Suggestions for my kitten's names !


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Oh DD they sound so cute and loveable. All this talk of kittens has put me in the notion of getting one, seriously.

I've checked a web site for rescued kittens and seen a couple of lovely cuties. Was wondering how Hopey would

take another kitten about, and as we rent this house, have to take that into consideration, although most of the

furniture is mine, and Hopey has already scratched his settee and chairs anyway.

Would love to see your photos, pretty please :)
SB having had them for a week now it's made me realise just how much I've missed having a cat in my life, they follow me around from room to room like two little shadows, I have to look all around me before I move my feet or I'd step on them !
Well my friend's been here for hours and has helped me install Infanview (twice, the first version was in German ???), create a separate email address and join Photobucket then gave me tuition on how to use it all, she left me to play with it and this is the end result !!

As you can see Saffy is mostly white with silvery grey and black stripes with a black tail oh and she has a little grey triangle on her lower jaw, Harry is black and white and the tips of his ears are silvery grey

This Saffy playing with her ping pong ball

Harry is stockier than Saffy and has shorter legs and big feet !

They're clambering on the TV cabinet, Harry loves watching the TV he was pawing at screen when last nights news had a story which had police tape in it, I've had to move the ornaments for safety !

I looked at the preview before posting and it looked OK so hopefully it's worked, if it has it's only because she's a brilliant teacher !!
You have done really well DD and Saffy and Harry are so cute! Barbs will be off for her kitten before you can say 'kittens'. Looking forward to more action photos. Thank you.
Will try and rise to the occasion but they either stop what they're doing as soon as get the camera out or by the time I've switched it on and it's auto focused they're off and all I get is a tail!
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awwww, so cute :) i love the one of them together. the problem i always have with cats, is they walk towards the camera to look at it/sniff it so i never get the shot of whatever it was that made me pick up the camera. lol
Several times Harry's balanced on the top of the scratching post but as soon as I pick up the camera he's gone!
I logged on to suggest the names Ellie and Eli. Just call me SlowpokeSnarly! doh! The pictures are gorgeous and I wrinkled up my nose at 'em. Lovely and Enjoy from Aunty Snarly. :heart:
Thanks SB they would have been good except I've already had an Ellie. Over the last thirty five years I've had 11 cats, plus I have three siblings who are also animal lovers (cats and dogs) so between us we've used quiet a few names already and repetions could get confusing!

I'm just about to try and upload another set of photo's, seems I missed one process out yesterday so today I'm trying to show the photo's instead of the links, fingers crossed!
The latest photos of my little darlings!




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