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Morning all. Just saw the nurse and made a show of myself by getting upset when she asked about the views of my consultant! Mind you she was appalled. But the minimal good news is that it looked a teeny tiny bit better. So nothing great but the right direction. Thank Christ for that! She also reckoned the antibiotics would be helping.

It is so hot isnt it! I have lost all energy and am slower now than when I first tried crutches.
I'm not surprised that you got upset, you'd have to be carved from granite not to be bothered by The Bastard Consultant. Even if you don't feel up to asking for someone to take over from him I really think your gp should know how you've been treated. It is hot & energy sapping weather, don't see yourself as slow, you're sedate.
Since lockdown I have only been supermarket shopping, mostly Marks, once to B&Q and twice to a garden centre. Even when at work I don’t leave my office and bring everything I need for the day.

Today is our first day of compulsory facecoverings in shops.

Mr L had to go to a chiropractor in town a few miles away which in the past I‘ve enjoyed and had a lovely coffee so decided to go whilst he was being pulled and shoved.

Well, 2 shops I go to had disappeared, many others not opened and the rest as dead as doornails. Only one shop was worthwhile but their clothes are expensive and since I couldn’t try them on didn’t bother especially as I wasn’t going anywhere to wear them. The coffee shop was packed with people queuing down the street (this reduced price thingy) so that wasnt going to happen. Mind you no other cafe or coffee shop had any more than one or two people!

I really can’t see myself going back to shops this side of Christmas. I know they have had a hard time but not one of them made any effort to entice you in.
I can`t be doing with shops either LATI. By the time I came out of the supermarket the other day and was melting with the heat and wearing a mask, not to mention the socially distanced queues at the checkouts, I`d had enough.
I visit the supermarket when I need to and venture into local small shops once a week for meat, fresh bread, veggies etc but now avoid other places.
I called into Peacocks last Tuesday for the first time in months and it was one way in, hand sanitiser lady at the entrance squirting everybody and checking for masks, one way route around the store and one way exit, no changing rooms were open but lots of sales rails selling stuff at rock bottom prices. I won`t bother going again.
I walked past other shops and many were totally empty. People just don`t seem to want to bother with all the faff, myself included.
I did call into Bodycare to stock up on tissues, cotton wool pads, paracetamols etc and the lady on the till bollocked someone standing too close behind me like a school mistress would. I wouldn`t care but the woman on the till had a mask, a visor, was standing behind a screen and when I wanted to pay by cash she practically tutted. She was very grumpy but I suppose if I had to work a full shift in hot weather and covered up to the max then I reckon I`d be grumpy too.
I've not been shopping since before lockdown either. Nor do I intend to. My conditions plus meds mean if I get ill it might hit me really hard. Even if it doesn't it might trigger a relapse. Better safe than sorry.

I've kind of missed it but my bank account hasn't. The only thing I've really missed is wandering around my fabulous local Poundland, B&M and Savers. They were my treat after ****** hospital appointments (I certainly haven't missed those only because they were made so unpleasant by people like Mazza's Bastard Consultant!).

My shopping comes mainly delivered now that we can get a slot. I was well-stocked with non-perishables (comes with the territory here as winter has a high chance of being snowed in with power cuts) plus I extra stocked up on just about everything for Brexit. I can leave most of it to quietly de-contaminate in the corner for a week or two then rotate my pantry. Perishables like milk get a spraying with Dew then putting away.

I know it sounds OTT but it makes me feel more in control. I've not felt really in control since I got ill and had to give up work. It's a horrible feeling for someone who has been in control and self-reliant from a very young age so, to coin a phrase, every little helps!
I also find I’ve been putting more in my saving account and we’ve also managed to replace a few household items including microwave and a new mattress. Our shopping habits have changed slightly also as we now buy our meat from a local butcher as it is so much better than some supermarket stuff. And fresh eggs spuds and other veg and soft fruit from local allotments.
My mum has been in hospital this last week, with a variety of ailments, all linked with digestive issues. (She was taken in on Monday night, and spent 5 hours in the ambulance, in the car park, as she wasn't considered an emergency. But that's another story.)

She hasn't been able to eat properly for months, and frankly, I don't know what's keeping her alive (she's 77). Must be the gin. They removed 7 large & 5 small stones from her bile duct on Friday, although she hasn't felt the benefit yet.

Anyway, her consultant is a man called Armstrong, and she hasn't been at all impressed with him.

The first time he came to see her, he didn't look at her when he was speaking, but stood side-on to her, and looked all around the room. I said that I thought that sounded like Asbergers. But after a couple of days we reconsidered that opinion. We are now aware that he is actually, Arsehole Armstrong, with a full-blown case of Arsebergers.
My mum has been in hospital this last week, with a variety of ailments, all linked with digestive issues. (She was taken in on Monday night, and spent 5 hours in the ambulance, in the car park, as she wasn't considered an emergency. But that's another story.)

She hasn't been able to eat properly for months, and frankly, I don't know what's keeping her alive (she's 77). Must be the gin. They removed 7 large & 5 small stones from her bile duct on Friday, although she hasn't felt the benefit yet.

Anyway, her consultant is a man called Armstrong, and she hasn't been at all impressed with him.

The first time he came to see her, he didn't look at her when he was speaking, but stood side-on to her, and looked all around the room. I said that I thought that sounded like Asbergers. But after a couple of days we reconsidered that opinion. We are now aware that he is actually, Arsehole Armstrong, with a full-blown case of Arsebergers.
Poor mum & poor you. I despair about these arrogant 'Call me God' people & they all need to reported. The trouble is that when we're at our most vulnerable we tend to shurt up & accept. Just before my wonderful brother in law died a doctor said to my sister that "He was a very nice man", I think people 10 miles away heard her response to him using past tense. She was supported by PALS when she complained about practically every aspect of his time in what is called a Centre of Excellence hospital especially the fact that his untimely death was caused by a doctor not capable of performing a straightforward procedure that caused sepsis. Clap for the NHS?

We went to B&Q this morning, apart from people wearing masks, I should be on commission for some Etsy sellers, it was the same as usual. There were safety notices & footprints on the floor but I think the person responsible for doing these either got bored or confused because they suddenly stopped in a dead end by the wallpaper. I'm supporting local independents & those in our high street. I worked for the Dept of Employment in the 80s & remember the effect of that recession, this one will be far worse & many companies will collapse.
The shops need to get their act together and welcome you in and not treat you like a nuisance.

There was so little stock we had more of everything at home and the assistants were as disinterested as hell.

i usually buy those pack of 3 shower caps for holidays and visitors and ages ago decided they were fine to use myself at home. I tried 7 different stores none in any, 2 had those horrible flowery ones (each had 1 only so tuff **** if 2 people wanted one) but the elastic was so wide it would be useless to me. Surely I’m not the only person in the world who uses a shower cap?
No. I do! But I nicked so many from hotels over my many years of business trips I still have some. Mind you the elastic had gone in quite a few. I got a thick plain one from Boots but not a pack of two.
I used to get from hotels but a lot of hotels are no longer providing freebies, either sell you a pack or have a fixed liquid dispenser which is supposed to be shampoo/shower gel all in one so I take all my own stuff.

i have stayed in moderate priced ones which provided sealed toothbrushes also show horns but not so much now.

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