Sundy afternoon rant


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Apr 27, 2009
Beauty seems to be keeping this Channel going - be it cosmetics/skin care. It feels that on the (rare) occasions I tune in, there is always yet another fabulous/amazing/stunning beauty product being flogged, and its all become very boring. At one time it was jewellery, and handicraft but now its one anti-ageing item fighting another ! and the ambassadors/guests look as tired as the stuff their selling !

Rant over.....

Er, no its not. The model Tiffany has staggered into view, - time to give it up love, and get your hair cut, there's no way it makes you look younger !
I'd like to join in with a rant about Michele Hope fashions. Just who buys her dreadful clothes? She certainly doesn't use any of the amazing beauty products Q sell as she looks really ancient these days. Ditching the lace, the long hair and white lipstick might be a start.
I will join. Beauty, miss one brand its back next hour again and again and again same products. How many bloody times can you see LG BnB and the highlighter twirl thing.
I find I hardly watch now, it's alway the same, my tolerance of all things Q has diminished greatly, hence why I hardly post on here as I don't watch enough to comment but I do like all the tips and reasons why not to shop at Q we get on here, it amazes me sometimes how Q keep going, I know they often have new customers details along the screen but how many must they lose every week,
Beauty is boring for me .And the TSVs seem to be inserted into every show several times over and over .Very difficult to avoid.

Agree about Michelle Hope fashions . I really don't know how she survives on Q. Her items are so old fashioned looking.
I quite enjoyed two hours of DIY this morning, it made a change from gardening and beauty. I agree qvc is getting very predictable and boring. I can't remember the last time I watched a two hour show, when I say watched I meant the tv was on, while I was playing a game on my computer. lol
And every foundation gives perfect coverage yet looks so natural & suits every skin colour even though there's only four or five shades on offer.
Im joining the rant too. I put the Skechers show on at 4.00 and they showed one pair of shoes then showed the Lulu TSV, then another pair, then the TSV again and this is how the show went. I reckon they showed the TSV about six times during the hour - well it felt like that anyway.
Agree completely. Fed up to the back teeth of beauty products continually, and looking at Alison today, I think she looks a mess. Her hair looks like it could do with a wash for starters.

QVC does not seem to cater for me anymore. I like jewellery shows but they are few and far between, and it just seems to be diamonique they sell now.

Years ago I remember watching full hours of shows and not wanting to miss anything. Now I cannot recall when I watched for an hour and get bored within about 10 minutes or less. Oh, for some variety.
What I find laughable is everything is now anti-aging from skincare to makeup. The man from Hairfix was on with his new potion for thinning hair and guess what it now has a new anti-aging ingredient. We are all aging every day and the best thing to do is accept the fact and keep your money in your pocket just enjoy your life a few wrinkles aren't going to kill you.
Loads of complaints lately on the Q Facebook about every hour has the TSV pushed into it. BOTM as well pushed in even if the show has nothing to do with beauty, so you ae only getting 50 minutes of the main show and 10 minutes of either TSV or BOTM!
Loads of complaints lately on the Q Facebook about every hour has the TSV pushed into it. BOTM as well pushed in even if the show has nothing to do with beauty, so you ae only getting 50 minutes of the main show and 10 minutes of either TSV or BOTM!

I'm glad I'm not the only one that is fed up with it. They also keep cutting down shows to 45 minutes and putting random bits in. I don't think its because the items sell out because they did it with Yankee the other day and they would have standby items. Its ok to mention the TSV once during an hour but more than that is too much. I wonder what the guests think having their show interrupted all the time.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that is fed up with it. They also keep cutting down shows to 45 minutes and putting random bits in. I don't think its because the items sell out because they did it with Yankee the other day and they would have standby items. Its ok to mention the TSV once during an hour but more than that is too much. I wonder what the guests think having their show interrupted all the time.

Its always the same recorded promo from the 12 PM launch .Just really repetitive..if I've tuned in to the watch a product im interested in I don't want to hear about the TSV.
I'd like to join in with a rant about Michele Hope fashions. Just who buys her dreadful clothes? She certainly doesn't use any of the amazing beauty products Q sell as she looks really ancient these days. Ditching the lace, the long hair and white lipstick might be a start.

MH is a strange lady. She's undeniably very successful so she must be doing something right. She's found a market and has tapped into it. I think she might have watched a few episodes of Prisoner: Cell Block H and taken inspiration from there. I loved "Prisoner." Some of the fashions look horrendous. Here's a pic of Meg Morris wearing a lovely dress:
I hate it when on tune in for a show and 15 minutes is devoted to the sodding TSV. I find it a complete waste of my time.
MH is a strange lady. She's undeniably very successful so she must be doing something right. She's found a market and has tapped into it. I think she might have watched a few episodes of Prisoner: Cell Block H and taken inspiration from there. I loved "Prisoner." Some of the fashions look horrendous. Here's a pic of Meg Morris wearing a lovely dress:

Lovely .very MH .All those clashing colours .Could be from any of Qs fashion designers.
Its always the same recorded promo from the 12 PM launch .Just really repetitive..if I've tuned in to the watch a product im interested in I don't want to hear about the TSV.[/QUOTE

Todays was Katie and not Jill F who launched it. I usually see what the TSV is by looking on here and if I don't want I don't watch it so I don't want it rammed down my throat. Perhaps they think if they show it enough you will eventually give in.

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