Stop it Jill, you sound so stupid.


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Didn't I once see her leaping into bed on a set with that Barrowman bloke? She looked like she really fancied him and was flirting like mad. God knows what her husband thinks. Maybe he's being trying to palm her off on someone else for years - it would save him an absolute fortune in make up, bags, one shoulder tops, shoes, perfume, household items blah blah blah .

She was finding it 'hilarious' and 'so funny' when her and Mally kept saying 'brown' yesteday. No I missed the joke as well... I get the impression she loves to appear pally and liked, mabe she doesnt really feel very popular. Who knows, but at least she'll be off to her favourite place in january so we will get a break from her.
She was finding it 'hilarious' and 'so funny' when her and Mally kept saying 'brown' yesteday. No I missed the joke as well... I get the impression she loves to appear pally and liked, mabe she doesnt really feel very popular. Who knows, but at least she'll be off to her favourite place in january so we will get a break from her.

she's done the 'brown' thing before. she seems fond of in-jokes with several guests/people behind scenes. rude to exclude the people she's talking to (viewers) IMO.
She was finding it 'hilarious' and 'so funny' when her and Mally kept saying 'brown' yesteday. No I missed the joke as well... I get the impression she loves to appear pally and liked, mabe she doesnt really feel very popular. Who knows, but at least she'll be off to her favourite place in january so we will get a break from her.

Thank God!
When I see Jill Franks, it reminds me just how good a presenter Julia is. She has been there the longest, yet she doesn't feel the need to tell people 'I need you on those phones' and 'I only have 50 left' and so on. Julia is very professional, knows her stuff and delivers this to the customer without making it sound like she's hard selling. I know she has her funny ways, but as I've said before, don't we all. (Although even she doesn't make me interested in Butler & Wilson & their skull brooches etc. yuck!)
Didn't I once see her leaping into bed on a set with that Barrowman bloke? She looked like she really fancied him and was flirting like mad. God knows what her husband thinks. Maybe he's being trying to palm her off on someone else for years - it would save him an absolute fortune in make up, bags, one shoulder tops, shoes, perfume, household items blah blah blah .

Why would it save him a fortune? She's a professional woman who is more than able to pay for her own accessories I'd have thoought.
she's done the 'brown' thing before. she seems fond of in-jokes with several guests/people behind scenes. rude to exclude the people she's talking to (viewers) IMO.

She's a devil for that, isn't she? I imagine most viewers are left totally bemused by all the apparent hilarity. Still, so long as she is having a wondeful time, what does it matter what anybody else thinks! :talking:
The blog with the wedding dress sums her up, telling us all how in love and lucky to have each other she and hubby are and how few people ever have that in life etc. Self centred and smug. Its great to be happily married but do most of us have to spout about it?
I feel the same about my OH & we've been married over 30 years. I would feel very hurt if someone called me self-centred and smug if I mentioned I was happily married.
I feel the same about my OH & we've been married over 30 years. I would feel very hurt if someone called me self-centred and smug if I mentioned I was happily married.

There are different ways of conveying something. Im happily married too. We're not Romeo and Juliette though and dont pretend to be.
The blog with the wedding dress sums her up, telling us all how in love and lucky to have each other she and hubby are and how few people ever have that in life etc. Self centred and smug. Its great to be happily married but do most of us have to spout about it?

To be fair to Jill, most of us aren't required to write a blog as part of our jobs.

I find her totally watchable. In a car crash sort of way. And I do sort of enjoy her milking the rich air-head act.

Guilty pleasure :0)
Why would it save him a fortune? She's a professional woman who is more than able to pay for her own accessories I'd have thoought.

I have no idea how much a QVC presenter or a fitness coach earns but I doubt it's enough to buy every single item on QVC - which Jill appears to have, four times over.

I get the impression her hubby the infamous 'Larry' is utteryl loaded, sp much so Jill can have everything twice over, her salary wouldnt last her two minutes. She 'needs' him
Cor, have we slipped into a time tunnel and moved back into the mid 50s or something?

I hate to burst any bubbles but, in this day and age, women can actually support themselves and buy their own handbags etc.
Cor, have we slipped into a time tunnel and moved back into the mid 50s or something?

