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Alter Ego.... Yes I like it. I got the handbag size. Sometimes gel can be a bit fiddly when you are out especially if you tip out too much so I was pleased to have the spray alternative. I got a trio on Amazon.

I cannot believe someone would slag you off on Facebook. If I noticed someone was missing, having been clapping previously, I would just be concerned as to whether they had been taken ill. In fact we did notice a lady opposite was suddenly absent and had seen an ambulance in the road and it turned out she had been taken to hospital for suspected covid but in fact it was something else. She was back the next week so we were all p!eased to see her again. Some people are just spiteful aren't they?
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Thanks, Mazza. Yes, they are. They glare at me if I have the misfortune to catch their eyes - they're massively defensive since lockdown.

I wish I had neighbours like the friends I've met here.

PS So relieved you like and use it.
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I ordered some Alter LOL this forum influences me so much -- I like it but stockpilled too much on other brands so getting through lots but still glad I got it (with a 2.5 l refill)

I'm glad you also like it. I always breathe a sigh of relief when I get good feedback.

I love mine. It's replaced all my cleaning products bar a few specialist items. It's so easy to use with no side effects. I also love that it's eco-friendly and cruelty-free.

Interestingly, I've recently found two products on the Boots website that are made from the same stuff - one is £20 for 750ml and the other a tenner for 250ml (iirc). So glad I found Dew as I probably would have tried those expensive ones.
I had muscle aches and chills yes - the breathlessness was so random, four times I couldn't breath properly and was so close to ringing an ambulance but I got through. For me it was temperature, cough, the aforementioned breathlessness, exhaustion, all of us got loss of taste, my HCA gal got that for 2 weeks too on top of her chronic cough. My after affect was chronic diarrhea, sorry if too much information, had it for over 3 weeks. Being in the slightly vunerable group I was terrified of getting CV but I am now glad I HAD it.

I haven't had a temp or a cough, but had the 3 symptoms I mentioned above (1452), so I don't know if I've had it or not, and far too late for a test.

The muscle aches started in legs and worked their way up, now my shoulders are the worst. It has been quite disabling as very difficult to do much, and I have lost muscle strength. It has taken over 2 months so far, but my legs have improved slightly.

I was shaking with chills for an hour or more at a time, in a room temp of 24 deg!

And I had an itchy rash on my arms.

All these are now known as some of the 17 possible symptoms, the "cough and fever" advice was rubbish. At least they've now added the loss of smell and taste as a "government approved" symptom.

Has anyone else had strange symptoms?
My gloves arrived and they fit, so that is a result.

Mayor Khan is claiming the face covering law is his big success, I gather. His only one then!!!! Thankfully scarves are still included rather than just the surgical ones. Assuming transport staff are prepared to police it, you can be fined for refusing. Funny how no-one enforces social distancing laws when faced with thousands of protesters and sunbathers. But I imagine pensioners on their own on the bus will ge fair game. Sorry, I feel a bit annoyed!

I am also quite annoyed that we have been told not to clap tonight; this is to be an annual event ONLY and the next one is 25/03/21. Apparently the originator (I believe) felt it had become political and patronising. Well bah humbug to that. I was merely being appreciative. Gosh I seem to have got a strop on tonight..... ALcohol!!!!
Our street did the Happy Clappy (as we call it) tonight as usual. We’re nuts down here ! And so lovely.
My neighbour is a jazz musician and plays jazz with the clapping!! I have noticed its getting less and less the clapping. I am angry as my daughter was a NHS Dr for many years and her wages after paying back her uni fees etc were a pittance.

I firmly believe that anyone who works medicine in the NHS should have uni fees credited to them, for every year that's worked as a doctor, nurse etc within the NHS should mean that year's repayment is waived.
That would give the medics an incentive to stay with the NHS and give young people the incentive to study medicine.
There was no clapping in my park last night. I did look out and all quiet so just went back in. We had fireworks every week as well as the clapping.

