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They're using the excuse that shower caps are single-use plastics and are no longer wanted by all the eco-conscious people out there - you know, the same ones that leave all their litter at the beach or dump their rubbish at the roadside because the recycling centre was closed.

I re-use my old freebie hotel shower caps many times. Even when they're of no use as a shower cap they get used for hair masks etc.
I’ve lost all interest in buying stuff (apart from food and other essentials). There’s nothing I need, and I’ve got used to switching money into my savings account at the end of every month. Once we can travel the world safely again I’ll blow it all on a fab holiday.
I am with you on that! Never spent so little except on food & wine.I am pressurising myself into buying and then think No ! I don’t need that ( especially on QVC) have lots of holiday brochures though and have booked a break at Christmas ( got the insurance if anything happens!)
They're using the excuse that shower caps are single-use plastics and are no longer wanted by all the eco-conscious people out there - you know, the same ones that leave all their litter at the beach or dump their rubbish at the roadside because the recycling centre was closed.

I re-use my old freebie hotel shower caps many times. Even when they're of no use as a shower cap they get used for hair masks etc.
Same here. They are used for months as shower caps, then, as you say for other purposes like hair masks.
I use mine for months as well but when the go they are pretty useless - EBay here I come.

Apart for things for the garden and house the only things I’ve purchased are masks, a couple of tops and jeans in marks sale and one piece of Eek but my food bill has rocketed.
We're spending tons on food but I'm back to work today so that will probably stop. Went out for a curry tonight as our local was doing the eat out to help out. The place was packed out on a Monday! I now feel very fat and I'm not looking in case I actually am fat 🐷🐷

I've PayPaled my way through the last five months on eBay & Etsy & bought all the usual stuff from the garden centre. We've changed the way we've done our food shopping, one visit to a small Waitrose, because I couldn't be bothered to spend my day in a queue at either our large Aldi or Sainsburys, & one to the farm shop for all the fresh stuff. We were surprised by how much we've saved but it's obviously due to not putting unnecessary stuff in the trolley, no longer going out for coffee before the supermarket & me not having a drink🍸since April!
I love that rule. No wine weekdays unless we are having pasta! And how often do we have pasta.........

What a horrendously hot night here in London. I kept waking up which was very depressing. And now my hair is actually quite wet and I am doing nothing! I can't be bothered to put the boot on so I can get to the hairdryer and rescue the situation though.
Too late now as this heatwave will pass in a day or so but I can throughly recommend a product I purchased in Dobbies but they are available on Amazon . It is a cool touch ice towel (mine is Creative). It is the size of a short narrow scarf. I wet it in the morning, you wring it out, I folded mine and put in a small zip bag. When the heat gets too much you take it out give it a bit of a shake to get the air through it and then put it around your neck until you cool down, then fold back into bag. Later if you need it just do the same no additional water needed. Back at hotel just rinse and air to repeat next day. It is damp not wet.

Mr L is obsessed with not looking a prat in public but in a heatwave in Italy he was more than happy to use it in public as it really is good and easy to carry and use. If anyone is having flushes at night I would suggest one in a bag beside the bed might help. They cost about £7 and you only need one.
Too late now as this heatwave will pass in a day or so but I can throughly recommend a product I purchased in Dobbies but they are available on Amazon . It is a cool touch ice towel (mine is Creative). It is the size of a short narrow scarf. I wet it in the morning, you wring it out, I folded mine and put in a small zip bag. When the heat gets too much you take it out give it a bit of a shake to get the air through it and then put it around your neck until you cool down, then fold back into bag. Later if you need it just do the same no additional water needed. Back at hotel just rinse and air to repeat next day. It is damp not wet.

Mr L is obsessed with not looking a prat in public but in a heatwave in Italy he was more than happy to use it in public as it really is good and easy to carry and use. If anyone is having flushes at night I would suggest one in a bag beside the bed might help. They cost about £7 and you only need one.
Isn’t it just the same as a microfibre cloth? BTW my partner is the same ... obsessed with looking a prat in public. I could fall to the ground and he would try to disassociate himself from me
I love that rule. No wine weekdays unless we are having pasta! And how often do we have pasta.........

