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Stratobuddy, we are lucky to see sunshine at all in Ireland. :LOL:

I doubt the UV light from the sun would be strong enough to santize them? Also laying out in the air which is full of all sorts will not help.
Also you wouldn’t want to wash them with normal wash. I was thinking of soaking in boiling water with detol laundry stuff and then just washing with say towels which are washed at higher temperature.
Absolutely clear blue sky here today. So far, I haven't worn a mask but a visor instead, shops and buses have not queried it.

Just been shopping for 25 very large bags of crisps from Lidl!

These only come in very occasionally, so I stocked up.

They are FIRE EATERS "searing hot" chilli and lemon with the slogan "Dare you eat the heat".

I like crisps with lots of flavour, these are the strongest I've found, even better than WALKERS MAX STRONG Jalapeno chilli and lemon crisps or MAX STRONG Wasabi (although the wasabi fumes get up your nose and make your eyes water).

So went grocery shopping and came back with £25 of crisps LOL.
They are so good aren't they?

Well back to me! I have had a good day so far. Managed to get in and out of the neighbour's car so sorted for hospital to see the bastard at his clinic next week. Then a doctor neighbour came round and we chatted for an hour about treatments and how some people are treated really long term for non healing wounds without anyone bloody well amputating their limb! He told me to make a telephone appointment with my GP in case I needed to switch the Nursing referral to them from the hospital plus a few other suggestions/questions. I checked with the new pharmacy that they had received the dressings order and they told me it would be delivered today so fingers crossed. Then a lady opposite had put a card through and when I rang to thank her assured me she would pick up anything I needed from the High Street, which is good because sometimes it's little bits and pieces you need as much as Occado! Going to crash in front of the telly now.
Its good to know you have kind and helpful neighbours.

I know most folk don’t like to ask but think of it from the other side - wouldn’t you like to think that someone would think enough of your character to ask for help and be upset if they were sitting at home in difficulty just because they didn’t want to “bother“ someone.
The reuseable masks are supposed to be washed at 60 degrees. No way will they survive long at that temperature.
Good old National Geographic said that temperature doesn't matter as long as detergents are used. I don't know about anyone else but I've had my fill of all these 'experts' constantly telling me how to do things, I've washed my cotton masks on a 40 degree wash & I'm sticking to that. I didn't import this sodding virus, dither about shutting down the country - Valance, Whitty & friends & I've followed the rules so their nagging now falls on deaf ears as far as I'm concerned
How about leaving them out in bright sunshine, hopefully the UV light will kill any virus.
Is this instead of washing or using a lower temperature & then putting them in sunlight? I often do this with our duvets on the bedding wash day because I love the smell of washing dried outside & they pick that up after a day in the sunshine.
I think the main proponent of the 'sunshine' virus-cure was Donald Trump. Maybe he could be persuaded to produce a press-release, on the care of face masks. Just a thought.
Also you wouldn’t want to wash them with normal wash. I was thinking of soaking in boiling water with detol laundry stuff and then just washing with say towels which are washed at higher temperature.
Have you got a hand steam cleaner? I've only just thought about blasting reusable masks with steam & before washing as an alternative to drenching them with chemicals.
Been researching the effect of sunlight on the virus.

There are 3 types of UV, namely A, B and C.

Only type C kills the virus, and there is NOT enough in sunlight to be effective.
Have you got a hand steam cleaner? I've only just thought about blasting reusable masks with steam & before washing as an alternative to drenching them with chemicals.

Or if you haven't got one, perhaps you could use a kitchen steamer, or improvise one.

I imagine it would kill the virus without making it saturated, and without any rubbing.
Been researching the effect of sunlight on the virus.

There are 3 types of UV, namely A, B and C.

Only type C kills the virus, and there is NOT enough in sunlight to be effective.
Strato is there something to do with the UVC wavelength that is effective in killing the virus
I somehow cant see all those commuters using a scarf they just pull up worrying too much about cleaning them at 60 deg.

When you see that ***** Katie Price and new man at some leisure park with the masks down around their chins so she could take his tonsils out, the masks were hardly on at all during the whole time. What’s the point?
I thought the problem was that most fabric ones weren’t secure enough at the nose unless they have something like a stiffener in to enable it to be pinched in.

Obviously anything is better than nothing.

Here it still isn’t mandatory to wear one except on public transport.
There’s cases that have UVC lights just wondering if you knew anything about those and the effect on the virus
Good old National Geographic said that temperature doesn't matter as long as detergents are used. I don't know about anyone else but I've had my fill of all these 'experts' constantly telling me how to do things, I've washed my cotton masks on a 40 degree wash & I'm sticking to that. I didn't import this sodding virus, dither about shutting down the country - Valance, Whitty & friends & I've followed the rules so their nagging now falls on deaf ears as far as I'm concerned
100% agree. If I had to wash my hands in 60 degree water, I'd end up in hospital with second degree burns so I'll just keep doing as I am I think.

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