The frosty morning show


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John Lennon.....umpteen books by his ex, and she kept the name despite re-marrying a couple more times.
Just to qualify my use of the Dislike button - I imagine that Sheila Hancock & Gloria Hunniford might find writing about their lost loved ones cathartic and if we don't like it, we don't have to buy the books. I've not read any, but my Dad enjoyed reading about John Thaw.

As to SH being "incredibly ugly", I hate to hear anyone talk like that about anyone else - it's not necessary really is it? I'm speaking as one never blessed with a beautiful face and playground taunts haunt me still..I just don't like it. Ok I'll shut up and push off.
I only visit this forum rarely now because of the senseless and needless bitching. This thread just embodies all of it. Suppose I'll get a verbose and 'witty' rebuttal but don't some of you realise what contempt people who read this forum hold you in? You're not funny, or constructive or edgy, just cruel.
@BusyMum, I like/support your post. @Mimi, that's a quite a Blanket Statement. I do not think I am cruel, quite the opposite. If you are making such a scathing accusation, you should name names ... no, I thought not.
Just to qualify my use of the Dislike button - I imagine that Sheila Hancock & Gloria Hunniford might find writing about their lost loved ones cathartic and if we don't like it, we don't have to buy the books. I've not read any, but my Dad enjoyed reading about John Thaw.

As to SH being "incredibly ugly", I hate to hear anyone talk like that about anyone else - it's not necessary really is it? I'm speaking as one never blessed with a beautiful face and playground taunts haunt me still..I just don't like it. Ok I'll shut up and push off.

to qualify what I said - i didn't even know gloria hunniford had written a book and i certainly wouldn't read it. what i personally objected to was her appearing on any and every magazine type/chat type tv show going on and on about the very thing her daughter had asked to be kept private. even if she found it cathartic, why couldn't she respect her daughter's wishes?

the others i made no comment on because i have no strong feelings about it.
I only visit this forum rarely now because of the senseless and needless bitching. This thread just embodies all of it. Suppose I'll get a verbose and 'witty' rebuttal but don't some of you realise what contempt people who read this forum hold you in? You're not funny, or constructive or edgy, just cruel.

That's why threads like this blow the others out of the water when it comes to view numbers then? People are clicking to read the comments just so they can hold the contributors in contempt? I don't think so. Whether you personally like it or not, most people enjoy a good bitchy gossip. It's human nature.
Personally, if I don't like a post or a thread that I have read I just disregard it. I can't even be bothered with the 'dislike' button - which in my opinion is a trouble-maker itself! My life would be consumed with forums if I recorded my every thought here. This is one of the reasons that Facebook winds me up - when has it become necessary to tell the world your every waking thought?! I know I have just broken precedence by responding, I just wanted to record that life's too short. Ignore it, move on, be nice, chill out :) :bandit:
Personally, if I don't like a post or a thread that I have read I just disregard it. I can't even be bothered with the 'dislike' button - which in my opinion is a trouble-maker itself! My life would be consumed with forums if I recorded my every thought here. This is one of the reasons that Facebook winds me up - when has it become necessary to tell the world your every waking thought?! I know I have just broken precedence by responding, I just wanted to record that life's too short. Ignore it, move on, be nice, chill out :) :bandit:

My thoughts exactly.
As to SH being "incredibly ugly", I hate to hear anyone talk like that about anyone else - it's not necessary really is it? I'm speaking as one never blessed with a beautiful face and playground taunts haunt me still..I just don't like it. Ok I'll shut up and push off.
Beauty is subjective and John Thaw obviously saw something in JH that I didn't so that's all that matters BM. Obviously someone also found beauty in you otherwise you wouldn't be a 'busy mum' and I suspect your comment "playground taunts haunt me still" was thrown in to give your post some gravitas. :rolleyes: However, if it wasn't and some stupid childish remarks from probably 40 years ago still bother you I suggest you have some kind of therapy and get over it.
I don't like to judge people, as I would hate to be judged myself - and I learnt a while ago, that unless you have lived that persons life, and know everything they have dealt with in that lifetime then you have no right to judge them.

Having said that, and I can only speak personally, if and when I lose my nearest and dearest I would not write about it for all the world to see, in the process of making money. It sometimes seems to me that people 'in the public eye' have an arrogance about them, that makes them think everyone wants to know everything about them. If these people find this 'cathartic' then keep a private journal. Some of the details in these grief books are very personal and I am not sure that the deceased person would want their dirty linen aired in public (I am only going on the ones that have been serialised in my newspaper, which I have seen the main points of). My relationships with the people I love are private and special and are not for sale, at any price - I would rather be poor and hold my memories to my heart. However, as has been said, each to their own and we don't have to read them, I just find it all distasteful.
Reading that back, it seems a bit rich of me to say 'I don't judge' when I am on here giving my opinions (sometimes negative ones) of the presenters - but its just having a gripe and debate and discussion and I have loads of laugh out loud moments on this site. Maybe I'm being hypocritical (plse don't judge me!! lol).
Indeed, as the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I expect we're all beautiful to someone (even if it's only the cat!). But I didn't throw in my playground remark to add gravitas PPC, I said it because it's true and because it may help to explain why I feel strongly about hurtful remarks and why I often jump in feet first in someone's defence on here when really disparaging remarks such as yours are made. Those remarks DO spring back to my mind when I hear things like that, they don't haunt me every waking minute, I don't think I need therapy. Other folks might think differently! :mysmilie_506:

