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I have a Neti pot but I'm too much of a wuss to use it. I'm useless at nasal sprays - my nose always hurts like hell if I squirt or spray something up it. Is that normal?

Ooh the thought of that ae sends shivers 😳 I occasionally use Sterimar to was my sinuses and inside my nose for rhinitis but don’t feel it’s much good, my inhaler is called Nasofan Aqueous and I’m supposed to take it two in each nostril twice a day, but only do two in each nostril of a night and it’s quite good. My asthma sounds a lot like yours, it’s a strange type. ❤
I`ve been seeing an ENT Consultant for almost 10 years and have had several surgeries for several different reasons but I also suffer badly with my sinuses and the pain can be horrendous so I sympathize with anybody suffering the same. I also suffer from hay fever. Sometimes the only help is a course of antibiotics when my sinuses are bad but if it isn`t too bad then my Consultant always advises Otravine nasal spray but to only use it for 5 days, no more.
I have a lot of ear problems and my surgeries have involved grafting new eardrums, repairing a hole in my skull behind my ear with a bone graft where the brain lining dropped through and was causing pain in my ear and in danger of leaking brain fluid its called a cerebrospinal fluid leak of the temporal bone origin, mastoids and the bones in my ear rotting because of really severe infection to name but a few issues. My latest surgery not long ago was to remove benign growths where my adenoids used to be. I have very little hearing in one ear because of these issues and the other ear is beginning to fail too.
Consequently I cannot blow my nose hard, I have to sneeze into a tissue but with my mouth open, I cannot ever get water into my ear and the pressure from a cold or blocked sinuses or even the strain of being constipated and the pushing to go can be harmful to me and cause yet more ear. problems.
I`ve been seeing an ENT Consultant for almost 10 years and have had several surgeries for several different reasons but I also suffer badly with my sinuses and the pain can be horrendous so I sympathize with anybody suffering the same. I also suffer from hay fever. Sometimes the only help is a course of antibiotics when my sinuses are bad but if it isn`t too bad then my Consultant always advises Otravine nasal spray but to only use it for 5 days, no more.
I have a lot of ear problems and my surgeries have involved grafting new eardrums, repairing a hole in my skull behind my ear with a bone graft where the brain lining dropped through and was causing pain in my ear and in danger of leaking brain fluid its called a cerebrospinal fluid leak of the temporal bone origin, mastoids and the bones in my ear rotting because of really severe infection to name but a few issues. My latest surgery not long ago was to remove benign growths where my adenoids used to be. I have very little hearing in one ear because of these issues and the other ear is beginning to fail too.
Consequently I cannot blow my nose hard, I have to sneeze into a tissue but with my mouth open, I cannot ever get water into my ear and the pressure from a cold or blocked sinuses or even the strain of being constipated and the pushing to go can be harmful to me and cause yet more ear. problems.

That sounds awful what you’ve gone through sending you love and a hug ❤ xx
You’re right about the headaches, they feel like someone is pulling on the tendons behind your eyes and kicking you in the cheekbones and the middle of your forehead at the same time.
I`ve been seeing an ENT Consultant for almost 10 years and have had several surgeries for several different reasons but I also suffer badly with my sinuses and the pain can be horrendous so I sympathize with anybody suffering the same. I also suffer from hay fever. Sometimes the only help is a course of antibiotics when my sinuses are bad but if it isn`t too bad then my Consultant always advises Otravine nasal spray but to only use it for 5 days, no more.
I have a lot of ear problems and my surgeries have involved grafting new eardrums, repairing a hole in my skull behind my ear with a bone graft where the brain lining dropped through and was causing pain in my ear and in danger of leaking brain fluid its called a cerebrospinal fluid leak of the temporal bone origin, mastoids and the bones in my ear rotting because of really severe infection to name but a few issues. My latest surgery not long ago was to remove benign growths where my adenoids used to be. I have very little hearing in one ear because of these issues and the other ear is beginning to fail too.
Consequently I cannot blow my nose hard, I have to sneeze into a tissue but with my mouth open, I cannot ever get water into my ear and the pressure from a cold or blocked sinuses or even the strain of being constipated and the pushing to go can be harmful to me and cause yet more ear. problems.
Omg, that sounds horrendous and frightening, V.

I have hayfever, and with a wonky septum, my sinuses get filled up and can set off horrible sinus headaches, and sometimes sinusitis. I use a hot compress for this, as painkillers won't touch it....but it pales in comparison to what others here suffer.
Ooh the thought of that ae sends shivers 😳 I occasionally use Sterimar to was my sinuses and inside my nose for rhinitis but don’t feel it’s much good, my inhaler is called Nasofan Aqueous and I’m supposed to take it two in each nostril twice a day, but only do two in each nostril of a night and it’s quite good. My asthma sounds a lot like yours, it’s a strange type. ❤
I`ve been seeing an ENT Consultant for almost 10 years and have had several surgeries for several different reasons but I also suffer badly with my sinuses and the pain can be horrendous so I sympathize with anybody suffering the same. I also suffer from hay fever. Sometimes the only help is a course of antibiotics when my sinuses are bad but if it isn`t too bad then my Consultant always advises Otravine nasal spray but to only use it for 5 days, no more.
I have a lot of ear problems and my surgeries have involved grafting new eardrums, repairing a hole in my skull behind my ear with a bone graft where the brain lining dropped through and was causing pain in my ear and in danger of leaking brain fluid its called a cerebrospinal fluid leak of the temporal bone origin, mastoids and the bones in my ear rotting because of really severe infection to name but a few issues. My latest surgery not long ago was to remove benign growths where my adenoids used to be. I have very little hearing in one ear because of these issues and the other ear is beginning to fail too.
Consequently I cannot blow my nose hard, I have to sneeze into a tissue but with my mouth open, I cannot ever get water into my ear and the pressure from a cold or blocked sinuses or even the strain of being constipated and the pushing to go can be harmful to me and cause yet more ear. problems.