A friend has Lupus and read she was allowed out then realized it was England the rules had changed but in N.I. she was still meant to stay in.
I used a scarf when going for a walk so I could pull it up over my face when people were coming towards us but the very few times I’ve been to M&S or Tesco I have used a mask. I also take a small hand sanitiser in my bag. I bought my hubby a bandana and he was happy to use that when needed.
Bettyboo I read that you had bought your hubby a BANANA and wondered if the skin had some medicinal properties! Old age is creeping up faster every day.

Look, this woman is not that old and she got confused too!

The three neighbours in our street that come out with their pans are the same ones who are constantly flouting lockdown rules (not to mention many other rules regarding benefits etc.). They also shame the non-clappers on FB as I found out a few days after I'd not clapped as I'd been ill all day. A friend text me to ask if anyone else had mentioned it. I had no idea as I'm not on FB.

It shouldn't bother me what these people thing and I don't really care. I just get really ****** annoyed!

Now they're recommending masks after telling us all they were unnecessary (I suspect just to keep health workers supplied), I wonder how many deaths could have been prevented if we'd ALL worn them from the start? It must help a little bit at least surely?

I'm mightily pissed off that my niece's partner has been unable to get hold of his regular dust masks from Screwfix etc. as they've been kept for NHS. He works in demolition and has been expected to work in dusty areas - some with suspected asbestos - without masks as his boss can't get them. He's been re-using the same one for weeks, carefully cleaning it off and airing it overnight. Apparently lots of people in the building and manufacturing industries that would normally have to wear masks for their health have been going without so it's not just the Care sector.

One last thing before we get back to stockpiling - how are the people who ordered Dew liking it?

These people sound dreadful, & need 'a good swipe of shite'. I hope someone reports them to DWP. We cannot afford to pay benefits to those without need. Shocking!

Regarding asbestos....Mr B is an archaeologist & whenever there is a site with any inkling of asbestos, a specialist team has to come in to remove it & 'safe up' the site before he goes in. Mr B had to do a H & S course on the stuff despite not even touching it in his work because of the above.

Your relly mustn't work on these sites - even dust only sites - without the correct kit. His employer is vicariously liable. It's the law!
Thanks, Mazza. Yes, they are. They glare at me if I have the misfortune to catch their eyes - they're massively defensive since lockdown.

I wish I had neighbours like the friends I've met here.

PS So relieved you like and use it.
I bought a hand made face mask from eBay for no other reason that is is made with cotton fabric that has pictures of dogs doing yoga on it!
It's actually nicely made though and has a pocket where a filter can be inserted.
OOh! Link please?

I'd like something pretty/fun for my Mom & Dad. Fancy spaniels meself....

So I have used the clippers. Oh yes. 🤪 I did the sides too short but hey my hair grows quickly, the back I like not blended very well but it feels so good getting the hair off.

Deciding if I should audition for Peaky Blinders?:unsure:😂

I trimmed Obie last night. Poor darling has one ear longer that the other. Brings a new meaning to our ubiquitous 'spaniel ears'!

Dunno if he should miss his walkies tonight, should his mates laugh at him.
Etsy has vast numbers of handmade washable masks. They seem to range from about £4 to £12 each. I was perusing the web and found a magazine article suggesting best purchases so, having nothing better to do, I had a look at the ones connected with charity. For £25 Baukjen send you a set of 4 adult and 1 child masks, plus an extra set to share with your neighbours (ha!). Also for £25 the Lavender Hill Clothing Company sell a set of three which come in a cotton storage bag and for every set sold they donate a set to a Community organisation in Battersea. So I may have made a certain purchase....... well I'm not getting the Gatineau TSV after all. 😷

When I am just out shopping, to do which I go by bus, I just wear a scarf and pull it over my mouth and nose when near people who cannot be trusted to stay apart! But this can be a bit of a pain to keep in place so I will probably use masks when doing other things. I imagine face coverings could become compulsory for theatres etc and I wouldn't fancy being swathed in a scarf there.

I'm probably buying some of these things unnecessarily!
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