The bug which has been going around QVC


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Julian and other presenters have spoke of a nasty big thats going around qvc of late, and seemingly has afected some presenters. We all know Jilly was taken short in one of her shows and pulled out after a few minutes of presenting when Julia took over. Jilly is now back but is the bug still around. I wonder if it has affected crew too, does anyone know anymore? Has any other presenters been off? I guess in the confines of a studio, if something is going around the building, like something that makes you throw up or have the runs, it must spread like wildfire. Very Curious about 'The Bug' wonder who started it, inadvertently of course, it was very embarassing for Jilly!
Does anyone care? I'm sure that Q has back up plans for when things happen like this anyway
I haven't seen Julian for weeks! Perhaps it's just my viewing habits but I next to never see Julian.

probably the winter vomiting bug.

I got it 2 years ago - was staying at a guest house.
Came downstairs in the morning, ordered a cooked breakfast, by the time it arrived I couldnt even look at it.
Very sudden onset.

There is a very nasty sickness and diarrhea bug going around at the moment - lots of people in public institutions have caught it - schools are emptying as I write!
Horrible thing to have in the lead up to Christmas.

probably the winter vomiting bug.

I got it 2 years ago - was staying at a guest house.
Came downstairs in the morning, ordered a cooked breakfast, by the time it arrived I couldnt even look at it.
Very sudden onset.


Its called the norovirus. Once you've had it you only have immunity for about 14 months. I've had it a few to times. Last time I was with a friend abroad and she said she felt a bit sick. Got back to the UK and I was sick for about 4 days and she was never I'll! I lost about 4 pounds.
Its called the norovirus. Once you've had it you only have immunity for about 14 months. I've had it a few to times. Last time I was with a friend abroad and she said she felt a bit sick. Got back to the UK and I was sick for about 4 days and she was never I'll! I lost about 4 pounds.

I had it a few weeks ago. Or I assume that's what it was. I didn't know that you got immunity once you'd had it, even for a short period. It was horrible and so far I've managed to keep off the weight I lost due to it.
It mustn't be the noro virus I had then as I had it for a week solid, then a few days later for a couple of days and then again, the week after for nearly a week! Been ok the last couple of weeks but I was seriously beginning to wonder if it was morning sickness despite hubby having had the snip lol!!

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Two of my husband`s grandkids have it at the moment and last week I was down in Haverfordwest visiting my son and his family and the school trip to a local panto was rescheduled to this week because so many kids at the primary school were off with it.
Two of my husband`s grandkids have it at the moment and last week I was down in Haverfordwest visiting my son and his family and the school trip to a local panto was rescheduled to this week because so many kids at the primary school were off with it.

They were dropping like flies at my two's primary too.

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Its going round all our local schools. a letter went out to parent, from the borough,asking parents not to send the kids in if they were sick or had diahorrea(sp) common sense really, but its amazing how many do.
Its going round all our local schools. a letter went out to parent, from the borough,asking parents not to send the kids in if they were sick or had diahorrea(sp) common sense really, but its amazing how many do.

In my teens I worked at a local fast food place with Golden Arches ;) and the then manager demanded I come in even after I rang in sick with a tummy bug!! Needless to say I told him to sit and spin!

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In my teens I worked at a local fast food place with Golden Arches ;) and the then manager demanded I come in even after I rang in sick with a tummy bug!! Needless to say I told him to sit and spin!

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How ridiculous so much for health and safety and your welfare!!! I'd have said the same as you.
I hope your four little dollies are ok
Tristar, thinking of sending in Get Well Soon cards into QVC?

dear (fill in name of presenter)

I was wondering if you could keep me informed of your bodily functions?

Have you been vomiting?

Have you had diarrhoea?

How ridiculous so much for health and safety and your welfare!!! I'd have said the same as you.
I hope your four little dollies are ok

Yes they are ok now thank you but all four of them have had it recently. My big two fetched it home from school and poor Saul and Noah got a bad dose from them.

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alison, claire and catherine haven't got the norovirus, they have a throaty/chesty thing. they are not on air cos they've lost their voices. i don't know about jilly but as she was unable to continue, it probably was a stomach bug.

the norovirus is another horrible thng about this time of year. so many people ignore the 'clear for 48hrs' thing and go back to work or parents send their kids back to school, very selfishly i might add, which of course is why it spreads so easily. it just seemed to appear from nowhere - didn't happen when i was at school (200 years ago)
it's cutting a swathe through staff and patients at my work. If you contract it you are forbidden to return until you have been symptom free for 48 hours,
Same here in N.Ireland, terrible bugs and viruses going round, my chum, her hubby and son all have the bug really bad and we'd a good few off work ill too. Thankfully (touch wood) hasn't hit our house!

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