That all sounds horrendous Vienna. Last year I had horrible pain in my left ear, that would come and go, and in the end went to ENT and was checked over. Nothing was found and slowly over time it has lessened, but when I had that pain it was unbearable. I've no idea what causes it.
It sounds like you have been through a lot and I hope things improve for you. I hope the surgeries have helped. x
I remember long ago the doctor mentioning going and getting my sinus washed by the hospital. But he said it helps for a while but usually the problem will come back so I thought it was a waste of time. The way it was done sounded like how the removed the brains from Egyptian mummies!
I have CT scans done of my sinus but nothing compared to what you had to go through Vienna.
I’m surprised how many of you have hay fever as it’s something I also suffer from but I have had nothing like the problems Vienna has had. I have Citrizine very day all year round as it helps with my wheazy chest for which I have a preventer inhaler twice a day. I sympathise with you all as it can make you feel really miserable at times. Happy Summer everyone.🌞🌞
I didn’t know it was a bad case of sinusitis I was suffering with till when I was 18 and suffering bad.....again, the doctor tapped my cheekbones then middle of my forehead and told me it was sinusitis. Every other month when I was little I was off school with it, my nose would block, painful cheekbones and really bad pain behind my eyes, flushed hot cheeks and very painful headache. Eased off slightly after I was thirty, it’s heavy perfume smells that kick of my sinus problems, and migraines...........what a bugger! 😳😂
Wow. Had no idea how many here suffer so badly with sinus and ear problems. I'm really sorry for those been and going through it.

I'm sitting here praying that the earache I have right now isn't going to develop into something really nasty and painful. The whole side of my head is tender with it so I'm having flashbacks to my mum and her Giant Cell Arteritis. I can't get water into my ears without suffering the consequences but I think I might have accidentally got some in last time I washed my hair.

I dread sinus pain and equally dread earache though I've been blessed not to have that for many years. Colds always go straight to my throat then bounce up to my sinuses then down to my chest. I'd taken it for granted that shielding is preventing me from picking up a cold but I'm paying for it with my ear now :rolleyes:
Well folks I’ve had quite a week.

on Monday I fell and hurt my ribs. It hurt like hell but took a couple of tablets and went to work. Mon, Tues, wed all the same uncomfortable but manageable. However whatever way I tried to get up from the sofa last night it turned into one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced.

phoned GP this morning (they have X-ray facilities) but reception gave me the brush off saying doctors are seeing no one for the past 12 weeks nor for the foreseeable future (someone tell me WTF they are doing whilst earning over 100k per year) so off to hospital we went as worried if broken ribs and punctured lung.

Arrived at A&E but as it was a little difficult when breathing was directed to C19 emergency department (our hospital is one of the main hospitals for this). Given face mask on arrival .Whilst there I had all the C19 tests, heart monitoring tests, blood tests and x ray. All tests done very quickly but a couple of hours waiting for results. Medical staff wonderful however I can’t be quite as complimentary about reception staff.

2 problems. The place had loads of immigrant workers who had been sent for testing by employers (food production factories) because they coughed. No English so lots of shouting and google translation as a last resport. They spent most of the time wandering around various test areas (no effort to stop them) with masks off, or on the wrong way, at the toilet and on their mobiles non stop.

the second was that I had to endure hours of Holly and Phil and then the gobby loose women!

Good news just cracked ribs which should heal in a few weeks and keep taking painkillers.
Well folks I’ve had quite a week.

on Monday I fell and hurt my ribs. It hurt like hell but took a couple of tablets and went to work. Mon, Tues, wed all the same uncomfortable but manageable. However whatever way I tried to get up from the sofa last night it turned into one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced.

phoned GP this morning (they have X-ray facilities) but reception gave me the brush off saying doctors are seeing no one for the past 12 weeks nor for the foreseeable future (someone tell me WTF they are doing whilst earning over 100k per year) so off to hospital we went as worried if broken ribs and punctured lung.

Arrived at A&E but as it was a little difficult when breathing was directed to C19 emergency department (our hospital is one of the main hospitals for this). Given face mask on arrival .Whilst there I had all the C19 tests, heart monitoring tests, blood tests and x ray. All tests done very quickly but a couple of hours waiting for results. Medical staff wonderful however I can’t be quite as complimentary about reception staff.

