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My hubby had a tooth extracted and he has had headaches since then. He managed to see a GP and had blood tests and a CT scan and has been to the eye clinic. I keep telling him he needs to ring the dentist as he thinks his nerve might have been damaged as the pain was really bad when he was injected with the local anaesthetic.

I have no idea whether this would apply to your poor hubby but I have heard of something called Dry Socket that affects the area a tooth has been removed from. It's supposed to cause a lot of pain so I agree that you should send your hubby back to the dentist.

I fear dental pain after several nasty childhood experiences and an abscess (probably the worst pain I have ever endured) so I get extremely anxious around Christmas and Easter as I know if I get another I won't get treatment.

I have a few things in my cupboard that I keep for dental emergencies. Nurofen is probably the most effective pain killer I've found for dental pain (but didn't touch abscess pain), clove oil and an emergency filling kit. All through spring and summer I had a gum infection caused by bits of my home-ground flax seed getting caught up under my gum line (I've since stopped grinding it!). I was prescribed Corsodyl by the dentist over the phone who wouldn't see me in person. It worked for a while but I bought a Water Pik that finally cured it.

Corsodyl stained my teeth badly but I'd definitely recommend your hubby try it to see if it will help if there's any infection there. However, I've since discovered Listerine's Advanced Gum (white-ish bottle) and this has been as effective as Corsodyl without the staining.

I hope he gets it sorted soon - definitely before Christmas as if it is tooth-related and he ends up with an abscess he'll have real difficulty getting treated (or at least I would as I live rurally).
I have no idea whether this would apply to your poor hubby but I have heard of something called Dry Socket that affects the area a tooth has been removed from. It's supposed to cause a lot of pain so I agree that you should send your hubby back to the dentist.

I fear dental pain after several nasty childhood experiences and an abscess (probably the worst pain I have ever endured) so I get extremely anxious around Christmas and Easter as I know if I get another I won't get treatment.

I have a few things in my cupboard that I keep for dental emergencies. Nurofen is probably the most effective pain killer I've found for dental pain (but didn't touch abscess pain), clove oil and an emergency filling kit. All through spring and summer I had a gum infection caused by bits of my home-ground flax seed getting caught up under my gum line (I've since stopped grinding it!). I was prescribed Corsodyl by the dentist over the phone who wouldn't see me in person. It worked for a while but I bought a Water Pik that finally cured it.

Corsodyl stained my teeth badly but I'd definitely recommend your hubby try it to see if it will help if there's any infection there. However, I've since discovered Listerine's Advanced Gum (white-ish bottle) and this has been as effective as Corsodyl without the staining.

I hope he gets it sorted soon - definitely before Christmas as if it is tooth-related and he ends up with an abscess he'll have real difficulty getting treated (or at least I would as I live rurally).

I used Corsodyl for a while as a normal mouthwash and it badly stained my teeth, it cost a fortune for my dentist to clean them with a pressure washer.

I really think that it shouldn't be sold, it is a ridiculous to sell a mouthwash that causes damage. Now I use 1/2 teaspoon bicarb in a glass of water as a mouthwash, and a teaspoon of salt in a mug of water as a disinfectant. These are very cheap, unlike Corsodyl at £5 for a small bottle.
My hubby had a tooth extracted and he has had headaches since then. He managed to see a GP and had blood tests and a CT scan and has been to the eye clinic. I keep telling him he needs to ring the dentist as he thinks his nerve might have been damaged as the pain was really bad when he was injected with the local anaesthetic.
You're right, toothache is awful & like so many I've been brutalised by dentists; the last time was 6 years ago, it was a Bank Holiday weekend & even Tramadol didn't reduce the pain. He has my sympathy, poor boy.
I used Corsodyl for a while as a normal mouthwash and it badly stained my teeth, it cost a fortune for my dentist to clean them with a pressure washer.

I really think that it shouldn't be sold, it is a ridiculous to sell a mouthwash that causes damage. Now I use 1/2 teaspoon bicarb in a glass of water as a mouthwash, and a teaspoon of salt in a mug of water as a disinfectant. These are very cheap, unlike Corsodyl at £5 for a small bottle.

I'm afraid I have to disagree with you here. Chlorhexidine is the active in Corsdodyl and it does its job extremely well in disinfecting the mouth. It's also different from salt or bicarb in that it binds to surfaces so carries on disinfecting for hours where other rinses don't.

When you have an oral infection of any type, but especially one that causes pain and can't be seen soon, Corsodyl can be a very effective temporary solution.

I'm a huge Dew fan and will use it (diluted) to rinse my mouth after eating to help neutralise acid and rinse between my teeth when I can't brush. However, it works quickly to kill bacteria but doesn't remain active as Corsodyl does. The same goes for Peroxyl, simple hydrogen peroxide or most other mouthwashes.

