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Hi Snazzy, I still do a lot of lurking, then pop up now and again when I get a minute. At the moment, I'm giving my doggy, lots of love and attention, he's 15 and has changed very quickly in the last couple of weeks, so I'm preparing for the inevitable, if you ever can, it will break my heart. He's still got his appetite and has little shakes, the Vet says his heart and lungs are very good for his age, it's his little body.

So sorry to hear about your poor doggy,they really are your best friend,better than a lot of people.
Hi Snazzy, I still do a lot of lurking, then pop up now and again when I get a minute. At the moment, I'm giving my doggy, lots of love and attention, he's 15 and has changed very quickly in the last couple of weeks, so I'm preparing for the inevitable, if you ever can, it will break my heart. He's still got his appetite and has little shakes, the Vet says his heart and lungs are very good for his age, it's his little body.

My heart goes out W, terrible pain. All we can do is remind ourselves that our beloved, however many legged, members of the family (don't like the word pets, they are so much more) are/were loved and cherished and we do/did the best we can/could for them. We grieve before they pass as much as after and the decline is heartbreaking.
Thank you for your kind words, we wouldn't let him suffer, he's sleeping a lot which stops his little ticks and I've just been lying on the bed with him, just watching him...they are your very best friend and never judge you...unconditional love :heart:

Sorry Snazzy, think I've hijacked your thread a little
My heart goes out W, terrible pain. All we can do is remind ourselves that our beloved, however many legged, members of the family (don't like the word pets, they are so much more) are/were loved and cherished and we do/did the best we can/could for them. We grieve before they pass as much as after and the decline is heartbreaking.

Didn't quite finish the poem, filling up, will read it again. Thank you
Hi Snazzy, I still do a lot of lurking, then pop up now and again when I get a minute. At the moment, I'm giving my doggy, lots of love and attention, he's 15 and has changed very quickly in the last couple of weeks, so I'm preparing for the inevitable, if you ever can, it will break my heart. He's still got his appetite and has little shakes, the Vet says his heart and lungs are very good for his age, it's his little body.

Very sorry to hear your news Whatsgoinon?... losing loved ones is never a good experience. Hope you have a wonderful time together for however much longer you have him with you.

That's another thing you will have noticed, Snazzy: lots of animal lovers here :mysmilie_48:
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Sorry I'm late to this thread, but welcome snazzy and I know you'll enjoy the shenanigans on here. Sometimes I laugh out loud at some of the stuff people have written, too, sometimes I'm incandescent with indignation, sometimes I have to vent my spleen about something or other, but whatever, it's never dull so enjoy!

Whatsgoinon, so sorry to hear about your little friend. I wouldn't get another pet after the heartbreak of losing our last one, so enjoy your time together.
My heart goes out W, terrible pain. All we can do is remind ourselves that our beloved, however many legged, members of the family (don't like the word pets, they are so much more) are/were loved and cherished and we do/did the best we can/could for them. We grieve before they pass as much as after and the decline is heartbreaking.

Wow, just read that poem & now I'm sat here with tears pouring down my cheeks. It reminds me of a similar poem my sister in law sent me when our house rabbit (Bryan) died two years ago. I was heartbroken when he passed and I'll be honest it took me a while to 'get over it' (obviously I'm not fully there yet). That poem gave me alot of comfort at the time. We also lost our kitten (Mo) just before Christmas (she went out to go to the toilet & never came back; she was run over on the next street). I was sad all over Christmas because I missed her. I didn't think I wanted anymore pets (losing two in 18 months was hard) but the house felt so empty, so in February we adopted two cats (Neville & Osca). They have their health issues but generally they are well cats.
This is my first ever post so please be gentle. I know a certain miss from here but please don't hold it against me.

Cough cough whispers Autumn quietly.

I just have to thank you for the giggles I've had, the tips I've read. The hints for TSVs. Lots of stuff.

I've no idea why I'm posting tonight but I've just read a few threads and just giggled, sniggered, laughed. Thought how right some of you are with your observations. I've had a tough few days and feel better now. Please keep this up as it has been my naughty secret for a long time.

I just love coming here reading the rants and think there is more normal here than anywhere else in Q related "groups".