2 problems. The place had loads of immigrant workers who had been sent for testing by employers (food production factories) because they coughed. No English so lots of shouting and google translation as a last resport. They spent most of the time wandering around various test areas (no effort to stop them) with masks off, or on the wrong way, at the toilet and on their mobiles non stop.

the second was that I had to endure hours of Holly and Phil and then the gobby loose women!

Good news just cracked ribs which should heal in a few weeks and keep taking painkillers.
I had a drunken fall a couple of years ago and broke two ribs LATI. It didn't hurt at the time obviously, but once the alcohol had worn off, the pain was unbelievable.
As you say, even breathing was flaming painful, but the worst for me was trying to turn over in bed, and then actually getting out of bed the next morning, so you have my sympathies because I know exactly what you're going through.
Well folks I’ve had quite a week.

on Monday I fell and hurt my ribs. It hurt like hell but took a couple of tablets and went to work. Mon, Tues, wed all the same uncomfortable but manageable. However whatever way I tried to get up from the sofa last night it turned into one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced.

phoned GP this morning (they have X-ray facilities) but reception gave me the brush off saying doctors are seeing no one for the past 12 weeks nor for the foreseeable future (someone tell me WTF they are doing whilst earning over 100k per year) so off to hospital we went as worried if broken ribs and punctured lung.

Arrived at A&E but as it was a little difficult when breathing was directed to C19 emergency department (our hospital is one of the main hospitals for this). Given face mask on arrival .Whilst there I had all the C19 tests, heart monitoring tests, blood tests and x ray. All tests done very quickly but a couple of hours waiting for results. Medical staff wonderful however I can’t be quite as complimentary about reception staff.

2 problems. The place had loads of immigrant workers who had been sent for testing by employers (food production factories) because they coughed. No English so lots of shouting and google translation as a last resport. They spent most of the time wandering around various test areas (no effort to stop them) with masks off, or on the wrong way, at the toilet and on their mobiles non stop.

the second was that I had to endure hours of Holly and Phil and then the gobby loose women!

Good news just cracked ribs which should heal in a few weeks and keep taking painkillers.

Oh, bloominell! How are you right now? That sounds like a nightmare experience. Those ****** annoying people wandering round making things unpleasant for everyone else. Makes me so cross. They need to show consideration.

Are you secretly just disappointed you had to watch Holly and Phil instead of your beloved QVC? :p
Good grief LATI you`ve been through the mill and I hope the ribs soon heal and the pain eases quickly.
I recall my Dad telling me he had broken ribs when he was trampled by a horse in Canada. No Doctor or hospital nearby (it was the 1920`s) so the farmer`s wife taped his ribcage with yards and yards of tape until it felt like a straight jacket. Several weeks later when it was time to remove the tape she ripped it off but ripped off lots of his skin and all of his body hair with it.
Thankfully your treatment is painful but far more humane and I wish you well.
Hope you feel better soon LATI. That all sounds horrendous. The doctor wants to speak to us about my mum but they can't give us a time next Monday, and we just have to wait between 9 and 5. They wouldn't come out to see her either. Was just told we're not doing house calls and that is that.
Well folks I’ve had quite a week.

on Monday I fell and hurt my ribs. It hurt like hell but took a couple of tablets and went to work. Mon, Tues, wed all the same uncomfortable but manageable. However whatever way I tried to get up from the sofa last night it turned into one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced.

phoned GP this morning (they have X-ray facilities) but reception gave me the brush off saying doctors are seeing no one for the past 12 weeks nor for the foreseeable future (someone tell me WTF they are doing whilst earning over 100k per year) so off to hospital we went as worried if broken ribs and punctured lung.

Arrived at A&E but as it was a little difficult when breathing was directed to C19 emergency department (our hospital is one of the main hospitals for this). Given face mask on arrival .Whilst there I had all the C19 tests, heart monitoring tests, blood tests and x ray. All tests done very quickly but a couple of hours waiting for results. Medical staff wonderful however I can’t be quite as complimentary about reception staff.

2 problems. The place had loads of immigrant workers who had been sent for testing by employers (food production factories) because they coughed. No English so lots of shouting and google translation as a last resport. They spent most of the time wandering around various test areas (no effort to stop them) with masks off, or on the wrong way, at the toilet and on their mobiles non stop.

the second was that I had to endure hours of Holly and Phil and then the gobby loose women!

Good news just cracked ribs which should heal in a few weeks and keep taking painkillers.
Oh lati know how you are feeling. A couple of years ago I thought it would be a good idea to do a scissor kick. Wrong, I ended up with both feet off the floor,went up in the air and landed on my right side on the corner of a wooden table. I lay there unable to breathe and hubby asked me if I was laughing or crying. After ten minutes I was able to move and he got me off the floor onto the settee. Once he knew I hadn't broken any ribs,I was able to touch them without too much pain,he proceeded to examine the table. I knew he was only kidding, it took nearly a week for the pain to go and I sometimes get the odd twinge. You'd think at 70 I should have had more sense. I an laugh about it now. Hope you soon feel better.

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