As to judging people, we can't judge unless we've had the experience. When my Mum died, I couldn't stop talking about her, nor could my sister, nor could my Dad. OK we weren't talking to media, but we might have done if we'd been in the public eye. It keeps them close.

Well, I'm not looking to fall out with anyone or be banned from the forum so I'll leave it at that.
Why would you be banned from the forum for putting your view accross about a nasty comment?
Morning BM. I actually wasn't having a dig at you and only suggested therapy because I thought it may help as I didn't understand why you are still "haunted" by stupid childish comments made so long ago. Ironically I actually don't believe in endlessly carping on about traumatic or upsetting experiences to a stranger and am of the opinion that banging on and on about bad *stuff* just keeps unpleasant events fresh in peoples' minds instead of allowing sad/bad memories to naturally fade. Like you I talked about my own bereavements to my family and I believe that helped us all to come to terms with our loss and move on, but I admit I am a very pragmatic, get on with it type of person. For Huniford, Hancock, Black and all the rest who just can't stop talking about themselves I am sure it is very helpful....for their bank balances. :rolleyes:

P.S. My furries think I am the most gorgeous Mum in the whole world, especially at dinner time. :tongue:
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Fortunately, we are all different and react differently to life's events. I am also a very pragmatic person, but have studied psychology and counselling as I am aware that some people do need to "'harp on" about their issues. I am very much a 'get on with it' person myself, but of late I seem to be experiencing things from the other side. If people didn't need to talk there would be no need for therapists and psychologists. What may seem like 'childish taunts' to you can harm someone for life. In fact, it is people like me that keep things bottled up that end up experiencing this kind of stress - even knowing what I know and advising other people! I so wish people would think about other people's feelings before airing their opinion on here. Walk away, go and have a cup of tea, come back and if you still feel that strongly about it, air your opinion in a way that will not hurt anyone. I am all for expressing my opinion (see my signature!) but I would never project it so it could hurt someone. is hard enough as it is without antagonizing people. Besides, it's such hard work to be angry - it's not good for us :dull:

Now, let's all chill out and have a nice day eh?! :sun: I am about to go to the docs and imagine I am going to be signed off work. I come on here for release, not to be wound up even more :grin: let's play nice!!
Fortunately, we are all different and react differently to life's events. I am also a very pragmatic person, but have studied psychology and counselling as I am aware that some people do need to "'harp on" about their issues. I am very much a 'get on with it' person myself, but of late I seem to be experiencing things from the other side. If people didn't need to talk there would be no need for therapists and psychologists. What may seem like 'childish taunts' to you can harm someone for life. In fact, it is people like me that keep things bottled up that end up experiencing this kind of stress - even knowing what I know and advising other people! I so wish people would think about other people's feelings before airing their opinion on here. Walk away, go and have a cup of tea, come back and if you still feel that strongly about it, air your opinion in a way that will not hurt anyone. I am all for expressing my opinion (see my signature!) but I would never project it so it could hurt someone. is hard enough as it is without antagonizing people. Besides, it's such hard work to be angry - it's not good for us :dull:

Now, let's all chill out and have a nice day eh?! :sun: I am about to go to the docs and imagine I am going to be signed off work. I come on here for release, not to be wound up even more :grin: let's play nice!!
I assume your post is mainly directed at me Capirossi so I should like to point out that I was not trying to upset or antagonise anybody and neither am I allowing myself to get wound up by your patronising "let's play nice" comment. Sheesh...these amatuer forum psychologists do my head in. :dull:
Well I'm sure Busy Mum didn't appreciate the memories that still upset her being called "childish taunts" or being told to have therapy and "get over it". I wouldn't, that's why I wrote the post. I am not an amateur anything, I just simply believe in being nice to people. Oh and the 'let's play' comment was humour. Referring back to a previous post I made, I usually skip over things like this but being in my current situation it touched a nerve. That's all I have to say on the matter - out loud anyway :)

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1.) This thread has deteriorated to the point that Maria and her cronies are having the last laugh. 2.) Capirossi, I wish you all the best at your medical appointment, as I'm sure do many, many others on here. Take care, sending you hugs and kind thoughts, Snarly

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