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He's had a good night, a couple of little drinks and nibbled at his breakfast and now fast asleep in his snuggly bed.

I suppose it started a few months ago, he's always had his funny little ways, licking his lips when he wanted a drink of water (we couldn't leave it down because he gets greedy, fills up with air, howls and brings it back up) and then sitting by your feet whilst you rub his back to get his wind up. His licking of lips got gradually more and more, then started clawing at his teeth both sides, numerous trips to the Vet, we were told it was his brain (senile). The clawing is awful as he catches his teeth, you expect to see one on the floor afterwards. I kept saying, I thought it was his teeth bothering him, OH said no it's his mind, then after a really bad session we took him back to the Vet and they had a really good look, his gums were inflamed and he had antibiotics, which has cleared it up. He has now been given tablets to get more oxygen to his brain. I think the Vet thinks it may help with his senility, but the fact that this constant licking and clawing has been going on for months, I think its not so much his brain, more so he's got into the habit of doing it. At least when he's sleeping, it gives him some peace.

We were going to book a week away in a pet friendly cottage next month, but have decided not to and instead will have days out, lots of little walks and picnics...he loves that.

Thinking of all on here who have lost their little friends/family members over the years.
He's had a good night, a couple of little drinks and nibbled at his breakfast and now fast asleep in his snuggly bed.

I suppose it started a few months ago, he's always had his funny little ways, licking his lips when he wanted a drink of water (we couldn't leave it down because he gets greedy, fills up with air, howls and brings it back up) and then sitting by your feet whilst you rub his back to get his wind up. His licking of lips got gradually more and more, then started clawing at his teeth both sides, numerous trips to the Vet, we were told it was his brain (senile). The clawing is awful as he catches his teeth, you expect to see one on the floor afterwards. I kept saying, I thought it was his teeth bothering him, OH said no it's his mind, then after a really bad session we took him back to the Vet and they had a really good look, his gums were inflamed and he had antibiotics, which has cleared it up. He has now been given tablets to get more oxygen to his brain. I think the Vet thinks it may help with his senility, but the fact that this constant licking and clawing has been going on for months, I think its not so much his brain, more so he's got into the habit of doing it. At least when he's sleeping, it gives him some peace.

We were going to book a week away in a pet friendly cottage next month, but have decided not to and instead will have days out, lots of little walks and picnics...he loves that.

Thinking of all on here who have lost their little friends/family members over the years.

It's a really tough time for you all, my heart goes out to you. Watching someone you love just slip away is the worst physical and mental pain imaginable, especially when they're suffering.........I'm so sorry, I really am. I'm not ashamed to say I'm crying for you as I read this, it's so sad.
This forum is amazing much compassion ......(and hints and tips of course to save money)...but I really love the,kindheartedness on here .....that is speacial and rare IMHO :mysmilie_12:
My heart goes out to anyone who loses a much loved pet. I hope my 13 year old cat still has many more years in him.
It's really heartbreaking when a beloved pet is going through such awful times. My doggie is over 12 and has been going downhill for about a year. She is eating and sleeping most of the day but appears not to be in any pain. It will be devastating when the time comes to say good bye.
It's really heartbreaking when a beloved pet is going through such awful times. My doggie is over 12 and has been going downhill for about a year. She is eating and sleeping most of the day but appears not to be in any pain. It will be devastating when the time comes to say good bye.

Thinking of you and what you're going through, it's awful, heartbreaking and absolutely awful.
Ageing pets are just like the elderly, .... sleep for much of the day, need more mashed up food, bones that aren't as agile, incontinency is evident, senility starts to be noticeable - not sure where they are as in going outside and not remembering what they're there for, going deaf, and start to get thinner. But who cares ? we don't bother if the house becomes a tip and a bit smelly, or put effort into making food more palatable, our life at the end of theirs becomes one big love fest just to make their life bearable and comfortable.

(p.s. Has anyone read the Daily Mail today and the article by that cow (no apologies for that) Shona Sibary ? she disposes of dogs once they've passed the puppy stage - I'll leave you to your own thoughts on this)
(p.s. Has anyone read the Daily Mail today and the article by that cow (no apologies for that) Shona Sibary ? she disposes of dogs once they've passed the puppy stage - I'll leave you to your own thoughts on this)

Don't read the Daily Mail if I can avoid it. I find nearly all their contributors and the contents in general short on the milk of human kindness. I don't live in a rose-tinted world, but I find mean-spiritedness in abundance there in the DM, and I choose not to have it in my life.