What a horrendously hot night here in London. I kept waking up which was very depressing. And now my hair is actually quite wet and I am doing nothing! I can't be bothered to put the boot on so I can get to the hairdryer and rescue the situation though.
We had a downpour of near tropical strength at 8 last night, it lasted 30 minutes & when it stopped the pavements started to steam. We went to bed at 11 & I was still awake at 4, so 2 hours sleep before the alarm as it was back to Slimming World first thing. I imagine that boot is horrendous at the moment 🥵
What a day. It's been non stop here. First the Plastic Dressings Clinic rang to tell me I have an outpatient appointment this Thursday! Well who arranged that then? Mr Bastard? And why? Well luckily my neighbour in standby taxi mode is free so I can get there. So that means I have the ordinary nurs on Weds, this on Thursday and the Tissue Viability Nurse on Friday! I shall have to try to remember to mention it tomorrow.

Then the cleaners came, oh bliss, and they changed the bed for me thank goodness. Don't know how long it would have taken me. It did take a lot longer than normal to do so I reckon I might gat a ferocious bill. So what, I say.

Then I spoke to the OT who told me how to go about some stuff and listened to my saga, telling me I must report it. Then finally my GP rang for my telephone consult. She sounded so young, so a different breed from Mr. Bastard. She just said to me well you are being bullied and this has to stop. However she did reckon because my care covers a number of branches moving Trust could be rather complicated so she wants me to change him. I told her how worried I am about doing that and she fully understood. So I am going to see what this Plastics appointment is all about and see what happens next. If he is vile she has told me who to call and if they try to block me in any way I am to phone PALS. God! I hope he has transferred me to Plastics, that would be a result!

Just waiting for my neighbour, who started my laundry, to come back and hang it up. Then I want a day of doing bugger all before the trek to Tooting.
Isn’t it just the same as a microfibre cloth? BTW my partner is the same ... obsessed with looking a prat in public. I could fall to the ground and he would try to disassociate himself from me

I also have something like this. It's more like one of those silky-feel sports t-shirt. It doesn't dry as fast as one, though. Maybe that's how it works. Before I got one I used a damp flannel I'd put in the fridge for a few hours before bed.

I also use one of those JML cool pillow things. I can't use it as a pillow but as a side-sleeper, putting my leg on it does actually cool me down.
What a day. It's been non stop here. First the Plastic Dressings Clinic rang to tell me I have an outpatient appointment this Thursday! Well who arranged that then? Mr Bastard? And why? Well luckily my neighbour in standby taxi mode is free so I can get there. So that means I have the ordinary nurs on Weds, this on Thursday and the Tissue Viability Nurse on Friday! I shall have to try to remember to mention it tomorrow.

Then the cleaners came, oh bliss, and they changed the bed for me thank goodness. Don't know how long it would have taken me. It did take a lot longer than normal to do so I reckon I might gat a ferocious bill. So what, I say.

Then I spoke to the OT who told me how to go about some stuff and listened to my saga, telling me I must report it. Then finally my GP rang for my telephone consult. She sounded so young, so a different breed from Mr. Bastard. She just said to me well you are being bullied and this has to stop. However she did reckon because my care covers a number of branches moving Trust could be rather complicated so she wants me to change him. I told her how worried I am about doing that and she fully understood. So I am going to see what this Plastics appointment is all about and see what happens next. If he is vile she has told me who to call and if they try to block me in any way I am to phone PALS. God! I hope he has transferred me to Plastics, that would be a result!

Just waiting for my neighbour, who started my laundry, to come back and hang it up. Then I want a day of doing bugger all before the trek to Tooting.
Well I’ve just been watching the Chase and one contestant is a surgeon- well talk about a dumb&&&& . If her intelligence is on a par with your BC then I not surprised to hear about the problems you have been having.
We had the worst thunder and lightening storm I have ever seen in my 78years. It went on from a slow star about 10-30 pm and was still flashing at 4am. Spectacular but impossible to sleep as it was so hot as well and the rain was like a monsoon.
Dear heavens I am hot! My face is just dripping as is my hair. And you all know I can barely move so it isnt physical jerks! My Gatineau has completely washed off I suspect. I am waiting for the neighbour to come in and bring my laundry downstairs as she thinks I am running unnecessary risks by carrying the bag on crutches to the top of the stairs and throwing it down and then trying to carry it all back up! But you know, I can barely move today I feel like an old car where all the parts have rusted up. Took a sleeping pill last night which got me some extra hours. I still woke up because it was so bloody hot in the night. At one point I had to change (skimpy) pyjama top for even skimpier as it was literally soaked! I couldnt really believe it.

I am so glad the cleaners came yesterday!!!!! It feels so much fresher in here today.

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