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On another forum, someone started a thread that Bojo and the Donald are true legends:cautious:

I said after wetting myself laughing anyone with a brain pays no attention to the Donald's ramblings.

You want a true legend, the Irish TD, Leo varadkara (sp)is a trained doctor and giving two days a week to working in a hospital
Blocked my sister in law and her hubby. They kept posting about loving Bojo and what a great PM he is. As is my right to free speech I disagreed and she got really nasty. Hubby ,her brother, stuck up for me and has also blocked them. They think Trumpton is great as well.

I went out this afternoon to the chemist to pick up a prescription for my mum, as we can't have it delivered as she would just take all her tablets one after another, so we have to put them in a box with a code for the carers to give them to her.

I was aghast at how many cars were on the road. It was nearly like a normal day. It wasn't just one person in each car either, but 2 or more.

The chemist was one in one out. The local shop where my mum goes every day, she has Alzheimer's and doesn't think she will catch anything when we tell her not to go out, also has a one in and one out policy. Lord knows what happens when she arrives as she will just quite happily toddle in ahead of everyone. I can see her ending up on the local news! :eek:

The people in my road whom I thought would ignore the stay at home, no social visits, etc., are exactly the ones that I thought would ignore it. Most are obeying, but the ones who are not are really making me very cross. Morons is too good a word for them.
We call them inbreds.
If you have a garden no matter how small or live somewhere safe to walk and are not a key worker then there is absolutely no reason to be out other than getting food and if necessary leave food to someone who is unable to get out.

WTF is wrong with people. I’ll guarantee that there isn’t a nurse or care worker who wouldn’t be delighted to be confined to their garden But the same people will be out clapping like bliddy seals getting kippers.
How's this for stupidity.

I live in a no through road with a narrow path alongside a small river. This path leads to another road in the village, and is barely wide enough for passing pedestrians. In the last 3 weeks I've seen cyclists and family groups of cyclists (mum, dad, 3 kids) all leave the road and disappear down the path. FFS !!!! imagine walking and then seeing a herd of bl.......dy cyclists heading towards you and you have no escape except a bramble bush. Honest to God, there are complete numbnuts in this world. What sort of people put their kids at risk like this ?

I dont care if I'm referred to as a 'curtain twitcher' but I've just fired off an email to the council suggesting they put a Cycling Prohibited notice at either of this path. Its bad enough that sweaty joggers pass you without a care for the 2 metre distance (so its me that has to move), without cyclists acting like idiots.

Incidentally, I've spoken to the daughters of friends who are health care workers in different hospitals, and it was interesting to hear both say that yes there is a shortage of some equipment, but its not as bad as the media are making out, and in fact they are quite angry about the way its being reported. They are getting supplies through and are working around the situation until the next consignment arrives, so perhaps the media are only picking up on areas like London which is at the hub of the virus spread, but out in the Shires and other areas they are managing ok.

Yes we are in a dire situation, but the media are fanning the flames of fear.
Neighbour has 2 adult sons both who are very alike so hard to tell who is who. As far as I know neither are key workers, parents retired young but in and out in their car most days so not self isolation. Sons seem to half live at home but I don’t know where the other days are spent but they are there most days. Today a man in black track suit walked up the road in motorbike helmet visor fully down and yellow marigolds, it was like something out of Star Wars!! He then walked into neighbours and I recognised it as one of the sons from the side and back body view.

Incidentally, I've spoken to the daughters of friends who are health care workers in different hospitals, and it was interesting to hear both say that yes there is a shortage of some equipment, but its not as bad as the media are making out, and in fact they are quite angry about the way its being reported. They are getting supplies through and are working around the situation until the next consignment arrives, so perhaps the media are only picking up on areas like London which is at the hub of the virus spread, but out in the Shires and other areas they are managing ok.

Yes we are in a dire situation, but the media are fanning the flames of fear.
R of Ireland government sent a plane to China to bring a massive shipment of equipment and one member of our Northerbaireland Executive said we were getting some of it however either he was telling porkie pies (never!!!) or they reneged on the deal. However it turned out that 35% of the shipment was faulty/not fit for purpose. Guess what, our Executive placed their own order costing 170 million with a deposit of 60 million but it is expected that again it won’t be 100% useable. Which is worse, no equipment or thinking you are protected and are not. Hopefully it is possible to see the unsuitable items before it is sent out to hospitals. If this was in a film or TV show we would say it was far fetched!
Local small companies in our area are diversifying and making visors and other PPE and hand sanitiser for our local hospital and many small companies are setting up free food and drinks for front line staff. They deserve our praise and I am proud of them for all they are doing. Mustn’t forget the free taxi service for nhs workers. They all deserve our support when this is all over.
It was widely reported that on the runway in China people from the American government waving blank cheques for PPE that was already ordered due to fly to the UK. They got over 50% of an order that was already ordered by the UK.

I will say the shortages will be London and the Midlands where the virus is really taking its toll in hospitals.
Our local bus company ceased running 2 weeks ago. They do all the local routes and the bigger company Stagecoach only do trips to nearby towns not local runs plus they`re operating a sunday timetable which means buses are few and far between.
My husband works as a part time taxi driver but the company he usually drives for have closed their offices but have asked drivers will they do early morning stints or early evening stints driving key workers to and from work. Even though he`s almost 70, Mr V has volunteered to do 2 mornings from 6am to 10am.
We have 4 supermarkets nearby, several care homes and nursing homes plus the local hospital and people without cars have really been struggling to get to work especially if they`re on an early shift. There are many unsung heroes during this pandemic, and yes of course the NHS are top of the tree but there are volunteers driving people to their jobs, making up food parcels for people who are struggling financially, minding key workers children in nurseries and schools, making food and drink for workers, manufacturing PPE or other necessities and so on and so on. We read the worst of humankind in our papers or on TV, people flouting the lockdown or attacking police officers etc but for each of those idiots, there are many others doing good.
It was widely reported that on the runway in China people from the American government waving blank cheques for PPE that was already ordered due to fly to the UK. They got over 50% of an order that was already ordered by the UK.

