What a day. It's been non stop here. First the Plastic Dressings Clinic rang to tell me I have an outpatient appointment this Thursday! Well who arranged that then? Mr Bastard? And why? Well luckily my neighbour in standby taxi mode is free so I can get there. So that means I have the ordinary nurs on Weds, this on Thursday and the Tissue Viability Nurse on Friday! I shall have to try to remember to mention it tomorrow.
Then the cleaners came, oh bliss, and they changed the bed for me thank goodness. Don't know how long it would have taken me. It did take a lot longer than normal to do so I reckon I might gat a ferocious bill. So what, I say.
Then I spoke to the OT who told me how to go about some stuff and listened to my saga, telling me I must report it. Then finally my GP rang for my telephone consult. She sounded so young, so a different breed from Mr. Bastard. She just said to me well you are being bullied and this has to stop. However she did reckon because my care covers a number of branches moving Trust could be rather complicated so she wants me to change him. I told her how worried I am about doing that and she fully understood. So I am going to see what this Plastics appointment is all about and see what happens next. If he is vile she has told me who to call and if they try to block me in any way I am to phone PALS. God! I hope he has transferred me to Plastics, that would be a result!
Just waiting for my neighbour, who started my laundry, to come back and hang it up. Then I want a day of doing bugger all before the trek to Tooting.