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But products can still come up from the Republic into N.I. So fresh meat, milk etc no problem. No, doubt a last-minute deal between the UK and the EU will be reached anyway. There was a deal but then Bojo had a hissy fit and tried to override the St.Andrew's agreement signed by UK, EU and the US over N.I and the Republic and no trade borders.

M&S in Belfast had loads of normal food. But as happens every Xmas they will get loads of part food in.
Yes, I booked to get my hair cut on the 2nd, it is too soon as not got thicker enough to rush next week. They shut hairdressers/beauty saloons pubs cafes and restaurants and the number still went up to 1 from 0.7. So that did feck all! I still think they need to close the schools I know someone who works in a local school and they have to close for one or two days a week for a deep clean as the children testing for it and then teachers have also caught it. But strangely they try to keep it quiet not to cause upset. The school which has done it properly in the news closing for a full week or two for proper and full deep clean. Last week they voted to let hairdressers and cafes to open again and now they have to shut after a week! ****** stupid!

I will have to talk to my boss today to see if I will have to work from home again(I really hope not) as even people phoning for a chat very depressing.
Yes, I booked to get my hair cut on the 2nd, it is too soon as not got thicker enough to rush next week. They shut hairdressers/beauty saloons pubs cafes and restaurants and the number still went up to 1 from 0.7. So that did feck all! I still think they need to close the schools I know someone who works in a local school and they have to close for one or two days a week for a deep clean as the children testing for it and then teachers have also caught it. But strangely they try to keep it quiet not to cause upset. The school which has done it properly in the news closing for a full week or two for proper and full deep clean. Last week they voted to let hairdressers and cafes to open again and now they have to shut after a week! ****** stupid!

I will have to talk to my boss today to see if I will have to work from home again(I really hope not) as even people phoning for a chat very depressing.
We’ve now got a school closed here on the South Coast. The figures are starting to climb.
After all these months the powers that be, & their sodding advisers, are still sticking to a plan that isn't working. I know two women who are carers at a home in the next road to us, their residents are given vitamin D, get taken out into their gardens every day unless it's tipping down & there is a one resident-one visitor policy. No virus cases, they've taken in new residents & they were isolated with a member of management staying with them during that time for company, the deliveries are in & out at the side of the home & all staff are checked, with any agency staff having even greater scrutiny. Exhausting but as they have said it's now become their routine & has meant that their residents haven't had any other bugs either. Children had to go back to school, however, universities should have remained closed with the students doing everything virtually, which is what they're doing now, but at home without that mass migration of people & virus in September.
The schools remaining open has become a sacred cow, it seems.
I can understand why, as providing childcare takes essential workers out of the workforce...but as children are impossible to govern in the way adults can be, it is inevitable they won't properly socially distance. They can however have hygiene standards dinned into them, for everyone's benefit later on.

Some of what is beginning to come out about how the government set about things at the outset are infuriating, to be sure. I didn't watch Panorama last night but I read a synopsis. And today the BBC have a good article about how existing expertise was bypassed for track and trace.
It's a right old muddle, but as a nation I think muddling along is what we do best!
Yeah! Managed to get shoved in for a quick basic trim on Monday so will have to take day off work. My hairdresser is a one woman band who doesn’t normally work everyday so is fully booked to mid January even working extra days. That would have been 5 months which I don’t think I could cope with!
A report that I saw today said that apparently supermarkets lead the list of places to pick up the virus, followed by schools and then hospitals. I’m taking that with a pinch of salt because the only way it’s spreading is because people don’t bother to follow the rules.

If they relax the rules for Christmas, the number of cases will inevitably rise and another lockdown will be needed. If they don’t relax them then people will do their own thing anyway so the same thing will happen ..... cases will go up and we’ll be in a third lockdown.
A report that I saw today said that apparently supermarkets lead the list of places to pick up the virus, followed by schools and then hospitals. I’m taking that with a pinch of salt because the only way it’s spreading is because people don’t bother to follow the rules.

If they relax the rules for Christmas, the number of cases will inevitably rise and another lockdown will be needed. If they don’t relax them then people will do their own thing anyway so the same thing will happen ..... cases will go up and we’ll be in a third lockdown.
I‘m dubious about the claim that supermarkets are where the virus is spreading most. If someone gets the virus after going here there and everywhere and flouting the rules then I doubt they are going to be honest about their behaviour. However a visit to the supermarket is permitted so people will say they have been there.
I heard about supermarkets but an expert said it was the track and trace is marking this up. More people will be shopping in supermarkets and shops so coming into contact with other people which could ping but does not prove there are more dangerous than anywhere else. You could be walking down one aisle and someone in a totally different aisle test positive, so you will get pinged
If people wore their masks correctly in supermarkets it would certainly help, although I don’t think going to supermarkets actually puts you at risk. The amount of people I’ve seen wearing their masks with their nose uncovered beggars belief, as well as those who sport them as chin straps. 🙄 I observe well over the recommended social distance when I spot one of those chumps.

The spread is more than likely due to the huge gatherings that we’ve seen on the television (protests or piling out of the pub the night before they close for a lockdown) as well as families and friends continuing to go into each other’s houses when we not supposed to be doing during a lockdown. I think that schools and universities opening were also a contributory factor although, as a former teacher, I fully understand why they couldn’t stay closed indefinitely.
I discovered yesterday that Ryman the stationers and Evans Cycles are both open.

