The Calendar - again


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Jul 8, 2008
Did anyone sees Julian trying to flog the calendar again this morning? I see it's now down to £5 and still not selling. He's obviously aware that it's a pile of poo as he was describing it as a "fun gift" to send to someone. He was laughing at it but did add the footnote that some goes to charity. I bet this wouldn't sell in a charity shop! It's strange to sell a promotional calendar anyway, IMO. Anyone who's ever worked in an office knows that companies dish them out for free to get some extra advertising.

I love the behind the scenes promo. All the ego stroking and little did they know how much ridicule the whole thing would generate :D
Yeah, I saw it. Thought he was quite funny, bless him!! I like the way he said it could be a "tongue in cheek" gift for someone. If anyone was going to present it, it had to be him! Can you imagine the likes of JR and JF doing it?! Also giggled when he said Dale looked like his dog - so true!! Gosh, that photo wasn't half air-brushed. I bet the ladies look like cover girls in it :wonder::wink:
QVC Calender

They are now selling off the presenters calender for a fiver. No surprise that nobody wants the very small JR staring at them for a whole month. :giggle:
I saw this when it was being sold for £10 and thought they were out of their minds. Maybe if it had funny pictures from behind the scenes I would maybe just about consider it if ALL the money went to charity but for £10 I thought they were taking the mick. Even for £5 its pathetic.
These people are sales people not celebrities
Maybe they should send the left over ones out with orders free as promotional gifts
When I was at Birchwood a couple of weeks ago they had stacks and stacks of them, for £1.99 each :grin: Amusingly, people were just looking at the crate, smiling and walking past - I didn't see a single one sold!
that calendar is symbolic of the way that QVC is out of touch and out of step with the ordinary world, the presenters are not quasi celebrities or role models they are sales staff
When I was at Birchwood a couple of weeks ago they had stacks and stacks of them, for £1.99 each :grin: Amusingly, people were just looking at the crate, smiling and walking past - I didn't see a single one sold!

I was there the other day and the crates stlll full. They can't even sell them for 1.99. I doubt they'd get rid if them if they were giving them away. :taphead:
I saw this when it was being sold for £10 and thought they were out of their minds. Maybe if it had funny pictures from behind the scenes I would maybe just about consider it if ALL the money went to charity but for £10 I thought they were taking the mick. Even for £5 its pathetic.
These people are sales people not celebrities
Maybe they should send the left over ones out with orders free as promotional gifts

No thanks, my wheelie bin is almost full.

And if they're flogging them at £1.99 or, rather, trying to, what happens to the BCC donation?
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Went into the outlet shop at Birchwood today and they were giving away the calender with every purchase (whether you wanted one or not - couldn't see any signs saying 'free calender', they just made you have one by thrusting into your hand or sneaking it into the bag if there was room!!) :mysmilie_19:

There had been loads of them by the door reduced to 99p for the past few weeks, so must have been no takers even at that price!

I've taken my calender down from the kitchen wall and replaced it with this one and am now waiting for someone to notice :giggle:
Went into the outlet shop at Birchwood today and they were giving away the calender with every purchase (whether you wanted one or not - couldn't see any signs saying 'free calender', they just made you have one by thrusting into your hand or sneaking it into the bag if there was room!!) :mysmilie_19:

There had been loads of them by the door reduced to 99p for the past few weeks, so must have been no takers even at that price!

I've taken my calender down from the kitchen wall and replaced it with this one and am now waiting for someone to notice :giggle:

:mysmilie_17: You could always pin it to a dart board. Bet they don't do one this year.
Yeah, I saw it. Thought he was quite funny, bless him!! I like the way he said it could be a "tongue in cheek" gift for someone. If anyone was going to present it, it had to be him! Can you imagine the likes of JR and JF doing it?! Also giggled when he said Dale looked like his dog - so true!! Gosh, that photo wasn't half air-brushed. I bet the ladies look like cover girls in it :wonder::wink:

Good idea for a novelty gift but the postage wouldn't be a laughing matter!!
Still, look at the bright side. These would make great gifts for friends (so long as you don't mind them not being friends afterwards).
Another bright side is that you could cut the pictures out for scrapbooking - HEY - why not make some cards with your favourite presenters on the front!??

SURE to make your friends run!!

Also, what great presents for teachers, postmen, bessie mates dog - finally an AFFORDABLE gift!
Heads up

Just wanted to let you all know , as I know how disappointed you will be if you miss the chance. :giggle: Debbie Flint says there's a competition to win a 2011 presenters calender coming soon NOW DON'T ALL RUSH AT ONCE :mysmilie_505:
surely it must be a joke.
that calendar is symbolic of the way that QVC is out of touch and out of step with the ordinary world, the presenters are not quasi celebrities or role models they are sales staff

I was chatting with a singer from the 70's on via you tube the other day, when who should start sending messages, Debbie Flint.

She started off by saying Debbie Flint from QVC here!
FFS! she is just a saleperson not a big celebrity.
Best part was the singer who has now moved to the US had to say "should i know you"?
Lol :rock:
Now if they did a calendar with Denis, Tomasz and Ralph (for you more discerning ladies) then I'd buy it for a fiver!!!:happy::blush::nod:

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