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Lovely words šŸ’
Indeed. And artwork.

We had a car parked outside from yesterday afternoon until mid morning today. I was cutting the lawn when a woman arrived, I didn't recognise her or her car, & I said that it was obvious that she hadn't broken down so I assumed she'd stayed overnight & that wasn't following social distancing requirements. She glared at me, gave me the finger & then drove up the road stopping a few houses away; we know the people who live there, both their cars were on the drive so I was right & she was just rude.
Shocking! How very rude!
We had a car parked outside from yesterday afternoon until mid morning today. I was cutting the lawn when a woman arrived, I didn't recognise her or her car, & I said that it was obvious that she hadn't broken down so I assumed she'd stayed overnight & that wasn't following social distancing requirements. She glared at me, gave me the finger & then drove up the road stopping a few houses away; we know the people who live there, both their cars were on the drive so I was right & she was just rude.

I have also noticed that 'visiting' is still going on. In the first few days of lockdown the roads around me were empty, with only the house owners cars evident. Gradually there have been more cars pitching up, and clearly not dropping off 'stuff', but are stationary for a few hours then are off again. So its clear that family (or others, who knows? ) who live elsewhere are turning up. I just don't get it. Joe Public leave me speechless sometimes, and it seems have the intelligence of a gnat.
What is wrong with people that those lucky to be fit and healthy canā€™t be without frivolous company for a while. These arenā€™t in a 13 story tower block but in nice homes with enough of a garden and safe footpaths to walk in.
I think people canā€™t cope with being with ā€œloved onesā€ for 24 hours a day, they live pretty separate lives and kids are looked after by grannies or nurseries.
There was an interview this morning with a lady whose father is in hospital with no hope of recovery who said that this lockdown is only a few months out of a lifetime which if we all kept to would ensure we had a lifetime ahead of us unlike those in hospital either as patients or staff.

Get used to it you dickheads this isnā€™t going away soon, how shallow is your life you canā€™t stop socialising for more than a couple of days. As Brissles says just wait until you are a pensioner on state pension and dependent on public transport. Imagine what they would be like without SM to feed their egos. If you need something to do go online and learn a language, read a book, catch up on a box set or phone someone for a chat.

its inconvenient yes , but impossible no.
I noticed yesterday quite a number of people dropping off easter eggs here. People are definitely going out more now. Cars up and down our road a fair bit too. I don't get the constant need to be with other people all the time. I have my husband here with me and that's enough at present. I would like to see my sister but we are speaking on the phone so that suffices. I do miss going out, but know why I can't go out, unfortunately a part of the great British public are quite simply thick.
My lovely neighbour, just had a friend with kids round to play with hers and the mums stood having a conversation together, about a foot apart. If you say anything wouldn't do you any favours would it.

I don't think so, no. Unfortunately a lot of people, when called out on doing something they know themselves is wrong or misguided, go on the offensive "doubling-down" as the Americans call it. I think when you see this kind of behaviour, it's just another sign that you have to be cautious about assuming people are following guidelines. Whenever we go out, we might be around people ostentatiously following the 2 metre rule, but what are they actually doing at home? Are they having visitors, or visiting others and not maintaining social distancing? We can't assume from seeing people's behaviour in one environment that we can be sure about their behaviour in another. We all take a risk every time we go out the front door (or back door) in the current climate. We are all relying on others' decency in not putting those they interact with at risk. We have to stay home as much as we can and minimise the number of times we are unwittingly exposed to risk by thoughtless and selfish behaviour from those we encounter.
I must be really lucky where I live because I think the only person who has actually left the Close since the lockdown is me, when Iā€™ve popped out for essentials. The only cars coming in to the Close have been delivery vans and my son when he dropped off my birthday presents. He rang the bell, put them on the doorstep and then retreated. We did have a quick chat at a 3 metre distance though. šŸ˜…

When sitting in the garden I can usually hear peopleā€™s voices, if theyā€™re in their gardens as well, but itā€™s silent here now. All Iā€™ve heard, when sitting outside, is the birds which is far more soothing than children shrieking and people laughing.

The guy who lives opposite is always out and about (his car is the love of his life) and heā€™s often away overnight or for a few days visiting friends, but I knew the lockdown was serious when he polished his car and then put the cover on it that he uses for winter. His car hasnā€™t moved since.
I've just lost it after watching a film on the Beeb about the number of cafes & restaurants that will close in Italy & people here who know their small companies won't survive. The passion these people had for what they had achieved, & knew they were about to lose, was tangible & moved me to tears. At that point the father of a woman the other side of the road turned up with her dogs, he takes them for walks by driving them them a half a mile to the park, & he went into her house for 30 minutes... My Mr T found me in the bedroom staring across the road & arrived just in time to hear me use my loudest 'teacher at end of break duty' voice. Said man looked stunned, I didn't swear or repeat myself, however, I did tell him that getting some exercise would benefit his health!
My flaming neighbour has his power tools out again. Every day for the past 3 weeks. I was in the garden and had to come in. I am sitting in the living room and all I can hear is the noise. I am going to crack soon. He's so inconsiderate, oh and ugly. I can't be the only one who is getting annoyed around here surely?
I am going mad. You will read about me soon on the news. Woman orders blunderbuss from Amazon and shoots neighbour, gets round of applause from neighbours. Found not guilty as he got what he deserved. šŸ¤£
I have also noticed that 'visiting' is still going on. In the first few days of lockdown the roads around me were empty, with only the house owners cars evident. Gradually there have been more cars pitching up, and clearly not dropping off 'stuff', but are stationary for a few hours then are off again. So its clear that family (or others, who knows? ) who live elsewhere are turning up. I just don't get it. Joe Public leave me speechless sometimes, and it seems have the intelligence of a gnat.

