The 'little' things :(


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May 29, 2014
As much as we all do bork at the antics of PS and Barra Boi, one of the aspects of IW which drives me mad, and is almost as bad, is the little things said without anyone noticing.
Moira C is the POTD today, and she has 3 times now, casually thrown out there "these are made of the best quality faux fur you can buy".
Hmmmm, anyone else out there doubting that claim? The BEST quality you can buy? I'd like to see that substantiated.....

Your homework today, or mission (should you choose to accept it....this message will self destr...) try and listen out for the absolute rubbish slipped in quietly on any sale, remembering a misstruth is a misstruth, small or large.
I wouldn't wear a Moira C faux fur anything to be honest, especially that hat. I did hear her say last night that "you don't get messy hair wearing this hat" she says as she straightens her messy hair, and don't get me started on that head set she wears that makes it look like a giant wart on her cheek. :mysmilie_13:
As much as we all do bork at the antics of PS and Barra Boi, one of the aspects of IW which drives me mad, and is almost as bad, is the little things said without anyone noticing.
Moira C is the POTD today, and she has 3 times now, casually thrown out there "these are made of the best quality faux fur you can buy".
Hmmmm, anyone else out there doubting that claim? The BEST quality you can buy? I'd like to see that substantiated.....

Your homework today, or mission (should you choose to accept it....this message will self destr...) try and listen out for the absolute rubbish slipped in quietly on any sale, remembering a misstruth is a misstruth, small or large.

One thing about the word FAUX -why not say the real word - FAKE
If it looks like Faux, feels like Faux, then it must be FAKE!!!!!
Hmm, since I posted this, in the 10am hour it's now just "the same as all those other brands of faux fur", is it NOT the best quality faux fur you can get Moira?
OOh, I feel naughty :)
Please please stop playing that dreadful clip of a woman called Lesley who lost a scarflace on a blustery day and the magnets stuck it to a man's car! It's more cringeworthy than any T caller to QVC and that's a tall order (even including Julia Robert's "fake (faux)baby" caller). They're playing that clip and also the one of Moira laughing in every room in her windmill, 2 or 3 times per POTD hour! In case you haven't heard it Lesley is a 5'6" tall slim blonde who has hundreds of Moira C products...aaaarrrrrgh!

I'll own up to owning a couple of scarflaces but I'm not sure a fur fabric hat would suit me, and as far as keeping warm don't we lose heat from the top of our heads?
Please please stop playing that dreadful clip of a woman called Lesley who lost a scarflace on a blustery day and the magnets stuck it to a man's car! It's more cringeworthy than any T caller to QVC and that's a tall order (even including Julia Robert's "fake (faux)baby" caller). They're playing that clip and also the one of Moira laughing in every room in her windmill, 2 or 3 times per POTD hour! In case you haven't heard it Lesley is a 5'6" tall slim blonde who has hundreds of Moira C products...aaaarrrrrgh!

I'll own up to owning a couple of scarflaces but I'm not sure a fur fabric hat would suit me, and as far as keeping warm don't we lose heat from the top of our heads?

Glad you brough this point up, I listened to the "random caller!" Its weird as she had the same tone of voice to Moira, maybe Moira or a close relative???

Maybe I dig to deep sometimes........................
Oh well, here goes. I have quite a few scarflaces. ChiChis and furlaces. They really are good quality and though I say so myself they do look nice when I wear them. Even my daughters who were determined to laugh at my purchases had to admit that they look good.
Heck, I missed Moira C. Been out most of the day and didn't get to see her - I can't resist watching a bit when she's on, although she exhausts me just watching her. I often wonder what happened to those Itsawrap trousers that she used to do? Did she abandon them? She really used to get hyper when demonstrating those things, nearly hitting her head on the studio floor when she flung herself downwards to grab the loose bit of material! :mysmilie_14:
As much as we all do bork at the antics of PS and Barra Boi, one of the aspects of IW which drives me mad, and is almost as bad, is the little things said without anyone noticing.
Moira C is the POTD today, and she has 3 times now, casually thrown out there "these are made of the best quality faux fur you can buy".
Hmmmm, anyone else out there doubting that claim? The BEST quality you can buy? I'd like to see that substantiated.....

