I sailed through my menopause but I had a dodgy thyroid which I believe is the reason. When my thyroid started going overactive I just put it down to menopause I was around 52 and sweating like mad and my hands were shaking. I was told to go to the doctor by friends and even people in work but just kept saying oh its the menopause. It wasn't until a woman driving passed me in the street stopped got out and walked over to me and asked did I need help? That shocked me to go to the doctor and no it was not the menopause which according to tests I had not started. So when the real thing hit I was hot for like 10-20 seconds and very little flushing which stopped at my neck and never went up to my face.
I think I had the fastest menopause ever - 11 years ago during the week of the school panto & nothing since except the heat

Apparently I get the common flushes & when I went for my final screening test the nurse said her mum still gets them & she's in her 80s, I wouldn't mind if I was someone who feels the cold but I don't. Small problem considering all the other issues in the universe.