I can only assume that all their family and friends havenā€™t caught it so they think they wonā€™t either.

My mum and father in law both have it. Itā€™s so debilitating and I have never known my mum to feel so ill. Thankfully she just self-isolated and is getting better daily but itā€™s taken a few weeks. My fil went to hospital, had oxygen and is now home.

In the last two days, an old friend who was 54 years old, someoneā€™s mother and someoneā€™s 70 year old cousin have all died of it. The former death has left us all shell shocked as it was so sudden.

My husband is on the vulnerable list and I only go out to the supermarket/pharmacy and to deliver shopping to my elderly parents. I stand away from the door and have a quick long distance chat.

Hoping weā€™ll get a delivery slot soon.
That's awful re the deaths I love chocolate :( a friend of mine just lost her dad to cancer and hasn't been able to visit while he was in his care homeof course, shes obviously heart broken and this is other repercussions in everyday lives. Another friend had a collision on his push bike with a car last tues, made the news in his town, he's currently on life support, he was only saying how lovely it was to cycle on clear streets. We can't do anything the same as we once did and these selfish people who think they are hard done to for not doing what they like are pure evil.

On full passive agressive mode, I got the hubby to talk to the neighbour next door but one from a good distance now we are out of quarentine (YAY) and told him what they are like next door re the visitors and foud out they don't have much to do with them which is a small victory and also hes the type who would make a dig given the chance. So I feel a little better.

I'm getting there, it's been awful, Friday when I first wrote here about the neighbour was my worse day, the aching and breathlessness and fatigue are the 3 main hurdles for me and it will be a long while before I feel normal again. I was blessed by not having the worse cough, my daughers was the worse and shes back at work today in full PPE all day and every day on her ward.

Take care everyone.
I don't think so, no. Unfortunately a lot of people, when called out on doing something they know themselves is wrong or misguided, go on the offensive "doubling-down" as the Americans call it. I think when you see this kind of behaviour, it's just another sign that you have to be cautious about assuming people are following guidelines. Whenever we go out, we might be around people ostentatiously following the 2 metre rule, but what are they actually doing at home? Are they having visitors, or visiting others and not maintaining social distancing? We can't assume from seeing people's behaviour in one environment that we can be sure about their behaviour in another. We all take a risk every time we go out the front door (or back door) in the current climate. We are all relying on others' decency in not putting those they interact with at risk. We have to stay home as much as we can and minimise the number of times we are unwittingly exposed to risk by thoughtless and selfish behaviour from those we encounter.
What a lovely & well argued response. I've written on here before that I think that I may have had covid-19 already. However, I'm not bothered if I haven't & will eventually succumb because people either recover or they don't & I'd rather fall off my twig quickly than slowly. As someone who lives just for today I feel like that about most things, however, I'm aware that others don't share my way of thinking & I wouldn't put others at risk so have bought two masks in case the next phase is mandatory facial cover up. I could only get black & they look like one cup of an M&S no frills 36B; my Mr T has put one of his football badges on his & I've turned mine into a cat's face by sewing on a heart shaped button (nose) & embroidery thread white whiskers.
What a lovely & well argued response. I've written on here before that I think that I may have had covid-19 already. However, I'm not bothered if I haven't & will eventually succumb because people either recover or they don't & I'd rather fall off my twig quickly than slowly. As someone who lives just for today I feel like that about most things, however, I'm aware that others don't share my way of thinking & I wouldn't put others at risk so have bought two masks in case the next phase is mandatory facial cover up. I could only get black & they look like one cup of an M&S no frills 36B; my Mr T has put one of his football badges on his & I've turned mine into a cat's face by sewing on a heart shaped button (nose) & embroidery thread white whiskers.

I hope yours goes in the washing machine if you've troubled yourself with the decorating of the mask. We're only really meant to wear a mask once & then throw out (not very green, I know) & that's even we remember not to touch face etc whilst out. Incidentally, how much was yours & where did you gerrit?
Mr L has ordered a couple with with carbon inserts from Amazon. May never arrive but worth a chance as he thinks even if lockdown is lifted it will be a condition that you have to wear a mask. whether or not that is going to happen I have no idea. Maybe we will be like our neighbour - motorcycle helmet and yellow marigolds!

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