The changing faces of Alison Young


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Yes but hang on tick. Better the devil you know?! Look at the new batch ... Caramel, Meehall and Anna. And you could put Craig in that lot too. I don't mind any of them but they're hardly flavour of the month for most. We could be left with worse than we started with.

Now to whoever said Ali Young looks great draped in that big chair, all I see is a startled rabbit in headlights.
Damn, you should see the photo they have up on Facebook. AY is airbrushed beyond believe! The woman seems happy with her eye bags and imperfections why do that to her?
I'm not an Ali Young fan either and I think she's had her day as the only resident beauty expert on QVC.I'd like to see her have a bit of competition.

I could add all the irritating bits of the presenters together and it still would not come close to the totally fake and patronising Claire Sutton who for me is the full monty of irritation!
Would I be right in saying that out of all the presenters Pipa gets the least criticism.

She is fairly inoffensive.
I like her, though I can not for the life of me understand her preference for such a short hairstyle which just showcases her ... ♪♫ ♫♪ (not to be mentioned) ... so much!
Pipa is OK. I quite like Catherine Huntley's voice so she is OK. It must be hard being a QVC presenter as you have to show the positive side to all the products. If you said: "and now on to yet another piece of over-hyped garbage that you really don't need!" I'm sure they would not last long. I have not been keen on Jill Franks since she said "I have got one these at home and it's brilliant," only to say (about the same product): "I think I really need to get one of these!" Later in the hour. I thought to myself: "But you already said you have one!" She is always stating she has / wants everything.

Alison young's voice is like a cheese grater combined with fingernails down a chalk board with a baby crying all mixed up. She seems very aggressive and her advice not always so good. At least she doesn't seem to have had surgery. (Unlike some other people). And in nearly 20 years of course she will have aged. However much I dislike her manner / voice I would rather have her on there than some Oil of Olay type girl. I remember one advert where this 16 year old girl said: "Wrinkles, I hate wrinkles!" Well who actually likes wrinkles?!

Lulu looks great but if we are to believe that this is in any part due to her face cream that she came up with just a few years ago then I just don't buy it! Tova looks great for a 72 year old, but again, this cannot be due to her cold cream!
I am not saying anything nasty about these people, merely pointing out that products are not the only factor in their youthful appearance!
Julia Roberts seems to have an ego. but doesn't seem to have had much, or any surgery. It would be hard for a QVC presenter to have surgery as they appear on screen so regularly it would be easy to spot.

She is fairly inoffensive.
I like her, though I can not for the life of me understand her preference for such a short hairstyle which just showcases her ... ♪♫ ♫♪ (not to be mentioned) ... so much!
AY is airbrushed beyond believe!
Is it the one they used for the July newsletter? I counldn't believe how obvious the airbrushing was - they're hardly supporting the product claims by doing that.
My key memories of AY are:

* Being a guest on QVC USA and having her hair backcombed into a pyramid -- may have been Samys products?
* Being a guest on QVC Germany and the co-presenter (Based at Germany QVC) fell absolutely hook, line and sinker for Alison, didn't stop complimenting how beautiful she was through the whole show, which rendered AY (who was actually single then) speechless, and blushing continuously
* Continually brushing her poker straight high lift bleached long hair with her wooden Aveda paddle brush
* The day QVC dedicated a few hours to AY for her 'hen night' also the 'girls night in' wearing PJs drinking booze - yes alcohol based cocktails!) and endless chocolates

Shes hasn't done too badly, Good for her
As a final thought - if people think she is harsh now, the early viewers may agree with me when I point out she was worse pre-marriage, and grumpy as hell. We never got a smile in those 1990s days - My Mother used to say "she needs to fall in love"
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I too remember the Aveda paddle brush - they'd come back from a break and she'd have it out, vigorously brushing her hair, which was always lighter from the ears down, due to the top half having been covered by her riding cap when she was out in the sunshine.

I also remember the hen night, and how they showed her wedding video on a loop, during the Christmas period when there was no live broadcast.

She was such an incorrigible flirt before she was married, especially when she'd get one of the camera men up onto the therapist bed to demonstrate one of the waxing products they used to sell.

I remember, during a L'Occitane hour, her reminiscing about a trip to Provence, when they'd stayed in the same hotel as a French rugby team and, 'what a weekend they'd had'. Alexis looked more than a little embarrassed and Aly picked up on this and teased her by adding that there was nothing to be embarrassed about because they were both single at the time.

No one was more surprised than me when she announced she was getting married - she even referred to herself as 'the ice maiden' and said that someone had finally made her melt. That's one of the things I really like about her, she's totally accepting of herself, warts and all and will voice what others are obviously thinking, with a 'I don't give a' attitude.
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Worse than Ali Young? Jill Franks. Awful woman and she thinks she's gorgeous in those awful one shoulder tops as well - horrid. I think AY is fine although her voice does get a bit squeaky at times (mine's not great either lol).


know what you mean about AY but she has helped me find the right skin care routine so am grateful for that but she should let the guest presenters have more say than she does, we know she is brilliant at her job because she keeps telling us, I find JR so embarassing especially when she has a guest male presenter, she usualy wears low tops then and so girly girly and flicking her hair and waving her hands about, I cant watch anythhing she presents.

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