Your homework today, or mission (should you choose to accept it....this message will self destr...) try and listen out for the absolute rubbish slipped in quietly on any sale, remembering a misstruth is a misstruth, small or large.
She ALWAYS manages to slip into every presentation that she lives in a windmill!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, Moira, we all know by now......the whole of the world knows, in fact.
Please please stop playing that dreadful clip of a woman called Lesley who lost a scarflace on a blustery day and the magnets stuck it to a man's car! It's more cringeworthy than any T caller to QVC and that's a tall order (even including Julia Robert's "fake (faux)baby" caller). They're playing that clip and also the one of Moira laughing in every room in her windmill, 2 or 3 times per POTD hour! In case you haven't heard it Lesley is a 5'6" tall slim blonde who has hundreds of Moira C products...aaaarrrrrgh!

I'll own up to owning a couple of scarflaces but I'm not sure a fur fabric hat would suit me, and as far as keeping warm don't we lose heat from the top of our heads?
The comments I like are "its very high end", "designer inspired", and, my personal favourite, "its in all the magazines" - (do they mean Vogue or Gardeners Weekly?)
She ALWAYS manages to slip into every presentation that she lives in a windmill!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, Moira, we all know by now......the whole of the world knows, in fact.

I didn't know, heck I am always the last to find out stuff like that! It is my own fault, her style of presenting her product leaves me somewhat exhausted and I cannot watch more than two minutes!
She ALWAYS manages to slip into every presentation that she lives in a windmill!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, Moira, we all know by now......the whole of the world knows, in fact.

I bet the kids loved living there, I mean it's not like she could tell them to go and stand in the corner is it. :mysmilie_17:
I have already admitted to having no problem with her products but it did annoy me that she constantly kept telling us she is patrioNic. Moira, the word is patriotic!
Yer what, Muttley? You didn't know? Shame on you :mysmilie_17: Of course, she's not bragging, you understand....(what the heck has the fact she lives in a windmill got to do with the scarflaces, etc. that she's flogging is something I've not managed to work out yet..)

I didn't know, heck I am always the last to find out stuff like that! It is my own fault, her style of presenting her product leaves me somewhat exhausted and I cannot watch more than two minutes!
I love how she brags that she used to be on sale in department stores etc etc, yeah Moira, USED to, did you stop selling to them? Oh, no? I reckon they decided to stop stocking your stuff. Personally, if I was a sales person, I would much prefer my stuff on sale in multiple high street shops than Ideal World only. Way to go Moira, pointing out they were good enough to get in decent shops, but then got booted out! :p
Yer what, Muttley? You didn't know? Shame on you :mysmilie_17: Of course, she's not bragging, you understand....(what the heck has the fact she lives in a windmill got to do with the scarflaces, etc. that she's flogging is something I've not managed to work out yet..)

I humbly apologise for not watching enough of her to know about her living in a windmill. I will increase my medication and then should be able to watch more than two minutes and I promise that I will listen carefully to what she says! By the way, do you think she wants a medal for living in a windmill? Or, as you say, is she bragging? Personally, it's not what I would choose if I had the money/opportunity to move wherever I want, but that's just me. And I don't know what her living arrangements have on the product she is selling, but I always get the impression when she is on that it is all about her, and she thinks we are interested. Maybe some people are...
I love how she brags that she used to be on sale in department stores etc etc, yeah Moira, USED to, did you stop selling to them? Oh, no? I reckon they decided to stop stocking your stuff. Personally, if I was a sales person, I would much prefer my stuff on sale in multiple high street shops than Ideal World only. Way to go Moira, pointing out they were good enough to get in decent shops, but then got booted out! :p

Good point Grippeh, I would ask the question "why aren't they on sale in department stores now?" I would find it hard to believe that she stopped selling in shops that have a high level of customers, to sell "exclusively" to shopping channels that people (including myself) find when bored watching the adverts selling funeral protection plans and PPI on other channels.

And when sellers on shopping channels say that their product is sold "exclusively" on IW (or whatever channel) I usually think that other suppliers probably wouldn't touch it with a bargepole. It may be that the product is really good but unfortunately that is the way my brain works.
I humbly apologise for not watching enough of her to know about her living in a windmill. I will increase my medication and then should be able to watch more than two minutes and I promise that I will listen carefully to what she says! By the way, do you think she wants a medal for living in a windmill? Or, as you say, is she bragging? Personally, it's not what I would choose if I had the money/opportunity to move wherever I want, but that's just me. And I don't know what her living arrangements have on the product she is selling, but I always get the impression when she is on that it is all about her, and she thinks we are interested. Maybe some people are...

Jonathon Creek lives in a windmill.

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