Thank you for my giggles. X

My first post was around the time of the beauty bash last year as I think I might have answered a question someine had because I attended it. I too watched & read for a while (I came across the forum when I was looking for the Elemis Christmas TSV online).

I have some right giggles on here sometimes. And I've tried alot of new products out I otherwise would have shied away from.
Wow, just read that poem & now I'm sat here with tears pouring down my cheeks. It reminds me of a similar poem my sister in law sent me when our house rabbit (Bryan) died two years ago. I was heartbroken when he passed and I'll be honest it took me a while to 'get over it' (obviously I'm not fully there yet). That poem gave me alot of comfort at the time. We also lost our kitten (Mo) just before Christmas (she went out to go to the toilet & never came back; she was run over on the next street). I was sad all over Christmas because I missed her. I didn't think I wanted anymore pets (losing two in 18 months was hard) but the house felt so empty, so in February we adopted two cats (Neville & Osca). They have their health issues but generally they are well cats.

I totally agree. We've got a house lop eared rabbit, we called him Lucky because we went the vets five years ago with our rescue cat, and came home with Lucky. Someone took him the vets wrapped in a blanket because they apparently "found" him. The cat and the rabbit get on like brother and sister, they play together it's a beautiful sight. I'll be devastated when they go. I know rabbits don't have a long life span so I'll be absolutely devastated when we lose him, he's an absolutely amazing part of our family, uses the kitty litter tray too. I agree about the house being empty, they leave a hole in your life that can never be filled.
We lost our beautiful house bunny at 12 yrs of age and the house will never be the same as when she pottered about and hogged the fire. She was a Netherland dwarf and we adored her. We have her ashes and the box gets kissed every day, just wish it was her silky ears we were kissing.
Welcome Snazzy :) they're a good bunch on here. I don't post very often but read everyday.

You've all got me bawling my eyes out now, I lost my wonderful bunny, Kibbles to the dreaded fly strike �� last month. He was an absolute one off. Like others, I'm not over him yet. I still haven't cleaned his hutch out, I can't face it. My cat, Lola, misses him so much, she still wonders where he is. She's lost her partner in crime :( I managed just over a week until I rescued two kittens and they've given me something to take my mind off things. Furry kids :)

I really feel for those who have lost their pets, they definitely are a member of the family.
We lost our beautiful house bunny at 12 yrs of age and the house will never be the same as when she pottered about and hogged the fire. She was a Netherland dwarf and we adored her. We have her ashes and the box gets kissed every day, just wish it was her silky ears we were kissing.

Bryan was a Netherland Dwarf too. He was a week shy of three years old when we lost him. I went to work on a Tuesday morning and he was fine, by the time I got home he had started losing the feeling in his legs & by the night time he had no mobility at all. We took him to the emergency vets but they didn't know what it was. We took him home & stayed in the living room all night with him. He was still my Bryan but he just couldn't move. He was still with us the next morning so after another wasted visit to the vets we took him to a rabbit specialist who diagnosed him with 'floppy bunny syndrome'. They said it isn't the syndrome that kills them, it's the fact they can't eat or drink for themselves so they said they could sedate him & so it for him. I felt really positive he would be ok, but by the time we go home there was an answer message for us & he had died of a cardiac arest when they tried to put him under. They said the stress & strain was top much on his heart.
Bryan was a Netherland Dwarf too. He was a week shy of three years old when we lost him. I went to work on a Tuesday morning and he was fine, by the time I got home he had started losing the feeling in his legs & by the night time he had no mobility at all. We took him to the emergency vets but they didn't know what it was. We took him home & stayed in the living room all night with him. He was still my Bryan but he just couldn't move. He was still with us the next morning so after another wasted visit to the vets we took him to a rabbit specialist who diagnosed him with 'floppy bunny syndrome'. They said it isn't the syndrome that kills them, it's the fact they can't eat or drink for themselves so they said they could sedate him & so it for him. I felt really positive he would be ok, but by the time we go home there was an answer message for us & he had died of a cardiac arest when they tried to put him under. They said the stress & strain was top much on his heart.