I will say the shortages will be London and the Midlands where the virus is really taking its toll in hospitals.
Tell Bozo what Trumpton has done and he wouldn't believe it.
I agree Vienna, we are all struggling to get through this, and I think the number of idiots hopefully will gradually decline as they are photographed and shamed on social media.

I also hope that we see less of the extremely wealthy flaunting their riches when hundreds of thousands after this is all over, will be struggling financially, to see the bare faced Beckhams, Ramsays and others posting Instagram photos of their latest multi million pound property aquisitions will be rubbing salt in the wound, so I hope the media will think twice before publishing their latest antics in the press. Its unacceptable now in these challenging times and those ahead.
Horrible I know but I can’t help being a little bit of Karma that many of these celebs will not come out of this as financially secure as their now lifestyle requires. My hope is that if they are off our screens for any length of time their very limited ”talents” may no longer be saleable.

The World Wide Web has a lot to answer for.
I don't understand why fines etc., are not yet being handed out. Are they waiting for this weekend when I suspect the "can't fix stupid" people (love that! So appropriate) will be out?

I've seen a few interviews on the box over the last few days and they really are heartbreaking. One earlier today had a woman whose husband is dying said a nurse at the end of her shift said she'd stay on to let her say goodbye. I don't even want to imagine that. She said she had 10 minutes to say goodbye even though he wasn't aware she was there. She had to be fully kitted out and said how hot and oppressive the kit is and how she couldn't imagine working in it for a 12-hour shift. My OH was sitting with me and we both looked at each other as he knows what that kind of work is like - he was a steel-worker doing 12-hour shifts where the steel was cast. I don't miss him coming home in sweat-soaked clothes absolutely exhausted.

He's a lorry driver now and has seen the roads get really quiet since lockdown but today seemed like a normal day to him. He said as we were watching the heartbroken woman on telly that there'll be a lot more people like that after this weekend as people think they can just go out as normal.

Do these stupid people not see the news? Hear or read about the deaths? The Queen of Stupid (opposite neighbour) was shouting at her son as he was leaving (he doesn't live there, has no need to visit) that it'll all be over next week and we'll be back to normal but in the meantime have a nice time. WTAF? I really need to stop going into my kitchen. She's out there every time I put the kettle on/wash up/make food and she's really winding me up. I have a notice on my door asking people to leave stuff outside as I'm at risk. Every time she sees me in my kitchen she's standing in her front garden talking to people but then loudly says while pointing over at me that I'm a drama queen and it's no worse than normal flu.

Oh, and she was out clapping and hollering earlier! With her brother who lives down the street with his wife who has recently been having chemo. You couldn't make it up. What did Piers say? The people out clapping and displaying the rainbow posters for the NHS are the ones flouting and will ultimately cause the most admissions - spot on!

I get road-rage at the stupids on the road these days but this is in another league. Help me calm down before I pop an artery!
Alter, I agree with Anna that this woman's obviously thick, she's also a bully & has no right to talk about you in that way. I worked in a wonderful school but we had our fair share of spiteful kids, they all were dealt with but one of the things I'd say to distraught children was to do their best not to waste their lives thinking about their tormentors, easier said than done, I know. If the authorities don't stop her socialising you'll have to ignore it & if you have blinds or curtains at your kitchen window close them, better to live in half light than put up with being pointed at constantly. Last resort make yourself a big rainbow picture for the window, perhaps with little people on it doing all the things she does & put big red crosses over them.
I's want to go over & challenge her about the remedial behaviour, but please, #don't try this at home# Note to say that Mr B would have me in a head lock before I "embarrassed him in front of the neighbours!!!!!"
We have a small retail park at the bottom of our road/square and a grassy wooded area at the top, the retail park has an Aldi, Costa, Franky and Bennys, Home and Bargain and a Super bowl, so for us it’s just like a normal day if you could count people queuing outside to get in a shop “normal” There’s only Aldi and Home and Bargain open and it’s still been extremely busy with people panic buying. All my neighbours seem to be sticking to the order not to go out though, all we can hear in our garden are kids playing in the neighbours back garden a few doors away.

Hope all my forum buddy’s are safe and well and can enjoy Easter weekend as best you can, stay safe, love you all ❤❤ xxx
Wishing you all a safe and happy Easter 🌈🌷🌹🌻🥀🍫💖
The weather is beautiful, spring is springing... If you are able to enjoy your garden, or go out safely, have a lovely few days.
It's difficult to differentiate the days, I know, but if you can treat it as a holiday without making a mockery of the lockdown have fun.

Alter Ego, it's obvious that the current situation brings out the best and the worst in people. Some are not nice in normal circumstances, and they are now worse than before. I pity anyone like that, as the one person you can never escape from is yourself. The more kindness and generosity you show yourself and others, the nicer your world is. Live in your world and be glad you don't live in your neighbour's. And, to stir the pot a little - maybe give her a smile and a wave when she points over at you....It may irk her, it may make whoever she's bitching to take her words as a lie, or if may shame her (unlikely, I know!).
Far better advice than mine, obvs. I'd end up doing ironic waves & smiles. #fiendish

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