbie Flint will like Jackie stealing her "thunder." (I use the term generously). Kabler is infinitely more intelligent than Flint and I'm sure she is a much better writer too. I think I will start up my stories as well. Anyone remember Patricia and Clive?

From her presenter puff, - sorry, blog* - it appears that Maisie from the Market hides her light under a bushel:

SEPTEMBER 12, 2014 By Debbie Flint

First this week… a pal asked me on Facebook to join in the chain of people posting ‘Five things people don’t know about me’. Jules Wake (she’s one of the lovely authors doing a short spooky story for my upcoming freebie eBook for Hallowe’en) listed hers – bones broken, stars met and weird jobs

So, I have thought long and hard about this and I want you to do the same. Since I share so much online, nothing much is a secret! But I’ve narrowed it down. Are your five things like my five things?
Five things most people don’t know about me:

1. …

5. I have fifteen GCSE’s, five A’Levels including Archaeology which I got at an evening class when I first joined QVC. I am also a member of Mensa and have an IQ four points below Einstein (160) and two higher than Carol Vorderman. But I have no common sense, I don’t ‘get’ jokes and I don’t know my left from my right.

Quaere: GCSEs came in, I believe, during the mid-late 80s, and yet, according to Ms Flint’s LinkedIn page, she was studying at the LSE for a degree during the early 80s. GCE ‘O’ levels or CSEs, Ms Flint? Surely, you would not ‘downgrade’ your ‘O’ levels. Jay

* I read Maisie’s 12/9/14 blog in the hope that she would reveal the then-forthcoming Yong Kim TSV
Mensa members tend to fall into 2 groups: the seriously weird and the very modest.* One of the hallmarks of gifted children is that they learn to hide their light under a bushelfor fear of being known as "different". Not so DBF. She could have made 4 of her 5 points from the last statement alone, ie
I have an A level in Archeology
I have no common sense
I don't "get" jokes
I don't know my left from my right.
Those 4 would have been far more appropriate than boasting about her IQ to the world. She just can't help herself, can she?

*Yes, I've met some. No big deal. It means they can do intelligence tests better than most. That's all.
Mensa members tend to fall into 2 groups: the seriously weird and the very modest.* One of the hallmarks of gifted children is that they learn to hide their light under a bushelfor fear of being known as "different". Not so DBF. She could have made 4 of her 5 points from the last statement alone, ie
I have an A level in Archeology
I have no common sense
I don't "get" jokes
I don't know my left from my right.
Those 4 would have been far more appropriate than boasting about her IQ to the world. She just can't help herself, can she?

*Yes, I've met some. No big deal. It means they can do intelligence tests better than most. That's all.

No, she can't. Hence, my irony: modest Maisie is an oxymoron. As someone who used to like doing intelligence tests at university, I would have more respect for them were one to get a negative mark for wrong answers, as happens with the GRE for postgrad studies in the USA; this focuses one mind! As it stands, a good guess can do wonders for your score. I agree: a high IQ score represents only an ability to do IQ tests.

Perhaps I do Maisie a great disservice, but she strikes me as a very superficial person, and not one of life's deep thinkers. And a braggart to boot!
Is there such a thing as "A Level Archaeology"? If there is I am sure there wasn't when I did my A levels in 1995. If there is I apologise of course.

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