The bug which has been going around QVC


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Sounds horrible, hate to think people will have their Christmas spoilt by this. Last year my mum was ill in bed all Christmas day, a few years before that she was in hospital on Christmas Eve and ill over Christmas, really would feel bad if it happened again.

Awful to have in the run up when you're getting ready, awful to have at Christmas itself. Best wishes to anyone who has it or has had it! Fingers crossed for the rest of us!

They should start using this as a selling point on the Q - what might we catch if we go to the high street and have to use door handles? :wonder:
Youngest DD had it - I've seen some impressive chucking up in my time but this was chucking up on an epic level......virtually on a par with that scene in Team America World Police.........gross, gross & mega gross........I made OH deal with it, I don't 'do' sick! (Blood, gore, busted bones, innards on the outside etc., not a problem....sick, no!) LOL
Interesting how the norovirus strikes at the time of year when people are dead busy and could do with a few days off work eh. Coincidence!
Youngest DD had it - I've seen some impressive chucking up in my time but this was chucking up on an epic level......virtually on a par with that scene in Team America World Police.........gross, gross & mega gross........I made OH deal with it, I don't 'do' sick! (Blood, gore, busted bones, innards on the outside etc., not a problem....sick, no!) LOL

Oh Im with you there kwc, gimme anything but sick! Hope your DD is much better now
My 2 grand children had their swimming lesson some little tyke had had an ~accident~ in the water (not a solid accident ) :doh: No refund though, as they were told had they waited till the pool had been chlorinated they could have had their lesson...omg yuk or what! :puke:

People who send ill kiddies out in the world should be taken to task..!!!!

My 2 grand children had their swimming lesson some little tyke had had an ~accident~ in the water (not a solid accident ) :doh: No refund though, as they were told had they waited till the pool had been chlorinated they could have had their lesson...omg yuk or what! :puke:

People who send ill kiddies out in the world should be taken to task..!!!!


my pool has a notice asking people not to take their kids until at least 48 hrs after all syptoms have subsided but just like sending them back to school and taking them round supermarkets, it seems the majority ignore it. once they're feeling better they either think they know better about whether they're infectious, or as they're over it, simply don't care. it's a huge deal for pool owners because the pool has to be closed for hours while the water does a certain number of cycles through the UV. it's not just a case of bunging more chlorine in.
my pool has a notice asking people not to take their kids until at least 48 hrs after all syptoms have subsided but just like sending them back to school and taking them round supermarkets, it seems the majority ignore it. once they're feeling better they either think they know better about whether they're infectious, or as they're over it, simply don't care. it's a huge deal for pool owners because the pool has to be closed for hours while the water does a certain number of cycles through the UV. it's not just a case of bunging more chlorine in.

I & DH have started taking Echinacea twice a day for 2 weeks to try & boost our immune systems.
They should start using this as a selling point on the Q - what might we catch if we go to the high street and have to use door handles? :wonder:

Not to mention shopping trolley handles! :eek: or handling cash! - stay safe, shop online with a dedicated credit card, preferably from your own computer or mobile lol!
Not to mention shopping trolley handles! :eek: or handling cash! - stay safe, shop online with a dedicated credit card, preferably from your own computer or mobile lol!

walmart gets a lot of stick in the states but one thing they do that i wish we'd adopt is a tub of disinfectant wipes where the 'carts' are stored. everyone wipes the handle when they take a trolley.

oh dear, I'm starting to feel a bit rough.

Hope I'm just tired, and its nothing else :(

I used to work in the public sector. Where I worked, you ran the risk of being disciplined if you had time off work sick, so it was really disapproved of to take another 48 hours off even though it was likely you'd still be contagious when you returned to work. And you're under so much pressure if you have to take time off to look after kids. No wonder parents send their kids back asap when they're under the cosh at work to do so.

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I look after children and it makes me mad the amount if times that parents bring their kids when they are poorly and each time have to come back to fetch them. One example was recently a mom wanted me to look after her daughter who had impetigo! She knew this was catching as she worked in a school! Never gave me or my family a second thought if we caught it plus I was going away in two days. She was put out but tough! I know parents are under some pressure but they don't really think about the consequences for the people who take care of their kids or when they send them to school.
After I got divorced I started taking my two boys on cruises as they loved them and it was easier for me. My mum and dad have come a couple of times. My dad always laughed at my so called 'OCD' as I always open toilet doors with a tissue - so many men don't wash their hands!! Last cruise we went on there was a sign in all the toilets telling everyone to do that!

I told my dad they must have decided to follow my policy :)

Never seen the norovirus on a ship but I can imagine how awful it must be.
After I got divorced I started taking my two boys on cruises as they loved them and it was easier for me. My mum and dad have come a couple of times. My dad always laughed at my so called 'OCD' as I always open toilet doors with a tissue - so many men don't wash their hands!! Last cruise we went on there was a sign in all the toilets telling everyone to do that!

I told my dad they must have decided to follow my policy :)

Never seen the norovirus on a ship but I can imagine how awful it must be.

There are often cases of Norovirus on board ships in fact there was one yesterday with hundreds of passengers going down with it.

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