I wouldn't have thought they were essential (but I went into both for some things I wanted).
I think in the first lockdown bike shops were classed as essential as cycling is a good way to get around whilst avoiding public transport. I’m not sure cycling will be quite as popular in November as it was in the spring and summer.
People are asked where they've been & as most shop in a supermarket I suppose they'd put it on the list & let's face it there's practically nowhere else to go. The media's making it sound so much more deadly than it is. Apparently we live in covid central with people succumbing all over the borough & yet I still only know of one person who has had it & that happened before the first house arrest when she was on holiday in Spain.

If people wore their masks correctly in supermarkets it would certainly help, although I don’t think going to supermarkets actually puts you at risk. The amount of people I’ve seen wearing their masks with their nose uncovered beggars belief, as well as those who sport them as chin straps. 🙄 I observe well over the recommended social distance when I spot one of those chumps.

The spread is more than likely due to the huge gatherings that we’ve seen on the television (protests or piling out of the pub the night before they close for a lockdown) as well as families and friends continuing to go into each other’s houses when we not supposed to be doing during a lockdown. I think that schools and universities opening were also a contributory factor although, as a former teacher, I fully understand why they couldn’t stay closed indefinitely.
Have you seen the state of some of these masks? :sick:

I heard about supermarkets but an expert said it was the track and trace is marking this up. More people will be shopping in supermarkets and shops so coming into contact with other people which could ping but does not prove there are more dangerous than anywhere else. You could be walking down one aisle and someone in a totally different aisle test positive, so you will get pinged.
A report that I saw today said that apparently supermarkets lead the list of places to pick up the virus, followed by schools and then hospitals. I’m taking that with a pinch of salt because the only way it’s spreading is because people don’t bother to follow the rules.

If they relax the rules for Christmas, the number of cases will inevitably rise and another lockdown will be needed. If they don’t relax them then people will do their own thing anyway so the same thing will happen ..... cases will go up and we’ll be in a third lockdown.
Matty boy, I won't be offensive & write down the name I call him, said today that people will still have to adhere to social distancing in their homes over Christmas. We live in a 1930s semi, we don't have palatial rooms or a banqueting table so that won't be possible, soz you sorry excuse for a man.
Working in a busy store, before we were closed due to being non essential we were dismayed by the amount of people wearing disposable gloves.

They sashay past the hand sanitiser at the door, wander around the store handling the stock come to the counter and insist on paying with cash, then leave the store......again not bothering to sanitise their gloves.

If they have picked up the virus on the gloves in the first store they visited they will have endangered all the sales staff they interact with and spread it all over town.

Why wear gloves in the first place you cant catch it through the skin!!

I am aware that I am sounding a tad paranoid but if hand hygiene is so important then glove hygiene is equally important, and I'd rather be paranoid than another Covid statistic.
Working in a busy store, before we were closed due to being non essential we were dismayed by the amount of people wearing disposable gloves.

They sashay past the hand sanitiser at the door, wander around the store handling the stock come to the counter and insist on paying with cash, then leave the store......again not bothering to sanitise their gloves.

If they have picked up the virus on the gloves in the first store they visited they will have endangered all the sales staff they interact with and spread it all over town.

Why wear gloves in the first place you cant catch it through the skin!!

I am aware that I am sounding a tad paranoid but if hand hygiene is so important then glove hygiene is equally important, and I'd rather be paranoid than another Covid statistic.

I have gloves but don't like wearing them.
If you do, a separate pair per shop, or wash your hands in them or use hand sanitizer.
And the numpties that obey the letter of the law on wearing a mask, but don't have it covering their respiratory features beggars belief... and always the ones who are likely in a highly vulnerable category statistically.
I do wear disposable gloves if I go to the supermarket, mainly because I’ll be holding a trolley handle or basket. I sanitize them before I start tromping up and down the aisles, if the store provides it at their entrance, and when I leave the shop I remove them by turning one inside out and then rolling the second one inside that as I take it off. They are then put in the bin, if there is one outside, or I put it into a plastic box that I have in the car and I bring them home to throw away.

If I wear a disposable mask, that it also put inside the gloves and disposed of. I wash the cloth masks after each wear and, when I remove it, I put that into the plastic box for its journey home.

A lot of people will probably think I sound ultra cautious, but I’m not - I’m just careful. I’m not paranoid about the virus but it’s not worth being complacent as anyone can get it.

I saw someone the other day with a cloth mask that was grubby to say the least, and they obviously hadn’t twigged that it’s recommended that cloth ones are also washed after one wearing. I usually only go into one shop when I go out but, if I have to go into a few shops on one trip, that’s when I use the disposable ones. One mask per shop and then they’re binned.
****** hell! Arrived in Belfast city centre at 9.02 am usually people around but many shops don't open until 10 am. Hoards of people queuing up outside Primark, Dunnes, Zara, Next etc. The SA in the M&S food hall said it was manic in the store yesterday people buying Xmas gifts.

The number of people was more like a Saturday afternoon.
I decided to pay some cheques into my bank the other day, a Branch was open so why not?The Cashier said we shouldn’t be doing this, admittedly in a lighthearted tone.Why? Well lockdown, only essential transactions, mine was not e.g if you were going overdrawn and needed to pay money in, I was not overdrawn so no need to pay in.I came away not knowing if this was a joke, especially as ‘ I might get a letter’ was mentioned! No mention of ‘ only essential transactions allowed’ on the website, bank? HSBC.been with them and their predecessors for nearly 60 years.

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