I hate to burst any bubbles but, in this day and age, women can actually support themselves and buy their own handbags etc.

HERE HERE!! Well said - I would always choose to go without if I can't buy myself what I desire rather than have to ASK someone to buy for me.
The blog with the wedding dress sums her up, telling us all how in love and lucky to have each other she and hubby are and how few people ever have that in life etc. Self centred and smug. Its great to be happily married but do most of us have to spout about it?

Self-centred - it's a blog about her. :confused:

Smug - I see happy and proud of it, just like Caramel and her husband/baby, CHuntley and her kids, Julia and her football team...

I don't gush about my marriage either, at all. But I did post on here and FB on Sat that it was my anniversary as I felt a sense of accomplishment, ha ha!! If I had to write a regular blog, or revel viewers with tidbits from my life then I'm afraid I would witter on about my husband/cats/cars/bikes/shopping habits etc. Sad, but probably true for a lot of us :p

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She`s just a presenter on a shopping channel, a glorified sales woman so I don`t give a toss whether she`s loaded, has 6 of everything nor loves or hates her hubby. I can`t understand peoples needs to read about presenters lives or follow their every word. I`m there to shop not analyse her. She`s often irritating but so are some of the others at times but that`s their loss when people turn off or turn over. Personally I`d prefer less babble from presenters, a good honest presentation and less hard sell. I`m not interested in anything else.
Maybe JF is like Meryl Streep in The Devil wears Prada, all hard go getter up front, self obsessed and doesn`t seem to give a damned but behind the scenes with hubby maybe she`s a complete pussycat, or maybe not, who cares ? People say what they think we want to hear and write what they think we want to read, whether its lovey dovey about their marriages or anything else. All part and parcel of the chocolate box image they like to present IMO.
She`s just a presenter on a shopping channel, a glorified sales woman so I don`t give a toss whether she`s loaded, has 6 of everything nor loves or hates her hubby. I can`t understand peoples needs to read about presenters lives or follow their every word. I`m there to shop not analyse her. She`s often irritating but so are some of the others at times but that`s their loss when people turn off or turn over. Personally I`d prefer less babble from presenters, a good honest presentation and less hard sell. I`m not interested in anything else.
Maybe JF is like Meryl Streep in The Devil wears Prada, all hard go getter up front, self obsessed and doesn`t seem to give a damned but behind the scenes with hubby maybe she`s a complete pussycat, or maybe not, who cares ? People say what they think we want to hear and write what they think we want to read, whether its lovey dovey about their marriages or anything else. All part and parcel of the chocolate box image they like to present IMO.

100% agree with you. I would rather they saved their family stories for the blogs, so those who are interested in their lives can read it and those of us who aren't dont have to listen to it whilst watching. Carmel is probably the only exception for me at the moment because she's pregnant and you cant miss that when you see her.

I am not interested in Claire's husband Dan's hands getting chapped because he works outside, Cathy's children's university experiences, Julia going to Crystal palace and Chuntley's former life as a nail technician and dental nurse.

I mute and record more and more now, because the waffle and inane chatter irritates me and stops me finding out what i need to know info about the products. As it is, they give very little info it usually consists of price,easy pay details, the value, how to order but not nearly enough product detail and thats when anyone who is in doubt about them being hard sell should take note. Even the "we've had a call in about what i'm wearing or what colour my nail polish is" is another tactic they use relentlessly because the answer is usually" Its the TSV thats coming up on whatever day.

This forum has given me more details and answered more questions about products than q ever has. So less inane waffle about your lives on air please, save it for your blogs.
The flaw in the system is that too much time is allocated to each item giving presenters ample opportunity to love up to the camera.

More products in the hour & better camera shots would make everything more tolerable.
The flaw in the system is that too much time is allocated to each item giving presenters ample opportunity to love up to the camera.

More products in the hour & better camera shots would make everything more tolerable.

Q seem to have such a limited product line from most ranges. In beauty,especially, new today often means a configuration of old products in a new today set. So ,often ,they are discussing what we have just seen 5 mins earlier which was being sold as a single item, then in a duo and now in a set Cue the waffle

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