Some mouthwashes contain CPC that is also effective at killing bacteria and remaining active in the mouth for some time after rinsing but I've read a few articles on it recently and they conclude that it doesn't have quite as long an action as Corsodyl. One of the Tesco basic washes (50p - bargain!) contains CPC as well as some Colgate and Dentyl pH products.

I've found 'Corsodyl' type washes in Poundland and a few other discount places so if you need Corsodyl but don't want to pay a fiver look for 'Chlorhexidine' on the label of the own-brand shops. They're a lot cheaper but have the same active amount (2% and still taste as bad!). They'll also stain teeth in the same way but at least you won't be paying through the nose for it :)

Corsodyl staining for me was worth the reduction in the pain I was having. I'll try the Listerine Gum Advanced stuff first next time because it did work extremely well on the same problem but will always keep a bottle of Corsodyl to hand just in case. Maybe I'll use whitening toothpaste at the same time next time, though.
I have no idea whether this would apply to your poor hubby but I have heard of something called Dry Socket that affects the area a tooth has been removed from. It's supposed to cause a lot of pain so I agree that you should send your hubby back to the dentist.

I fear dental pain after several nasty childhood experiences and an abscess (probably the worst pain I have ever endured) so I get extremely anxious around Christmas and Easter as I know if I get another I won't get treatment.

I have a few things in my cupboard that I keep for dental emergencies. Nurofen is probably the most effective pain killer I've found for dental pain (but didn't touch abscess pain), clove oil and an emergency filling kit. All through spring and summer I had a gum infection caused by bits of my home-ground flax seed getting caught up under my gum line (I've since stopped grinding it!). I was prescribed Corsodyl by the dentist over the phone who wouldn't see me in person. It worked for a while but I bought a Water Pik that finally cured it.

Corsodyl stained my teeth badly but I'd definitely recommend your hubby try it to see if it will help if there's any infection there. However, I've since discovered Listerine's Advanced Gum (white-ish bottle) and this has been as effective as Corsodyl without the staining.

I hope he gets it sorted soon - definitely before Christmas as if it is tooth-related and he ends up with an abscess he'll have real difficulty getting treated (or at least I would as I live rurally).
Orajel Extra Strength gel is a real help, I suffer from Trigeminal Neuralgia which is like the worse tooth ache case ever and this stuff is my last resort when it get's my teeth. Used spareingly it really does ease tooth agony.
Donna I think some of the bigger stores like Next and Marks were shelving the BD sales this year anyway.

I suppose that’s yet another haircut scuppered! I was offered one for next week but it was too soon inbetween appointments so opted for after Christmas - that will teach me!
Oh, it starts on Boxing Day. I will use my HoF gift vouchers on Xmas Eve then. I just nip in to collect stuffed turkey joint from M&S anyway.

I got my hair cut on Wednesday my hairdresser actually was shocked at how long my hair was. I was due on the 2nd December but of course, we were locked down so two weeks later. Shows the different 6 weeks and 8 weeks makes to my hair.
Oh, it starts on Boxing Day. I will use my HoF gift vouchers on Xmas Eve then. I just nip in to collect stuffed turkey joint from M&S anyway.

I got my hair cut on Wednesday my hairdresser actually was shocked at how long my hair was. I was due on the 2nd December but of course, we were locked down so two weeks later. Shows the different 6 weeks and 8 weeks makes to my hair.
I put my head around the door at my hairdresser's. She was impressed both with the advancing white tide... but also at the length. My hair hasn't been this long in about 30 years!
Corsodyl had a terrible staining effect on my teeth and tongue. My dentist told me to stop using it.

I heard radio advert for QVC on LBC this morning. First time ever for me. Is this a new development, signifying hard times?
Mazza, I heard the same ad on Talk Sport!! Isn't that a bit downmarket for QVC?? Even Mr CC remarked.

I wonder how Brexit will affect QVC? Will they be able to get the tat over from America? Will the prices be even more ridiculous due to tariffs? Who knows? Who cares? 😜🤔😂
it's only going to make a big impact on EU trade, and countries with an EU free trade agreement where we haven't negotiated a new deal, so no change with th USA.
Orajel Extra Strength gel is a real help, I suffer from Trigeminal Neuralgia which is like the worse tooth ache case ever and this stuff is my last resort when it get's my teeth. Used spareingly it really does ease tooth agony.

Ouch. I feel for you.

I've tried Orajel and it does work tremendously well but my dentist told me that like Corsodyl, it's meant for short-term use only. I've had reactions to dental anaesthesia before so have to be careful.

Isn't there anything they can give you for the long-term? I take Pregablin for nerve pain and Tramadol for other types of pain but Tramadol doesn't touch it. I've needed to increase the Pregablin every so often but it might be worth asking about.
I wonder how Brexit will affect QVC? Will they be able to get the tat over from America? Will the prices be even more ridiculous due to tariffs? Who knows? Who cares? 😜🤔😂
More so the likes of brands made in the EU, Judith Williams, Korres etc the days of oh I buy, because they are cheaper, will no doubt be ending. Ansel the Mare range has already gone.

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