What you have written backs up my thoughts perfectly!
Ageing pets are just like the elderly, .... sleep for much of the day, need more mashed up food, bones that aren't as agile, incontinency is evident, senility starts to be noticeable - not sure where they are as in going outside and not remembering what they're there for, going deaf, and start to get thinner. But who cares ? we don't bother if the house becomes a tip and a bit smelly, or put effort into making food more palatable, our life at the end of theirs becomes one big love fest just to make their life bearable and comfortable.

(p.s. Has anyone read the Daily Mail today and the article by that cow (no apologies for that) Shona Sibary ? she disposes of dogs once they've passed the puppy stage - I'll leave you to your own thoughts on this)

Yes I've read it,what an absolute Bitch,she seems proud of it too.
I have just seen it Mr M. I couldn't read it all either once I got the gist of itbut I was so upset with the bit I did manage to read. Hateful cow.
Ageing pets are just like the elderly, .... sleep for much of the day, need more mashed up food, bones that aren't as agile, incontinency is evident, senility starts to be noticeable - not sure where they are as in going outside and not remembering what they're there for, going deaf, and start to get thinner. But who cares ? we don't bother if the house becomes a tip and a bit smelly, or put effort into making food more palatable, our life at the end of theirs becomes one big love fest just to make their life bearable and comfortable.

This is so true.

My old girl (cat) has appeared to be on her last legs for nearly a year. Regular trips to the vet make sure she's as well as she can be - she's just old. She's on tablets for her kidneys, her tummy and her arthritis.

She sleeps so deeply that you can lift her paws and drop them but it won't wake her. I sometimes go and gently prod her just to make sure she's still with us.

She's deaf, has a dodgy tummy and is on a special diet (which is more expensive than most of our meals), she gets loud and grumpy if meals are late and needs a stool to get up on the bed. Winter cost us a fortune as we kept 'her' bedroom extra warm with electric oil heaters (as well as the central heating) so that she didn't get cold.

I suppose I'm getting like her too....developing a liking for tea and digestives and needing to take the lift instead of the stairs because of my dodgy knees. Now all I need is a personal slave to jump when I make demands for more food.... then life would be great.
I heartily second this, shopperholic. I don't Tweet or Facebook either, but I know I've lost count of the times I've been completely helpless with laughter reading the posts on here - and other posts have made been so thoughtful and caring they've made me cry. After reading some of this particular thread I'm definitely NOT reading the Daily Mail - cowardly I know, but the older I get the less I can bear reading about how dreadful some of the so-called 'human' race behave towards animals. All I ever hope is that there is such a thing as karma - and that it's not just something your Mum tells you exists, just to keep you on the straight and narrow - because I wish the tortures of Hell on these evil b..t..ds (I refuse to call them human).

When I came across this forum I was instantly drawn to it even though I don't Tweet, FB or any other forum, still don't, the people on here are kind, funny and I've saved a few bob when people kindly give tips and hints on where to buy things cheaper. Most of all though you're allowed to be negative, if you don't like something you can say so and not feel bad for doing so. I've laughed and cried on here, it's like meeting up with your mates, I'm sure you'll love it here Snazzy, and the people on it too.
I'm a great believer in Karma too History, what goes around, comes around. I don't watch the news or read papers in case I come across any form of animal cruelty, it haunts me and depresses me. I know putting your head in the sand doesn't solve anything, but the thought of animal cruelty really does upset me deeply. My hubs watches the news all the time and never tells me if he sees animal cruelty because he knows I'll get upset, bless him.
My OH always lets me know if there is anything about animal cruelty in the papers so I can avoid it. If I happen to catch a glimpse I immediately turn over.
I'm a great believer in Karma too History, what goes around, comes around. I don't watch the news or read papers in case I come across any form of animal cruelty, it haunts me and depresses me. I know putting your head in the sand doesn't solve anything, but the thought of animal cruelty really does upset me deeply. My hubs watches the news all the time and never tells me if he sees animal cruelty because he knows I'll get upset, bless him.

I feel the same s, it's like your heart is stabbed over and over. If I'm not quick enough to avoid, sounds awful I know, and see the haunted look in the eyes I'm done for. My DD is different to us, she has to watch videos that pop up of the cruelty to give validation to the animal. I tell her she doesn't have to because she is in pain enough for them but she won't have it and I have to leave the room.
I think I have mentioned before on here a while back that I saw a programme about the phillipines and how they treat Dogs still totally haunts me and I will not distress anybody by describing what I saw and heard ....and now I am trying to Zone out from it all .........a while back but I have never forgotten .....

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