I don't believe the similarities, the first lop eared rabbit we had about ten years ago stopped eating one day, we took him the vets straight away because I knew it's a bad sign when they stop eating, at the same time I found a lump on his stomache. The vet didn't seem like he gave a toss and said there's nothing to be done, so we got him an appointment with our local bunny specialist, he said it will cost at least £365 to operate and do me and husband wish to discuss it, we both said no we don't need to, we want the op. Next day our poor little fella was on the operating table, the phone went and I knew what he was going to say before he said it because my blood turned to ice, the vet said he had to put him to sleep because the tumour couldn't be cut out. And that was it, he was gone. I remember feeding him dandelions, then he'd only eat the stems then nothing at all and just stroking him. Last month the stray cat we was feeding for almost two years got knocked down and we had to take him the vets to be put to sleep a car must have clipped his back because he couldn't walk, just dragged himself to our front door because he knew we'd help him, and that's were we found him just waiting when we got home, precious we called him because to us that's what he was, we searched high and low but no one knew who he was, we tried everything to get him to settle in our house but he wanted to wander the streets. So we've had some heartache with our furry friends, but wouldn't have missed a second being with them.
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Welcome Snazzy; its all good fun , although there are times when its a case of "don't let the buggers (some of 'em on here) get you down" - but its good to have narky banter and after a while they soon disappear up their own backsides.

I always get dewy eyed when I hear of ageing animals, whatever they are. I remember losing my 17 year old whippet - (forumites were unbelievably kind on here), but you start to wonder where all those years went and why they disappeared so quickly. I was told so often that I would know when it was time to call the Vet, and how right that advice was. You want to keep them with you forever, and you do, not in the sense of them padding about and getting under your feet, but as that permanent ache in your heart.
Whatsgoinon, sending positive thoughts and good wishes to you and your doggy friend, they are family, aren't they? Been through this with our much-loved rescue cats and it must be such a worrying time for you. But if he could, I bet your friend would be thanking you for a much better life than many dogs ever get, and for so much love. We do all we can for our pets - and that's all any of us can ever do.

Hi Snazzy, I still do a lot of lurking, then pop up now and again when I get a minute. At the moment, I'm giving my doggy, lots of love and attention, he's 15 and has changed very quickly in the last couple of weeks, so I'm preparing for the inevitable, if you ever can, it will break my heart. He's still got his appetite and has little shakes, the Vet says his heart and lungs are very good for his age, it's his little body.
brissles, the last bit of your post made me cry, but thank you - your words are so, so true.
Welcome Snazzy; its all good fun , although there are times when its a case of "don't let the buggers (some of 'em on here) get you down" - but its good to have narky banter and after a while they soon disappear up their own backsides.

I always get dewy eyed when I hear of ageing animals, whatever they are. I remember losing my 17 year old whippet - (forumites were unbelievably kind on here), but you start to wonder where all those years went and why they disappeared so quickly. I was told so often that I would know when it was time to call the Vet, and how right that advice was. You want to keep them with you forever, and you do, not in the sense of them padding about and getting under your feet, but as that permanent ache in your heart.
Yes, katym, when you've lost a much-loved pet you fall in line with anyone whose ever been in the same boat. So many really moving posts on here, I'm reading them with tears running down my face, but with such happy memories of our lovely furbaby cats.
Welcome Snazzy :) they're a good bunch on here. I don't post very often but read everyday.

You've all got me bawling my eyes out now, I lost my wonderful bunny, Kibbles to the dreaded fly strike �� last month. He was an absolute one off. Like others, I'm not over him yet. I still haven't cleaned his hutch out, I can't face it. My cat, Lola, misses him so much, she still wonders where he is. She's lost her partner in crime :( I managed just over a week until I rescued two kittens and they've given me something to take my mind off things. Furry kids :)

I really feel for those who have lost their pets, they definitely are a member of the family.
When I came across this forum I was instantly drawn to it even though I don't Tweet, FB or any other forum, still don't, the people on here are kind, funny and I've saved a few bob when people kindly give tips and hints on where to buy things cheaper. Most of all though you're allowed to be negative, if you don't like something you can say so and not feel bad for doing so. I've laughed and cried on here, it's like meeting up with your mates, I'm sure you'll love it here Snazzy, and the people on it too.
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