Sunday 7pm Ultrasun???


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I just see the one who writes & sings miserable songs.
Ohhhhh, I'm soooo glad I'm not the only one who thinks that. By the way, is she still singing ?

Back in the 60's we had a plethora (I love that word) of girl singers - Dusty, Sandi, Lulu, Cilla, Mary, Jackie de Shannon, and all the Americans - Dionne, Diane, Aretha, Barbara, Brenda, et al

Then it all started to dissipate, and in the early noughties the only singers of note was Kylie and Robbie W - what a choice ! Then along came dirgy Adele with songs that you cant remember or sing along to :sleep:
Even if you hate country & western music, the lyrics of most of the songs actually have meaning or tell a story, whatever it is. A big Dolly fan here!

I'm obviously getting old because most of today's music to me is repetitive, meaningless, tuneless and boring.
I use Ultrasun all year round, but I don’t need to be lectured or told how to apply it. I just hope that Adele doesn’t come out with the same blurb that AC does but uses her own good presenting style. I think that AC will have told her the “script” to use though. 😳
Just ordered more Ultrasun from ebay because I don't want to have to house bottles of other Ultrasun products I don't need at the moment and I'm prepared to take a chance on missing out on a bargain for that reason.
Also, there is an ingredient they have in it which can be harmful to marine life as well.

Australia is very into the skin cancer problem and which sun creams are needed to protect you.

Reading QVC Facebook and there must be loads more over the past few years quite a number saying I got burn my children got burn using Ultrasun, and they insist reapplying it. Also asking if it has changed and that is why it's not doing a good job?

Don't forget, AY used to push the brand P20 the once a day one as the greatest thing ever some years back. It was pushed aside when Ultrasun came along, now the P20 once a day was found to be not great at sun protection at all.
I’m fair skinned and burn if I don’t apply Ultrasun. Red isn’t a good look. 😉 I use the face SPF 30 and mix it with the SPF 50 tinted face fluid 😳 and so I don’t need to use foundation any more. I use that combination all year round.

In really hot weather, like now, if I’m going out, I put the sports 30 on my arms. I don’t bother using anything on my legs as they’re in need of a bit of colour. I know I could use fake tan but, after my experience with Tan-Luxe, I’d rather stay pale.

I’ve never sunbathed and don’t intend to start now. The sun can build up my vitamin D while I dart in and out of the shadows. 😉

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