The changing faces of Alison Young


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Just watching the advert for Alison"s 17th Anniversary Shows. And like us all she"s changed over the years. Lost weight, put it on
again, lost it again etc. It happens to us all, but when we do it its, not on camera and it can be shown to everyone. I"d hate to
see myself from 17 years ago and compare it to myself now, so surely it must be hard for her, or do we think she doesn"t really
care. Answers please ...................... :wonder:
I agree I'd hate to see my various shapes,hairstyles and hair colours over 17 years let alone the fashion!!

I think any woman would want some editing rights over it,and I imagine thats what she has.
She doesn"t seem to have done editing as far as i can see. I watched today , and you could see the big hair and shoulder pads,
and in it she looked very very young, and theres a lovely one of her lounging in a big chair with black on and she looked lovely,
so if she is letting us all she how shes aged she"s being very brave. I don"t think any of us would like to look at old photos of
ourselves, never mind videos. I think good on her, i couldn"t do it. x
Well choices are Jill Franks, Claire Sutton and Debbie Flint, but that's just in my humble opinion:happy:
JF !!! I just cannot abide her. I could freely throw something through the screen when she is on.:headbang: So I immediatley turn off.

Closely followed by Chuntley.

Then a tie for AY or JR.
I find Anna Cookson the most annoying presenter followed closely by JF and Chuntley who just loves everything. :devil:

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